Syrians Cynically sacrifice 20 Non-citizen Palestinians

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
Obvious Provocation/Distraction attempt by Syria.. the anti-Israelers/anti-semites are in heaven at Syrian Sacrifice of it's Non-Citizen Palestinians.
Bussed em in, didn't exercise usual border control for the first time in 40 years.

Israeli troops battle protesters in Syria, 20 dead
By DANIELLA CHESLOW Associated Press
June 5, 2011, 7:34PM
Israeli troops battle protesters in Syria, 20 dead | Top AP Stories | - Houston Chronicle

MAJDAL SHAMS, Golan Heights — Israeli troops on Sunday battled hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters who tried to burst across Syria's frontier with the Golan Heights,
killing a reported 20 people and wounding scores more in the second outbreak of deadly violence in the border area in less than a month.

The clashes, marking the anniversary of the Arab defeat in the 1967 Mideast war, drew Israeli accusations that
Syria was Orchestrating the violence to shift attention away from a bloody crackdown on opposition protests at Home.
The marchers, who had organized on Facebook, passed by Syrian and U.N. outposts on their way to the front lines.

"The Syrian government is trying to create a provocation," said Israel's chief military spokesman, Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai.
"This border has been Quiet for Decades, but only now with all the unrest in Syrian towns is there an attempt to draw attention to the border."

Human rights groups say President Bashar Assad's forces killed at least 25 people in northern Syria over the weekend, and another 65 activists were killed in the central city of Hama on Friday,

as anti-government protests spread through the country demanding his resignation.
There was no Syrian comment on why the protesters were allowed to Storm the border, apparently undisturbed by authorities.
But Syria's state-run media portrayed the event as a spontaneous uprising of Palestinian youths from a nearby refugee camp.
After nightfall Sunday, Syria's state TV said there would be an open-ended sit-in at the border, and thousands more protesters were on their way.

The protests began around 11 a.m. with what appeared to be several dozen youths, Brought in on Buses. It gained strength through the day.
By evening, the crowd had swelled to more than 1,000 people, who milled about, prayed and chanted slogans in an uneasy standoff with Israeli troops in the distance.
The army bolstered its positions, posting a dozen armored vehicles and jeeps along the border road.

A small group of youths managed to Cut through a recently fortified coil of barbed-wire and took up positions in a trench inside a buffer zone about 20 yards (meters) from a Final border fence.
Israeli troops periodically opened fire at young activists jumping into the ditch, sending puffs of soil flying into the air.

As the standoff stretched into the evening, Israeli forces fired heavy barrages of Tear Gas to break up the crowds.
Hundreds of people fled the area in panic, while some 20 people laying on the ground received treatment. It was not immediately clear whether the crowd would return to the front lines.
At nightfall, crowds of people fell to the ground in Muslim prayer, and several small groups lit bonfires, indicating the standoff would continue.

Israel had promised a tough response after being caught off guard in last month's demonstrations, when troops killed more than a dozen people in clashes along the Syrian and Lebanese borders. In Syria, hundreds of unarmed protesters managed to breach the border and entered the Israel-controlled Golan for several hours.".."
Have either alexa or Tinhead posted on the well more than a Thousand deaths of Syrians at the hands of Assad?
This was an obvious but deadly PR STUNT, for the likes of the Predisposed 'Clocksetter' bigots.
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Kinda like how the civil rights movement sacrifices a couple of jewish boys who found themselves out of place in the deep south, eh?

oh wait.. THAT is different somehow.
Kinda like how the civil rights movement sacrifices a couple of jewish boys who found themselves out of place in the deep south, eh?

oh wait.. THAT is different somehow.
Not at all.
The Syrians were trying to Distract from their domestic Butchery by taunting the old standard arab go-to demon.
A manufactured provocation.

Completely Different than what happened in the Civil Rights movement which wasn't a diversion attempt.. but the main point.
Got it now Klan guy?

(Oh and because you have the uncontrollable urge to Jew Bait-- you got this back to the top.
THANKS! You my woman)
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Mr. Tinmore and Mr. Shogun, do your hearts bleed as much for the Syrian Arabs who are killed by their own gov't (120 today), as they do for Palestinian Arabs? And do you find it even remotely coincidental that Palestinians in Syria suddenly have this tremendous desire to return to Israel at exactly the same time that there's a revolt in Syria--and after the Syrian-Israeli border has been quiet for so many years?
Refugees fleeing Syrian oppression shot by israeli troops?
Nice attempt by the Syrian government to switch the attention to Israel. Do the Arabs really want Israel gone? hell without the Jews they would have to take responsibility for their own actions for once.
Kinda like how the civil rights movement sacrifices a couple of jewish boys who found themselves out of place in the deep south, eh?

oh wait.. THAT is different somehow.

How is that the same thing? the civil rights movement sent those boys to be killed?
IDF prepared for renewal of activity on Syrian... JPost - Defense

"...The Army said that at least eight protesters who died in Naksa Day border clashes were killed by land mines that exploded on the Syrian side of the border, after the rioters threw gasoline bombs, which exploded in a field, starting a fire that then set off the mines.

An IDF official said that it was clear the Syrian government gave the green light for the protesters to move toward the border, and contrasted this with the situation on Sunday in Lebanon, where the border was quiet.

“One can only suppose that there was a decision taken in Syria to exploit the situation to change the subject from what is going on inside Syria,” the official said. The official also asked whether the Palestinians feel comfortable “being used as a propaganda tool by an authoritative government butchering its own people.”

On Sunday, protesters massed at the border without interference from Syrian troops, in what the IDF described as a provocation by President Basher Assad that was designed to distract world attention away from the ongoing slaughter of protesters in Syria by Assad’s troops.

The Reform Syria opposition website said on Sunday that the “Naksa” protesters were poor farmers who were paid $1,000 by the Syrian regime to come to the border. The source also claimed that Syria has promised $10,000 to the families of anyone killed."..."
Mr. Tinmore and Mr. Shogun, do your hearts bleed as much for the Syrian Arabs who are killed by their own gov't (120 today), as they do for Palestinian Arabs? And do you find it even remotely coincidental that Palestinians in Syria suddenly have this tremendous desire to return to Israel at exactly the same time that there's a revolt in Syria--and after the Syrian-Israeli border has been quiet for so many years?

Please answer, Mr. Tinmore, this direct question.
Mr. Tinmore and Mr. Shogun, do your hearts bleed as much for the Syrian Arabs who are killed by their own gov't (120 today), as they do for Palestinian Arabs? And do you find it even remotely coincidental that Palestinians in Syria suddenly have this tremendous desire to return to Israel at exactly the same time that there's a revolt in Syria--and after the Syrian-Israeli border has been quiet for so many years?

Please answer, Mr. Tinmore, this direct question.
Tinhead is a Spamming propagandist. That's as far as it goes.
Literally a Tin man.
He just bumped up a few more of his anti-Israel strings to cover this and avoid answering.
He has No ability to discuss or debate- just Spam up another Palestine-info or ElectronicCacca.
He's a propagandizing/Spamming joke. A Caricature of a poster.

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Mr. Tinmore and Mr. Shogun, do your hearts bleed as much for the Syrian Arabs who are killed by their own gov't (120 today), as they do for Palestinian Arabs? And do you find it even remotely coincidental that Palestinians in Syria suddenly have this tremendous desire to return to Israel at exactly the same time that there's a revolt in Syria--and after the Syrian-Israeli border has been quiet for so many years?

Please answer, Mr. Tinmore, this direct question.

I am not sure how much influence Syria has. There were similar protests in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, the West Bank, and Gaza.

I think it has more to do with the realization that they will get nothing out or the fake peace process and the general uprising in the region.
Breaches of international law lay behind unrest on Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights
Many media reports of the confrontations on the Golan Heights on 5 June did not accurately represent the background to the protests. The Guardian reported on 6 June that the clashes occurred "on the Syrian border" and their analysts referred to "deliberate antagonism of Israel by the Syrian regime". On the same day a report on BBC's "Today" programme referred to "a disputed border" before stating that Syria "had lost the Golan Heights to Israel". A review of the history and current status of the area, therefore, appears required reading for some foreign correspondents.

The Syrian Golan Heights (as the UN refers to the region) was recognized as Syrian sovereign territory by an Armistice Agreement signed between Israel and Syria under UN auspices in 1949. Because of its rich volcanic soils and water resources, the Golan has long been coveted by Zionists. Attempts were made starting in 1891 to buy land there, and Zionist President Chaim Weizmann wrote to British Prime Minister Lloyd George in 1919 expressing designs for the region to form part of the Jewish National Home in Palestine. (Dr Weizmann wrote to oppose the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 by which Britain and France had agreed the carve up of the Ottoman Empire after the World War I. These imperial designs interfered with Zionist schemes for the Levant.)
Breaches of international law lay behind unrest on Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights | Sabbah Report

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