Does Either Alvin Bragg or Juan Merchan Have a Shred of Decency?

Not even close. Cohen is a piece of crap but even a piece of crap may have a message. You keep trying to change the fact that tRump (the t is silent) is a sick, insane, power hungry, dictator wannabe that we stopped before and are living with some of his power grab things right now. It's going to take years to get things back to the center. And if ANYONE else were to do what tRump has done to destroy our Country, I would suggest a firing squad for treason.
LOL...Oh, so you on the left are trying to "get things back to the center"? Seriously?

You on the left have pushed a "progressive" agenda that has failed epically. You're not running on that agenda because you CAN'T! Instead you're running on some bullshit narrative about Trump being a "sick, insane, power hungry, dictator"! Sorry but I don't think the electorate is going to fall for that again.
All should go to a jury. The defense hit some hits in the questioning today but Cohen is still ahead on creditability. Pending no null jury homer, Monday's cross will make the difference.
Oh my god...did you just claim that Cohen is "ahead" on credibility? Have you even been listening to what's going on in that courtroom? He's getting his ass handed to him.
As I said a few months back, when Bragg calls Michael Cohen as a witness, he will be suborning perjury.

And no doubt that judge Merchan was fully aware of Cohen's lies, yet permitted calling him as a witness. Thus permitting the suborning of perjury in his courtroom.

Did either expect anything different? How could they have?

It is within a judge’s authority to declare a witness so inherently unreliable that no reasonable juror could accept as true beyond a reasonable doubt any testimony offered by that witness.
If that witness is the only source of evidence on one or more elements of the offense, such a finding would lead to a directed verdict of acquittal.

Joe xiden lost all decencies , when he took inappropriate showers with his daughter

The rest of tou when you voted for jim
Not even close. Cohen is a piece of crap but even a piece of crap may have a message. You keep trying to change the fact that tRump (the t is silent) is a sick, insane, power hungry, dictator wannabe that we stopped before and are living with some of his power grab things right now. It's going to take years to get things back to the center. And if ANYONE else were to do what tRump has done to destroy our Country, I would suggest a firing squad for treason.
Trump was President for 4 years. He was not a dictator like Joe.
LOL...Oh, so you on the left are trying to "get things back to the center"? Seriously?

Hate to break it to you but I am not a leftie. I am an old style Republican who wants you cray crays to just go back under those rocks from whence you came.

You on the left have pushed a "progressive" agenda that has failed epically. You're not running on that agenda because you CAN'T! Instead you're running on some bullshit narrative about Trump being a "sick, insane, power hungry, dictator"! Sorry but I don't think the electorate is going to fall for that again.

My agenda is to get a working GOP again. And it won't happen as long as it's controlled you MAGAts.
Truth over lies and condemnations no matter the view is reality.

Reality with tRump (the t is silent)? When the history books are written about this, when dealing with tRump, they won't know how to start the books with anything other than "Once Upon a Time" or "This is no shit"
Hate to break it to you but I am not a leftie. I am an old style Republican who wants you cray crays to just go back under those rocks from whence you came.

My agenda is to get a working GOP again. And it won't happen as long as it's controlled you MAGAts.
I"m "cray cray" because I like Trump's policies? I hate to break this to YOU, Vrenn but I think you're crazy if you're so hung up on Trump's personality that you can't see that he did a good job as President! The country (and the world in general!) can't take another four years of Joe Biden. The man's decisions have consequences and they're usually very bad but what's scary about Biden is he never seems to learn from his mistakes. When his policies don't work he doubles down on them...all the while lying and saying that they ARE working!
When the judge and the AG have no integrity along with a deep-seated hatred for the defendant they are prosecuting, you can't expect a fair trial. The same can be said about the moderators of the upcoming debates. Oxymoron of the day: fair Democrat. MAGA
LOL...Oh, so you on the left are trying to "get things back to the center"? Seriously?

No, those of that are on the right as in real conservatives and old style GOP before you John Birch Society cray crays hijacked the party.

You on the left have pushed a "progressive" agenda that has failed epically. You're not running on that agenda because you CAN'T! Instead you're running on some bullshit narrative about Trump being a "sick, insane, power hungry, dictator"! Sorry but I don't think the electorate is going to fall for that again.

Let's hope that the EC doesn't fall for the con job. Running a revenge campaign and proving that he will destroy everything if he doesn't get his way.
When the judge and the AG have no integrity along with a deep-seated hatred for the defendant they are prosecuting, you can't expect a fair trial. The same can be said about the moderators of the upcoming debates. Oxymoron of the day: fair Democrat. MAGA

So it's all fixed. Then if it's all fixed then we need to shut it all down and replace it with something better. The problem is, there really isn't anything better than our Constitution. So, maybe, we should get you out of the GOP and let us real conservatives go back to work.
Reality with tRump (the t is silent)? When the history books are written about this, when dealing with tRump, they won't know how to start the books with anything other than "Once Upon a Time" or "This is no shit"
Reality in prog areas. You accept crime on citizens. Destruction of areas that do not need it. Now African Americans in many inner-city areas will travel further for supermarket products and medicines. You will not though.
Reality in prog areas. You accept crime on citizens. Destruction of areas that do not need it. Now African Americans in many inner-city areas will travel further for supermarket products and medicines. You will not though.

I do? Damned, I must have been brainiaced last night while I sleep. You see, I know that those things you claim are happening but I know why. And know what it's going to take to fix it. You just want someone to blame and let it continue unchecked. You make a lousy victim.

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