Syria: Terrorists commit massacre in al-Zara town in Hama countryside


Nov 14, 2012
Western backed terrorists infiltrated the town, abducted women and children and massacred men.

"Hama, SANA- Terrorist groups committed a massacre against the locals of al-Zara town in the southern countryside of Hama province on Thursday.

A source at Hama police Command said that “terrorist groups infiltrated into al-Zara town and committed a massacre against its locals, as
they abducted a number of children and women”.

The source added that the terrorists destroyed and stole the locals’ properties and houses.

Cabinet strongly condemns terrorist massacre in al-Zara town, Hama Countryside

The Cabinet strongly condemned the obnoxious massacre in al-Zara town and the acts of vandalism the terrorists committed against the locals of the town and their properties.

In a press statement, Prime Minister Wael al-Halaqi said that the terrorist massacre is “a heinous crime against the whole world.”

Al-Halaqi added that the international community must stand by Syria in fighting terrorism and should take immediate steps to prevent the countries which support terrorism from supplying terrorists with arms and money, on top Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

He indicated that the coward terrorist massacre, which comes in line with the escalation of the fierce media campaign to undermine the Syrian state and it national economy, is a desperate attempt to raise the morals of the terrorist organizations.

Al-Halaqi reiterated confidence that the Syrian people will overcome terrorism thanks to the heroism of the Syrian army and the support provided by Syria’s friends, affirming that the “terrorist acts will not prevent the Syrians from continuing the process of reconstruction,” wishing speedy recovery for the injured.

He called upon Hama Governorate to mobilize all the capabilities of the health sector and the bodies concerned to help the locals of al-Zara town, extending condolences to the families of the martyrs."

Terrorists commit massacre in al-Zara town in Hama countryside, Cabinet condemns atrocity – Syrian Arab News Agency
It seems that the opposition forces have planes and do airstrike against civilians!
It seems that the opposition forces have planes and do airstrike against civilians!
Here is that filthy scum you hypocrite support! They are the lowest scum on earth flocked together in Syria to fulfill the western agenda to divide the region into small and weak "states".


Syrian opposition forces massacre, kidnap 120 civilians in southern Hama

"Damascus, SANA- A number of the locals of al-Zara town in the southern countryside of Hama who survived the massacre committed by terrorist groups against the locals of the town on Thursday at dawn said members of those terrorist groups attacked the town and killed children and women in homes and roads.

Speaking to the Syrian TV, one of the survivors said that the armed terrorist groups infiltrated into the town at dawn while its people were sleeping, raided homes and killed children, women and elderly in a brutal manner, adding that terrorists killed his mother and his aunt, kidnapped his uncle and killed his sons.

He pointed out that the terrorists were using PKC machine guns, laser sniper rifles and RPG shells which they fired at houses before they broke into them and killed families.

Another survivor said that around ten families are lost, indicating that the terrorists killed some of the abducted persons on the spot, while another survivor said that the terrorist groups had flattened houses in the town.

The survivors confirmed that they contacted members of the Syrian Arab Army to rescue the injured and to evacuate them to safe areas.

On Thursday, terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra and other armed affiliated to it infiltrated into al-Zara town and committed a massacre against its locals and abducted a number of children and women, destroyed and stole the locals’ properties and houses."

Survivors of al-Zara massacre: Terrorists killed children and women in homes and roads – Syrian Arab News Agency
Update 3-The army kills over 125 terrorists in Hama, breaks seige on al-Zara power plant


"Provinces, SANA- The army foiled on Saturday an attack by terrorist organizations on many military posts in Hama countryside, killing large number of them.


125 terrorists at least were killed from the terrorist organizations of “Jabhat al-Nusra” and “Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement” and a number of their machinegun-equipped vehicles were destroyed in the southern and northern countryside of Hama central province.

A military source told SANA that units of the army and the armed forces broke the siege imposed on al-Zara power plant in a special operation, forcing the terrorist groups which are affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement to withdraw to Harbanafseh town in the southern countryside.

The source added that units of the army established control over all the important positions to the north and the east of the town after killing about 100 terrorists and destroying 10 of their machinegun-equipped vehicles.

In the northern countryside, units of the army, backed by the Syrian army’s air force and artillery, foiled an attack launched by terrorist groups affiliated to “Jabhat al-Nusra” and “Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement” on military posts on Ma’an-Tal Bazam axis.

25 terrorists were killed and scores were injured and 6 vehicles equipped with Dushka machineguns were destroyed.

Among the killed terrorists was a field commander at Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist Samir al-Asmar.


Meanwhile, the Syrian Air Force destroyed ISIS terrorists’ positions in al-Shaer field, to the east of Jazal field and Um al-Tababeer area in the eastern countryside of Homs.

Heavy losses were inflicted upon terrorists in personnel and equipment.


In the southern Daraa province, an army unit destroyed in an operation in al-Arbaeen neighborhood in Daraa al-Balad area a command center of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization.

A number of terrorists at the center were killed in the operation.

Deir Ezzor

The Syrian army’s air force launched intensive airstrikes on gatherings and positions of ISIS terrorist organization to the southwest of Deir Ezzor city.

The military source told SANA that several of terrorists were killed or injured in the strikes and a number of their machinegun-equipped vehicles were destroyed, in addition to the destruction of a number of positions including amounts of arms and ammunition.

In a relevant context, SANA reporter said an army unit destroyed a car bomb driven by an ISIS suicide bomber
in the vicinity of Panorama area, southwest of Deir Ezzor city.

Meanwhile, the terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media pages that the so-called “Commander of the Western Sector in Deir Ezzor city” within ISIS who is nicknamed Abu Khadija al-Masri was killed in the vicinity of al-Tharda Mountain in the southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor.

Al-Masri also served as the “Chief Official of ISIS” in Deir Ezzor."

Update 3-The army kills over 125 terrorists in Hama, breaks seige on al-Zara power plant – Syrian Arab News Agency
It seems that the opposition forces have planes and do airstrike against civilians!
Here is that filthy scum you hypocrite support! They are the lowest scum on earth flocked together in Syria to fulfill the western agenda to divide the region into small and weak "states".


Syrian opposition forces massacre, kidnap 120 civilians in southern Hama

Those are shabiha killers, the opposition don't do massacres.
Not all of them, maybe. Nevertheless, they are fighting by their side.

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