Syria: Golan to return to motherland at any cost

Anti Israel types live in bizarre fantasy worlds totally different from the real world

Every bodrer is established by broken skulls. Israel got that border by breaking syrian skulls. It is the border. Deal
Nope. Israel got that when a Syrian offensive was due to finally beat the IDF and the UN moved in to rescue Israel from utter defeat.

I do not remember UN troops on the border between Israel and Syria during the 1973
war-----gotta link?
Of course, you can rely on www.heil-heil-zion-crushing-skulls.lebensraum but wikipedia tells another story:

Northern front de-escalation

"The Syrians prepared for a massive counteroffensive to drive Israeli forces out of Syria, scheduled for October 23. A total of five Syrian divisions were to take part, alongside the Iraqi and Jordanian expeditionary forces. The Soviets had replaced most of the losses Syria's tank forces had suffered during the first weeks of the war.

However, the day before the offensive was to begin, the United Nations imposed its ceasefire (following the acquiescence of both Israel and Egypt). Abraham Rabinovich claimed that "The acceptance by Egypt of the cease-fire on Monday [October 22] created a major dilemma for Assad. The cease-fire did not bind him, but its implications could not be ignored. Some on the Syrian General Staff favored going ahead with the attack, arguing that if it did so Egypt would feel obliged to continue fighting as well.... Others, however, argued that continuation of the war would legitimize Israel's efforts to destroy the Egyptian Third Army. In that case, Egypt would not come to Syria's assistance when Israel turned its full might northward, destroying Syria's infrastructure and perhaps attacking Damascus".

Ultimately, Syrian President Hafez al-Assad decided to cancel the offensive. On October 23, the day the offensive was to begin, Syria announced that it had accepted the ceasefire, and ordered its troops to cease fire, while the Iraqi government ordered its forces home."

Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And you trust Wikipedia......... A "user contributed" source that all accredited colleges and universities in the US will not allow as a legitimate reference source by their students because the content is suspect.
Maybe you are right and I should rather trust that bunch of 200 dB wannabe Hasbara cheerleaders that could not even find Israel on a world map :thup:

Seriously, if something is wrong about the depiction in wikipedia, why don´t you bring in an alternative source?
Not even a good deflection. Wanna try again?
Anti Israel types live in bizarre fantasy worlds totally different from the real world

Every bodrer is established by broken skulls. Israel got that border by breaking syrian skulls. It is the border. Deal
Nope. Israel got that when a Syrian offensive was due to finally beat the IDF and the UN moved in to rescue Israel from utter defeat.

I do not remember UN troops on the border between Israel and Syria during the 1973
war-----gotta link?
Of course, you can rely on www.heil-heil-zion-crushing-skulls.lebensraum but wikipedia tells another story:

Northern front de-escalation

"The Syrians prepared for a massive counteroffensive to drive Israeli forces out of Syria, scheduled for October 23. A total of five Syrian divisions were to take part, alongside the Iraqi and Jordanian expeditionary forces. The Soviets had replaced most of the losses Syria's tank forces had suffered during the first weeks of the war.

However, the day before the offensive was to begin, the United Nations imposed its ceasefire (following the acquiescence of both Israel and Egypt). Abraham Rabinovich claimed that "The acceptance by Egypt of the cease-fire on Monday [October 22] created a major dilemma for Assad. The cease-fire did not bind him, but its implications could not be ignored. Some on the Syrian General Staff favored going ahead with the attack, arguing that if it did so Egypt would feel obliged to continue fighting as well.... Others, however, argued that continuation of the war would legitimize Israel's efforts to destroy the Egyptian Third Army. In that case, Egypt would not come to Syria's assistance when Israel turned its full might northward, destroying Syria's infrastructure and perhaps attacking Damascus".

Ultimately, Syrian President Hafez al-Assad decided to cancel the offensive. On October 23, the day the offensive was to begin, Syria announced that it had accepted the ceasefire, and ordered its troops to cease fire, while the Iraqi government ordered its forces home."

Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The paragraph ahead of your contribution reads:

On October 11, Israeli forces pushed into Syria and advanced towards Damascus along the Quneitra-Damascus road until October 14, encountering stiff resistance by Syrian reservists in prepared defenses. Three Israeli divisions broke the first and second defensive lines near Sasa, and conquered a further 50 square kilometres of territory in the Bashan salient. From there, they were able to shell the outskirts of Damascus, only 40 km away, using M107 heavy artillery.

On October 12, Israeli paratroopers from the elite Sayeret Tzanhanim reconnaissance unit launched Operation Gown, infiltrating deep into Syria and destroying a bridge in the tri-border area of Syria, Iraq, and Jordan. The operation disrupted the flow of weapons and troops to Syria. During the operation, the paratroopers destroyed a number of tank transports and killed several Syrian soldiers. There were no Israeli casualties.[241]

As the Syrian position deteriorated, Jordan sent an expeditionary force into Syria. King Hussein, who had come under intense pressure to enter the war, told Israel of his intentions through U.S. intermediaries, in the hope that Israel would accept that this was not a casus bellijustifying an attack on Jordan. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan declined to offer any such assurance, but said that Israel had no intention of opening another front.[242] Iraq also sent an expeditionary force to Syria, consisting of the 3rd and 6th Armoured Divisions, some 30,000 men, 250–500 tanks, and 700 APCs.[33][243][244] Israeli jets attacked Iraqi forces as they arrived in Syria.[245]

The Iraqi divisions were a strategic surprise for the IDF, which had expected 24-hour-plus advance intelligence of such moves. This turned into an operational surprise, as the Iraqis attacked the exposed southern flank of the advancing Israeli armor, forcing its advance units to retreat a few kilometres in order to prevent encirclement. Combined Syrian, Iraqi and Jordanian counterattacks prevented any further Israeli gains. However, they were unable to push the Israelis back from the Bashan salient, and suffered heavy losses in their engagements with the Israelis. The most effective attack took place on October 20, though Arab forces lost 120 tanks in that engagement.[245]

The Syrian Air Force attacked Israeli columns, but its operations were highly limited due to Israeli air superiority, and it suffered heavy losses in dogfights with Israeli jets. On October 23, a large air battle took place near Damascus during which the Israelis shot down 10 Syrian aircraft. The Syrians claimed a similar toll against Israel.[246] The IDF also destroyed the Syrian missile defense system. The Israeli Air Force utilized its air superiority to attack strategic targets throughout Syria, including important power plants, petrol supplies, bridges and main roads. The strikes weakened the Syrian war effort, disrupted Soviet efforts to airlift military equipment into Syria, and disrupted normal life inside the country.[247]

On October 22, the Golani Brigade and Sayeret Matkal commandos recaptured the outpost on Mount Hermon, after a hard-fought battle that involved hand-to-hand combat and Syrian sniper attacks. An unsuccessful attack two weeks prior had cost the Israelis 23 dead and 55 wounded and the Syrians 29 dead and 11 wounded, while this second attack cost Israel an additional 55 dead and 79 wounded.[248] An unknown number of Syrians were also killed and some were taken prisoner. An IDF D9 bulldozer supported by infantry forced its way to the peak. An Israeli paratroop force, landing by helicopter took the corresponding Syrian Hermon outposts on the mountain, killing more than a dozen Syrians while losing one dead and four wounded. Seven Syrian MiGs and two Syrian helicopters carrying reinforcements were shot down as they attempted to intercede.

The paragraph after it reads on the Syrian front

The Israeli Army advanced to a 40 km distance from Damascus[21] from where they were able to shell the outskirts of Damascus using M107 heavy artillery.

It doesn't support your contention at all
PressTV-Golan to return to motherland at any cost

I hope it is sooner than later! Israel and the US must be PISSED that Russia and Iran got in on the side of Syria to defeat the Israeli/US armed,trained,funded terrorist group ISIS and are pretty close to defeating them. What I find odd here is this

Noting that the occupied region belongs to Syria according to international law, Mekdad stressed that the Arab Syrian Golan Heights will be taken back from the Israelis.

Syria since its Israhells neighbor should know better than most countries that Israel thinks its above ANY law even their own at times...Israhell doesn't care about international law so the heights will have to be taken back by force....hopefully with a US more worried about what is going on HERE under President Trump Iran,Syria,Lebanon,Hamas and Hezbollah can finally end the reign of terror Israel has brought to the ME.
Uh, ya missed a little cum on the side of your mouth. Yeah, right there. I'm sure if you asked Mohammed would glad to service you again. :thup:
Funny how the Odorous Muslim poses as white supremacist using terms like "motherland". Ha ha. Ignorant idiot doesn't even know that most of these Arab countries including Syria were formed and named after WWI when the Ottoman Empire collapsed.
Syria and lebanon were part of French empire until 1945. The golan was part of Syria 22 years. Since then, for 49 years, it has been part of Israel. It has been part of Israel more than twice as long as it has been part of Syria. I think fatherland of Golan is Israel, rather than Syria.

And since Syria has not existed as a country for the last 4 years, even if it were part of greater syria, that is no longer there
Anti Israel types live in bizarre fantasy worlds totally different from the real world

Every bodrer is established by broken skulls. Israel got that border by breaking syrian skulls. It is the border. Deal
Nope. Israel got that when a Syrian offensive was due to finally beat the IDF and the UN moved in to rescue Israel from utter defeat.

I do not remember UN troops on the border between Israel and Syria during the 1973
war-----gotta link?
Of course, you can rely on www.heil-heil-zion-crushing-skulls.lebensraum but wikipedia tells another story:

Northern front de-escalation

"The Syrians prepared for a massive counteroffensive to drive Israeli forces out of Syria, scheduled for October 23. A total of five Syrian divisions were to take part, alongside the Iraqi and Jordanian expeditionary forces. The Soviets had replaced most of the losses Syria's tank forces had suffered during the first weeks of the war.

However, the day before the offensive was to begin, the United Nations imposed its ceasefire (following the acquiescence of both Israel and Egypt). Abraham Rabinovich claimed that "The acceptance by Egypt of the cease-fire on Monday [October 22] created a major dilemma for Assad. The cease-fire did not bind him, but its implications could not be ignored. Some on the Syrian General Staff favored going ahead with the attack, arguing that if it did so Egypt would feel obliged to continue fighting as well.... Others, however, argued that continuation of the war would legitimize Israel's efforts to destroy the Egyptian Third Army. In that case, Egypt would not come to Syria's assistance when Israel turned its full might northward, destroying Syria's infrastructure and perhaps attacking Damascus".

Ultimately, Syrian President Hafez al-Assad decided to cancel the offensive. On October 23, the day the offensive was to begin, Syria announced that it had accepted the ceasefire, and ordered its troops to cease fire, while the Iraqi government ordered its forces home."

Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The paragraph ahead of your contribution reads:

On October 11, Israeli forces pushed into Syria and advanced towards Damascus along the Quneitra-Damascus road until October 14, encountering stiff resistance by Syrian reservists in prepared defenses. Three Israeli divisions broke the first and second defensive lines near Sasa, and conquered a further 50 square kilometres of territory in the Bashan salient. From there, they were able to shell the outskirts of Damascus, only 40 km away, using M107 heavy artillery.

On October 12, Israeli paratroopers from the elite Sayeret Tzanhanim reconnaissance unit launched Operation Gown, infiltrating deep into Syria and destroying a bridge in the tri-border area of Syria, Iraq, and Jordan. The operation disrupted the flow of weapons and troops to Syria. During the operation, the paratroopers destroyed a number of tank transports and killed several Syrian soldiers. There were no Israeli casualties.[241]

As the Syrian position deteriorated, Jordan sent an expeditionary force into Syria. King Hussein, who had come under intense pressure to enter the war, told Israel of his intentions through U.S. intermediaries, in the hope that Israel would accept that this was not a casus bellijustifying an attack on Jordan. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan declined to offer any such assurance, but said that Israel had no intention of opening another front.[242] Iraq also sent an expeditionary force to Syria, consisting of the 3rd and 6th Armoured Divisions, some 30,000 men, 250–500 tanks, and 700 APCs.[33][243][244] Israeli jets attacked Iraqi forces as they arrived in Syria.[245]

The Iraqi divisions were a strategic surprise for the IDF, which had expected 24-hour-plus advance intelligence of such moves. This turned into an operational surprise, as the Iraqis attacked the exposed southern flank of the advancing Israeli armor, forcing its advance units to retreat a few kilometres in order to prevent encirclement. Combined Syrian, Iraqi and Jordanian counterattacks prevented any further Israeli gains. However, they were unable to push the Israelis back from the Bashan salient, and suffered heavy losses in their engagements with the Israelis. The most effective attack took place on October 20, though Arab forces lost 120 tanks in that engagement.[245]

The Syrian Air Force attacked Israeli columns, but its operations were highly limited due to Israeli air superiority, and it suffered heavy losses in dogfights with Israeli jets. On October 23, a large air battle took place near Damascus during which the Israelis shot down 10 Syrian aircraft. The Syrians claimed a similar toll against Israel.[246] The IDF also destroyed the Syrian missile defense system. The Israeli Air Force utilized its air superiority to attack strategic targets throughout Syria, including important power plants, petrol supplies, bridges and main roads. The strikes weakened the Syrian war effort, disrupted Soviet efforts to airlift military equipment into Syria, and disrupted normal life inside the country.[247]

On October 22, the Golani Brigade and Sayeret Matkal commandos recaptured the outpost on Mount Hermon, after a hard-fought battle that involved hand-to-hand combat and Syrian sniper attacks. An unsuccessful attack two weeks prior had cost the Israelis 23 dead and 55 wounded and the Syrians 29 dead and 11 wounded, while this second attack cost Israel an additional 55 dead and 79 wounded.[248] An unknown number of Syrians were also killed and some were taken prisoner. An IDF D9 bulldozer supported by infantry forced its way to the peak. An Israeli paratroop force, landing by helicopter took the corresponding Syrian Hermon outposts on the mountain, killing more than a dozen Syrians while losing one dead and four wounded. Seven Syrian MiGs and two Syrian helicopters carrying reinforcements were shot down as they attempted to intercede.

The paragraph after it reads on the Syrian front

The Israeli Army advanced to a 40 km distance from Damascus[21] from where they were able to shell the outskirts of Damascus using M107 heavy artillery.

It doesn't support your contention at all
You cannot cancel citing the article and expect us to think it is over.
Syria and lebanon were part of French empire until 1945. The golan was part of Syria 22 years. Since then, for 49 years, it has been part of Israel. It has been part of Israel more than twice as long as it has been part of Syria. I think fatherland of Golan is Israel, rather than Syria.

And since Syria has not existed as a country for the last 4 years, even if it were part of greater syria, that is no longer there
It is not part of Israel but of Syria.
The United States and Germany reject Netanyahu´s claim that the Golan Heights are part of Israel

"“This position was maintained by both Democratic and Republican administrations. Those territories are not part of Israel and the status of those territories should be determined through negotiations. The current situation in Syria does not allow this.”
According to the Haaretz, one of the few U.S. politicians to back Netanyahu’s comments was U.S. Presidential candidate, Ted Cruz."

U.S. rejects Netanyahu's claims: "Golan Heights are not part of Israel" | Al-Masdar News
I support Ted Cruz on this.

Again. The Golan was Syran only 20 years. It has been Israeli 50 years. Israel has a better claim to it.

Israel has farmed it. All Syria planted were mines and barbed wire
I support Ted Cruz on this.

Again. The Golan was Syran only 20 years. It has been Israeli 50 years. Israel has a better claim to it.

Israel has farmed it. All Syria planted were mines and barbed wire
Nope to all of your claims. The people of Golan are Syrians and raise the Syria flag.
And according to your view, occupation is a legal tool to gain soil which is it not.
I support Ted Cruz on this.

Again. The Golan was Syran only 20 years. It has been Israeli 50 years. Israel has a better claim to it.

Israel has farmed it. All Syria planted were mines and barbed wire
Nope to all of your claims. The people of Golan are Syrians and raise the Syria flag.
And according to your view, occupation is a legal tool to gain soil which is it not.
Fortunes of war...
I support Ted Cruz on this.

Again. The Golan was Syran only 20 years. It has been Israeli 50 years. Israel has a better claim to it.

Israel has farmed it. All Syria planted were mines and barbed wire
Nope to all of your claims. The people of Golan are Syrians and raise the Syria flag.
And according to your view, occupation is a legal tool to gain soil which is it not.
Fortunes of war...
Sure, but we have rules. Israel must hand out the Golan Heights.
The Israeli government is apparently not interested in durable peace or in peace at all.
I support Ted Cruz on this.

Again. The Golan was Syran only 20 years. It has been Israeli 50 years. Israel has a better claim to it.

Israel has farmed it. All Syria planted were mines and barbed wire
Nope to all of your claims. The people of Golan are Syrians and raise the Syria flag.
And according to your view, occupation is a legal tool to gain soil which is it not.
Fortunes of war...
Sure, but we have rules. Israel must hand out the Golan Heights.
The Israeli government is apparently not interested in durable peace or in peace at all.

Arabs start wars and lose, they should lose territory.
When your terrorist buddies in Gaza launch a rocket, the Israelis should take a square mile of Gazan territory.
Launch 2 rockets, lose 2 square miles.

Pretty soon the people will either stop the rockets, or they'll all be sitting in the final square mile of Arab Gaza.
Just what is Syria's claim to the golan? They stole it from someone.

Before it was Syria it was French. before it was the French, it was the Iraqi Hashemite's kingdom. Before that it was Ottoman caliphate. None of which had a better claim than Israel's. The French and the Ottoman's had a lot worse.
I support Ted Cruz on this.

Again. The Golan was Syran only 20 years. It has been Israeli 50 years. Israel has a better claim to it.

Israel has farmed it. All Syria planted were mines and barbed wire
Nope to all of your claims. The people of Golan are Syrians and raise the Syria flag.
And according to your view, occupation is a legal tool to gain soil which is it not.
Fortunes of war...
Sure, but we have rules. Israel must hand out the Golan Heights.
The Israeli government is apparently not interested in durable peace or in peace at all.

Arabs start wars and lose, they should lose territory.
When your terrorist buddies in Gaza launch a rocket, the Israelis should take a square mile of Gazan territory.
Launch 2 rockets, lose 2 square miles.

Pretty soon the people will either stop the rockets, or they'll all be sitting in the final square mile of Arab Gaza.
And you and your family will be füsiliert when you will be caught ignoring the red pedestrian light :eek-49:
Al-Jaafari: We discussed with de Mistura provocative act carried out by Netanyahu in occupied Syrian Golan

"Geneva, SANA, The delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic to the intra-Syrian dialogue in Geneva held a meeting on Monday with UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Misutra at the UN HQ in Geneva.

In a press conference after the conclusion of the talks, head of the Syrian Arab Republic delegation to the intra-Syrian talks Bashar al-Jaafari said that at the beginning of the session they set aside sufficient time to discuss the danger of the provocative and unprecedented act carried out by the Israeli occupation government’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by holding a meeting in the occupied Syrian Golan.

Al-Jaafari said that the Syrian government responded to this Israeli provocation by sending two urgent letters to the UN Secretary-General and UN Security Council, calling on them to intervene immediately to condemn that meeting and request that it’s never repeated, particularly since it violates law no. 497 for 1981 which was unanimously adopted by the UNSC and which considers the Israeli occupation authority’s decision to annex the Golan null and void and without any legal effectiveness on the international level.

“We reaffirmed to de Mistura the Syrian Arab Republic’s right to recover the occupied Syrian Golan up to the 4th of June 1967 line using all legal recourses guaranteed by the UN Charter, including article 51 on the right to self defense,” he said.

Al-Jaafari stressed that this provocative behavior by Israeli against the Syrian people, state, and government affirms indisputably Israel’s cooperation with Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS terrorists who are active at the disengagement line in the occupied Syrian Golan and who occupied posts for the UNDOF.

“We had relayed repeatedly to the UN Department for Peacekeeping Operations documented information on Israel’s cooperation with al-Nusra and ISIS terrorists in the occupied Golan, presenting indisputable documents to the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations regarding the Qatari-Israeli complicity regarding the abduction of the Filipino UNDOF unit,” he elaborated.

The head of the delegation went on to note that Syrian freedom fighter Sedqi al-Maqet, who was detained by Israel for 27 years – the same duration that the apartheid authorities in South Africa detained Nelson Mandela – was arrested again by the Israeli occupation for documenting with visual and audio proof the dealings between the Israelis and ISIS and al-Nusra in the Golan.

“It’s not a coincidence that the Israeli escalation by Netanyahu in the occupied Syrian Goal was accompanied at the same time by irresponsible and provocative statements by some members of the so-called Riyadh opposition delegation to the Syrian talks in Geneva, statements which for attacks on the Syrian Arab Army, breaking the cessation of hostilities agreement, and shelling Syrian towns,” al-Jaafari said, adding that the fact that these events happened concurrently proves the existence of close ties between Israel on one side, some Arabs on another side, regrettably, and the terrorists inside Syria.

“I reiterate in this regard what was quoted by one member of the Riyadh delegation, who said that an element from Ahrar al-Cham terrorist group, which is linked to Jabhat al-Nusra and Al Qaeda, is present in Geneva and participating with the Saudi delegation in the meetings,” he said, noting that the mufti or spiritual guide of Ahrar al-Cham is a Saudi called Abdullah al-Muhaisni who issues “fatwas” calling for decapitation, eating livers of people, and regressing to the times of cannibalism, adding this man’s name is on the list of terrorists drafted by the UNSC.

“We told de Mistura that what the UN achieved in New York is being undone in Geneva, because the UNSC named the mufti of Ahrar al-Cham a terrorist, while the Saudi delegation brought a representative of that movement to Geneva with the acceptance of the UN,” al-Jaafari elaborated.

The head of the delegation said that at today’s discussion session with de Mistura and his team, the two sides exchanged ideas on a number of important issues related to intra-Syrian talks, noting that some of these ideas had already been raised in prior talks, while other ideas were raised for the first time.

“We presented to de Mistura a Syrian national paper including amendments and remarks on his 12-point paper, and we are waiting for him to return to us with the reactions of the opposition groups after discussing the paper,” al-Jaafari said, concluding by saying that the Syrian Arab Republic will meet again with de Mistura on Wednesday at 11 AM.

Upon their arrival in Geneva last Friday, the delegation handed de Mistura the aforementioned paper containing amendments for de Mistura’s paper on the basic principles for the political solution in Syria, which was presented by the UN Special Envoy to the delegation at the last day of the previous round of talks, and which is based on a paper presented by the delegation in the first place."

Al-Jaafari: We discussed with de Mistura provocative act carried out by Netanyahu in occupied Syrian Golan – Syrian Arab News Agency
I support Ted Cruz on this.

Again. The Golan was Syran only 20 years. It has been Israeli 50 years. Israel has a better claim to it.

Israel has farmed it. All Syria planted were mines and barbed wire
Nope to all of your claims. The people of Golan are Syrians and raise the Syria flag.
And according to your view, occupation is a legal tool to gain soil which is it not.
Fortunes of war...
Sure, but we have rules. Israel must hand out the Golan Heights.
The Israeli government is apparently not interested in durable peace or in peace at all.

Arabs start wars and lose, they should lose territory.
When your terrorist buddies in Gaza launch a rocket, the Israelis should take a square mile of Gazan territory.
Launch 2 rockets, lose 2 square miles.

Pretty soon the people will either stop the rockets, or they'll all be sitting in the final square mile of Arab Gaza.
And you and your family will be füsiliert when you will be caught ignoring the red pedestrian light :eek-49:

Yes, your terrorist buddies would like to do that.
The question of Syria getting the golan back goes back to "whose army"? Syria can't beat its own citizens. Syria is breaking apart into smaller pieces.
Syria and lebanon were part of French empire until 1945. The golan was part of Syria 22 years. Since then, for 49 years, it has been part of Israel. It has been part of Israel more than twice as long as it has been part of Syria. I think fatherland of Golan is Israel, rather than Syria.

And since Syria has not existed as a country for the last 4 years, even if it were part of greater syria, that is no longer there
Syria will never be a whole country again. It's over. I'm sure Hafez Assad is turning in his grave over how his incompetent spoiled brat son destroyed Syria, and now they have Russian forces on the ground trying to save what's left of it.
Nope to all of your claims. The people of Golan are Syrians and raise the Syria flag.
And according to your view, occupation is a legal tool to gain soil which is it not.
Fortunes of war...
Sure, but we have rules. Israel must hand out the Golan Heights.
The Israeli government is apparently not interested in durable peace or in peace at all.

Arabs start wars and lose, they should lose territory.
When your terrorist buddies in Gaza launch a rocket, the Israelis should take a square mile of Gazan territory.
Launch 2 rockets, lose 2 square miles.

Pretty soon the people will either stop the rockets, or they'll all be sitting in the final square mile of Arab Gaza.
And you and your family will be füsiliert when you will be caught ignoring the red pedestrian light :eek-49:

Yes, your terrorist buddies would like to do that.
Remember, criticizing something about Israel doesn´t make Hamas my friend.
Syria and lebanon were part of French empire until 1945. The golan was part of Syria 22 years. Since then, for 49 years, it has been part of Israel. It has been part of Israel more than twice as long as it has been part of Syria. I think fatherland of Golan is Israel, rather than Syria.

And since Syria has not existed as a country for the last 4 years, even if it were part of greater syria, that is no longer there
Syria will never be a whole country again. It's over. I'm sure Hafez Assad is turning in his grave over how his incompetent spoiled brat son destroyed Syria, and now they have Russian forces on the ground trying to save what's left of it.
Moronic moron nonsense of moron.