Sweden, Wuhan Death, and Laissez Faire


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
When the question was 'lock down or don't lock down,' I was interested in two nations that went against the trend.

Belarus was all out 'change nothing.' The President went out and played in a hockey tournament.....he suggested vodka and spas to fight the virus.

Sweden made the news also, supposedly with a policy of 'carry on.'

"1. What’s the Actual Policy?

The characterization of Sweden as freewheeling during the coronavirus pandemic is inaccurate, said Joshua Michaud, associate director for global health at Kaiser Family Foundation.

“Sweden has taken a middle path between lockdown and letting it run rampant. It’s not business as usual,” Michaud told The Daily Signal in a phone interview. “They strongly suggest working from home if you can. There can’t be congregations of more than 50 people.”
'The difference is that we follow these recommendations voluntarily, which gives more space for individual knowledge and needs, and might even make it more sustainable than a system where everybody is forced to stay at home indefinitely and will rebel eventually. Yes, it seems safe.'

Restaurants, bars, playgrounds, and parks are open. Elementary schools also are open, but not high schools and colleges,...

During a White House briefing on COVID-19 last week, President Donald Trump criticized Sweden’s approach. "

For me, this fit my view, to allow free people to make their own judgments.

But wait......there's more:

"2. How Does the Death Toll Compare?
The COVID-19 death rate in Sweden, at over 1,000 out of a population of 10.2 million, is lower than some other European countries such as Italy and the United Kingdom.

However, Sweden’s death rate from the disease is higher than other Nordic countries, according to Kaiser Family Foundation.

Norway has had 128 deaths from COVID-19 out of a population of 5.4 million. Finland, with 5.5 million, has had fewer than 100 deaths, and Denmark, with 5.6 million, has had 275 deaths.

For that matter, the United States has a lower death rate, with 71 COVID-19 deaths per 1 million population, according to Worldometers. The United States has had 22,252 coronavirus deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

By contrast, Sweden’s death rate works out to 91 per 1 million population."


Kudos to Trump......he saved American lives.
Belarus had an even more laissez faire attitude, just carry on and treat the virus with vodka and spas....

"MINSK (Reuters) - Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said on Monday nobody would die from the coronavirus in his country and again rejected any need for the strict lockdown measures adopted by most countries to contain the spread of the pandemic.

It was the latest show of defiance by the strongman leader, who has dismissed worries about the disease as a "psychosis" and variously suggested drinking vodka, going to saunas and driving tractors to fight the virus."

Sweden...91 deaths per million
USA.....71 deaths per million

Belarus......less than 4 deaths per million


Coronavirus Cases:


populaton 9.5 million.

Since the latest joke is that Biden's running mate will be Coronavirus.....

....maybe the Democrats should draft this guy>
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko
"Sweden's per capita coronavirus death toll is among the highest in the world — a sign its decision to avoid a lockdown may not be working"
At least 45 countries issued lockdowns to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus in March and April. Sweden was not one of them.

Instead, the "Swedish model" encourages residents to voluntarily maintain social distance and allows businesses, restaurants, bars, and schools to remain open.

Data suggests the country may be paying a worrisome price, though: Sweden has a higher number of deaths per capita than many other countries with large outbreaks.
"Sweden's per capita coronavirus death toll is among the highest in the world — a sign its decision to avoid a lockdown may not be working"
At least 45 countries issued lockdowns to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus in March and April. Sweden was not one of them.

Instead, the "Swedish model" encourages residents to voluntarily maintain social distance and allows businesses, restaurants, bars, and schools to remain open.

Data suggests the country may be paying a worrisome price, though: Sweden has a higher number of deaths per capita than many other countries with large outbreaks.

Sweden is relatively high.

However, it should be noted that they let the virus into a number of large nursing homes early on.

This causes a spike in deaths that has come down (but is still high relatively speaking).

They are on a decline in terms of cases and deaths.....

But it was their choice to not lockdown.

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