Sure republicans keep winning, but you have to wonder why when they are so obviously terrible at...


The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed to reach the amount of votes they need to pass it, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

But hey I get it, it doesn't matter how much the GOP fails or tries to fuck over average joe - their mindless base still votes for them

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill

They are cheering they won republican safe seats.'s like betting on a horse vs a human in a foot race then cheering that the horse won

I'll bet those DEM donors who threw away $31 million on AssOff's campaign aren't Lol-ing. I guess they should have consulted with USMB Liberals who all apparently knew it was a lost cause. Would have saved them some big dough.

It's like the lottery kid, you gotta play to win. The Cavs lost too! What about it?

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill
so they make excuses for the shit their party does,and you make excuses for your partys are you any different?...
Democrats are terrible at explaining why poverty level voters should vote for them, but they still come up with policies that benefit the nation as a whole.

And yet they lost the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014, and the WH in 2016, not to mention numerous governorships and legislatures across the country. I suspect the number of people who think the democrat's policies are beneficial are outnumbered by those who do not agree.
Democrats don't understand that average Joes voted them OUT because Democrat policies were hurting them. Middle America was forgotten in Democrats efforts to create a voting bloc out of illegals, refugees, and the hefty percentage of people who don't want to work.

Average Joe has been stuck with the bill for Obamacare.....higher premiums, deductibles and less coverage. Joe's income is stagnant. Joe's kids can't find jobs and neither can a lot of other people. Democrats give lip service to "hard-working families" but that's all and people who realize they've been getting the shaft....Democrats call "stupid."

I wish you knee jerkers would stop parroting what you're ordered to say.

You're wrong in both paragraphs above and you voted against your own best interests.

Please educate yourself.

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed to reach the amount of votes they need to pass it, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

But hey I get it, it doesn't matter how much the GOP fails or tries to fuck over average joe - their mindless base still votes for them

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill

You don't seem to get it. Their willingness to think independently rather than like sheeple is an /asset/ to governing, and means that ultimately whatever they pass will be a better product, not worse!
Democrats don't understand that average Joes voted them OUT because Democrat policies were hurting them. Middle America was forgotten in Democrats efforts to create a voting bloc out of illegals, refugees, and the hefty percentage of people who don't want to work.

Average Joe has been stuck with the bill for Obamacare.....higher premiums, deductibles and less coverage. Joe's income is stagnant. Joe's kids can't find jobs and neither can a lot of other people. Democrats give lip service to "hard-working families" but that's all and people who realize they've been getting the shaft....Democrats call "stupid."

I wish you knee jerkers would stop parroting what you're ordered to say.

You're wrong in both paragraphs above and you voted against your own best interests.

Please educate yourself.
Just who would "order me" to say anything? You parrots have been screeching the same message for eight years, but the reality is Democrats see anyone with a job as owing them tax dollars. Democrats want a nation of people dependent on government to keep them in power and in control of everyone's life.
The GOP wins. The Republicans win.
The populace does not win.

They haven't so far and they haven't won with other Repub presidents and they won't "win" any time in the next 3 years.

Aside from the fact that you are a jackass, I will bite and ask you just what have we lost not having Barry Obama? Have we lost economically? Lost foreign policy? Moon patty lunar cow chips? You see, it has been nothing but one big win in every way for us the past 5 months! That you don't seem to agree indicates that either you are a lying idiot partisan trolling hack, or are part of some other group of "people" I'd probably rather not want to know.

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed to reach the amount of votes they need to pass it, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

But hey I get it, it doesn't matter how much the GOP fails or tries to fuck over average joe - their mindless base still votes for them

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill

They are cheering they won republican safe seats.'s like betting on a horse vs a human in a foot race then cheering that the horse won

Glad you finally realize the Dems had no chance in ever winning, yet were stupid enough to throw everything including the kitchen sink into trying anyway! You even had Mr. Sulu backing you up! Keep that up!
I wish you knee jerkers would stop parroting what you're ordered to say.

You're wrong in both paragraphs above and you voted against your own best interests.

Please educate yourself.

You see, what we have here is a real died-in-the-wool democrat here. Hard Liberal. When he tells us to stop parroting what we've been ordered to say, that means that he's been ordered to parrot talking points, including that one. When he says we voted against our own best interests, that means we voted against the democrats own best interests. And finally, when a democrat tells you to go educate yourself, that is their way of admitting they know nothing and hope you are as dumb as they are so they have a chance of competing against you out in the real world of free markets, ideas and thinking!

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed to reach the amount of votes they need to pass it, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

But hey I get it, it doesn't matter how much the GOP fails or tries to fuck over average joe - their mindless base still votes for them

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill

They are cheering they won republican safe seats.'s like betting on a horse vs a human in a foot race then cheering that the horse won

Glad you finally realize the Dems had no chance in ever winning, yet were stupid enough to throw everything including the kitchen sink into trying anyway! You even had Mr. Sulu backing you up! Keep that up!

Nothing beats a failure but a try. They tried and came close. The only way this is surprising is if you were scared the republoc an was going to lose. Lol...and from these posts you guys were nervous.

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed to reach the amount of votes they need to pass it, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

But hey I get it, it doesn't matter how much the GOP fails or tries to fuck over average joe - their mindless base still votes for them

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill

They are cheering they won republican safe seats.'s like betting on a horse vs a human in a foot race then cheering that the horse won
Then why did democrats pour millions of dollars into these safe republican elections?

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed to reach the amount of votes they need to pass it, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

But hey I get it, it doesn't matter how much the GOP fails or tries to fuck over average joe - their mindless base still votes for them

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill

They are cheering they won republican safe seats.'s like betting on a horse vs a human in a foot race then cheering that the horse won
Then why did democrats pour millions of dollars into these safe republican elections?

Uhh, for the chance to win it. Duh!

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill
so they make excuses for the shit their party does,and you make excuses for your partys are you any different?...
Democrats are terrible at explaining why poverty level voters should vote for them, but they still come up with policies that benefit the nation as a whole.

No they don't.
Democrats don't understand that average Joes voted them OUT because Democrat policies were hurting them. Middle America was forgotten in Democrats efforts to create a voting bloc out of illegals, refugees, and the hefty percentage of people who don't want to work.

Average Joe has been stuck with the bill for Obamacare.....higher premiums, deductibles and less coverage. Joe's income is stagnant. Joe's kids can't find jobs and neither can a lot of other people. Democrats give lip service to "hard-working families" but that's all and people who realize they've been getting the shaft....Democrats call "stupid."

I wish you knee jerkers would stop parroting what you're ordered to say.

You're wrong in both paragraphs above and you voted against your own best interests.

Please educate yourself.

No refutation attempted. Just you're stupid.

Yet they can't figure out why that keeps people from supporting them

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill
so they make excuses for the shit their party does,and you make excuses for your partys are you any different?...
Democrats are terrible at explaining why poverty level voters should vote for them, but they still come up with policies that benefit the nation as a whole.
yea as long as they are getting something out of it.....
I wish you knee jerkers would stop parroting what you're ordered to say.

You're wrong in both paragraphs above and you voted against your own best interests.

Please educate yourself.

My best interest is getting out of filing paperwork every year to escape Commie Care fines. My interest is a conservative Supreme Court (among other courts) that won't use our Constitution like toilet paper to promote their political agenda. Speaking of which, my interest is securing our constitutional rights to own and carry firearms. My best interest is to see to it everybody physically and mentally capable supports themselves like I do instead of me supporting them. My best interest is government getting out of (and staying) out of my life in personal decisions.
Democrats don't understand that average Joes voted them OUT because Democrat policies were hurting them. Middle America was forgotten in Democrats efforts to create a voting bloc out of illegals, refugees, and the hefty percentage of people who don't want to work.

Average Joe has been stuck with the bill for Obamacare.....higher premiums, deductibles and less coverage. Joe's income is stagnant. Joe's kids can't find jobs and neither can a lot of other people. Democrats give lip service to "hard-working families" but that's all and people who realize they've been getting the shaft....Democrats call "stupid."

Democrats also became the anti-white party and are chasing more and more working white people out of it. People are beginning to see the BS when a party says they are for more jobs and higher wages, and are also for more foreigners coming here to take our jobs and keep wages down.

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