Sure republicans keep winning, but you have to wonder why when they are so obviously terrible at...

Republicans are fantastic at advanced voter suppression tactics and rigging elections, but they don't have the slightest idea what to do after they win.
They are cheering they won republican safe seats.'s like betting on a horse vs a human in a foot race then cheering that the horse won

And why not? Democrats have been telling is this tale of remorseful voters who will lash out at any Republican candidate because Trump ruined the party. A win (even in a Republican area) shows that liberals are telling more lies. There are no regrets.
The GOP wins. The Republicans win.
The populace does not win.

They haven't so far and they haven't won with other Repub presidents and they won't "win" any time in the next 3 years.

That may be, but at least we won't lose anything which would have happened if Hil-Liar won the race.

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill
so they make excuses for the shit their party does,and you make excuses for your partys are you any different?...
Democrats are terrible at explaining why poverty level voters should vote for them, but they still come up with policies that benefit the nation as a whole.

Like what for example?
How in the hell are you going to keep this level of whining up for 7 1/2 more years?
It's bizarre to me you think Trump will get a second term.

That's what you said about us when we said he'd get a first term.
Well sure, he certainly defied expectations, but he he still lost the popular vote which is something only a handful of winning presidents have done. His approval ratings right now are historically abysmal, so if you think he can win a second term, it's based on nothing whatsoever.
The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are. We as in the mouse in your pocket? Do tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed to reach the amount of votes they need to pass it, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them. Ah, you're Nostradamus. Believe it or not, overhauling Obama's mess is very complex & political Course they could do what Obama did and lie about the context. Incidentally, Obama signed it into law 15 months into his tenure. You probably gave Trump a week. Incidentally, you might read your link, as you're misrepresenting the contents.

But hey I get it, it doesn't matter how much the GOP fails or tries to fuck over average joe. There you go projecting again.

- their mindless base still votes for them irony

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill
so they make excuses for the shit their party does,and you make excuses for your partys are you any different?...
Democrats are terrible at explaining why poverty level voters should vote for them, but they still come up with policies that benefit the nation as a whole.

Like what for example?
1) Investing in infrastructure to create jobs
2) Expanding eligibility of OT pay for salary workers
3) Expanding the earned income tax credit
4) Giving unemployment benefits to people who lose their jobs against their will
5) Raising the minimum wage. I'm sure you will go into your usual rant about this, but you should know there is plenty of evidence that this does NOT cost a significant amount of jobs.
6) Pushing for wider eligibility for paid time off benefits in the private sector.
7) Consumer protection laws
8) Preserving Social Security. The program republicans have gutted.
9) Forcing insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions.
10) Expanding Medicare and Medicaid
Republicans are fantastic at advanced voter suppression tactics and rigging elections, but they don't have the slightest idea what to do after they win.
and yet they are still obviously more desirable to the American people than the democrats... ;)
How in the hell are you going to keep this level of whining up for 7 1/2 more years?
It's bizarre to me you think Trump will get a second term.

That's not surprising considering it was bizarre for you to think he'd get a first term.

How in the hell are you going to keep this level of whining up for 7 1/2 more years?
It's bizarre to me you think Trump will get a second term.

That's not surprising considering it was bizarre for you to think he'd get a first term.
I'll give you that, but let's look at the facts. Trump certainly defied all expectations, but he is one of a handful of winning candidates to lose the popular vote. Let's also not forget he BARELY won the republican nomination. Now his approval ratings are abysmal. There really isn't any reason based on data of why we should believe he'll win a second term.
How in the hell are you going to keep this level of whining up for 7 1/2 more years?
It's bizarre to me you think Trump will get a second term.

That's not surprising considering it was bizarre for you to think he'd get a first term.
I'll give you that, but let's look at the facts. Trump certainly defied all expectations, but he is one of a handful of winning candidates to lose the popular vote. Let's also not forget he BARELY won the republican nomination. Now his approval ratings are abysmal. There really isn't any reason based on data of why we should believe he'll win a second term.

You still hanging your hat on polls? The same polls that had the bulldyke winning, the same polls had Dems picking up a seat in the special,election in Georgia. You need to get over the Popular vote. It is a statistic that really doesn't matter. In a football game, the team with the most yards doesn't always win. The orange clown won nearly twice as many states, he had a broader voter base, his support was not only in a few large states.

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed to reach the amount of votes they need to pass it, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

But hey I get it, it doesn't matter how much the GOP fails or tries to fuck over average joe - their mindless base still votes for them

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill

Repugs "win" because they cheat on a massive scale using numerous voter suppression tactics. That is the simple truth.
How in the hell are you going to keep this level of whining up for 7 1/2 more years?
It's bizarre to me you think Trump will get a second term.

That's not surprising considering it was bizarre for you to think he'd get a first term.
I'll give you that, but let's look at the facts. Trump certainly defied all expectations, but he is one of a handful of winning candidates to lose the popular vote. Let's also not forget he BARELY won the republican nomination. Now his approval ratings are abysmal. There really isn't any reason based on data of why we should believe he'll win a second term.

You still hanging your hat on polls? The same polls that had the bulldyke winning, the same polls had Dems picking up a seat in the special,election in Georgia. You need to get over the Popular vote. It is a statistic that really doesn't matter. In a football game, the team with the most yards doesn't always win. The orange clown won nearly twice as many states, he had a broader voter base, his support was not only in a few large states.
Okay, well like I said, she won the popular vote. That means the national polls were correct. The only polls that were wrong were 3 state polls. That's it. That's all this is about. How can you just pretend the popular vote isn't telling? It's a basic democratic principle. Of course I'm willing to bet you wouldn't be down playing it had Trump won it. Just admit it.

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill
so they make excuses for the shit their party does,and you make excuses for your partys are you any different?...
Democrats are terrible at explaining why poverty level voters should vote for them, but they still come up with policies that benefit the nation as a whole.
The fake war on poverty and redistribution are the only things Dems have. Without the ability to buy votes with the producers money, they would have disappeared long ago. Government redistributed a trillion dollars in welfare last year. That does not include SS or Medicare.
How in the hell are you going to keep this level of whining up for 7 1/2 more years?
It's bizarre to me you think Trump will get a second term.

That's not surprising considering it was bizarre for you to think he'd get a first term.
I'll give you that, but let's look at the facts. Trump certainly defied all expectations, but he is one of a handful of winning candidates to lose the popular vote. Let's also not forget he BARELY won the republican nomination. Now his approval ratings are abysmal. There really isn't any reason based on data of why we should believe he'll win a second term.

You still hanging your hat on polls? The same polls that had the bulldyke winning, the same polls had Dems picking up a seat in the special,election in Georgia. You need to get over the Popular vote. It is a statistic that really doesn't matter. In a football game, the team with the most yards doesn't always win. The orange clown won nearly twice as many states, he had a broader voter base, his support was not only in a few large states.
Okay, well like I said, she won the popular vote. That means the national polls were correct. The only polls that were wrong were 3 state polls. That's it. That's all this is about. How can you just pretend the popular vote isn't telling? It's a basic democratic principle. Of course I'm willing to bet you wouldn't be down playing it had Trump won it. Just admit it.

For the most part, those extra votes Hil-Liar got came from one state--not the entire country. The national polls were wrong because they predict who would win--not how many people are going to come out and vote.

The DNC definitely needs to do so some soul searching about the party's future, but we can already tell terrible of an alternative republicans are.

Once again their overhaul of ACA has failed, but USMB cons will still make excuses for them.

Senate finally unveils secret health care bill
so they make excuses for the shit their party does,and you make excuses for your partys are you any different?...
Democrats are terrible at explaining why poverty level voters should vote for them, but they still come up with policies that benefit the nation as a whole.

Like what for example?
1) Investing in infrastructure to create jobs
2) Expanding eligibility of OT pay for salary workers
3) Expanding the earned income tax credit
4) Giving unemployment benefits to people who lose their jobs against their will
5) Raising the minimum wage. I'm sure you will go into your usual rant about this, but you should know there is plenty of evidence that this does NOT cost a significant amount of jobs.
6) Pushing for wider eligibility for paid time off benefits in the private sector.
7) Consumer protection laws
8) Preserving Social Security. The program republicans have gutted.
9) Forcing insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions.
10) Expanding Medicare and Medicaid

Even though most of this isn't true, everything you listed either costs taxpayers or employers money. You think that's a good thing? We are 20 trillion in debt, so would it be a good idea for Democrats to take leadership and make it 25 or 30?
How in the hell are you going to keep this level of whining up for 7 1/2 more years?
It's bizarre to me you think Trump will get a second term.

That's what you said about us when we said he'd get a first term.
Well sure, he certainly defied expectations, but he he still lost the popular vote which is something only a handful of winning presidents have done. His approval ratings right now are historically abysmal, so if you think he can win a second term, it's based on nothing whatsoever.

I never trusted polls and never will, just like in the election. Pollsters can shape the questions to form any results they desire.

As Limbaugh says repeatedly, the media is no longer there to inform, they are there to try and influence.

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