Supreme Ct. Justice Scalia predicts New Internment Camps

Of course it can and will happen again. Can the American people be frightened again by the unknown, will the American people try to create conditions where they might feel safer and so on? Look at the fear expressed on these boards, the dire predications. To have fear and want to remove the fear is part of the human condition and will happen again. Fortunately, in the United States the fear is somewhat controlled and with strong leadership can be short and temporary. The real danger is the leadership uses the fear to create more fear and bingo we can have real problems. Think of what some leaders could have done with that fear. Looking back at that period now in the calm cool of the evening it is hard to understand, but the fear was real, sort of an Elm Street thing but it was a controlled fear, and as soon as the fear receded the camps began to close.
I was in a graduate history class right after the war and one of the assignments was to study that episode and determine the politicial motivations behind the camps and the personal gain that ensued. All done by the use of fear.

All the claptrap about you have nothing to fear but fear bulshite...that is the short and sweet of it.

There was much to fear in WWII....the war with Japan was sucessful but many forget or never new that our fate was not certain in the early days of the good strategy, good fighting men and a willingness to declare unconditional war we prevailed...but that was far from certain in the beginning....and to try and use the benefit of hindsight to condemn Roosevelt's policy as being the result of unwarranted fear is nothing but stupidity at its undoubtedly are a victim of the political correctness that dominates academia....the man on the street understood all this much better than some candidate for a doctoral is all about reality and academia in their ivory towers are far removed from reality. Deal wid it chump.
No one said they were just like the Nazi death camps, you idiot. The FACT remains that they were concentration camps.

O.K. I will play your shallow little woid [sic] game.

It's not a game, idiot, it's a FACT.

You are as short on facts as you are on good sense. bwaaaaaaaaaa dats da truth chump and most on here know it....and your refusal to post my entire post proves you are intellectually dishonest along with your other shortcomings.
.......most do not know how hostile Americans were towards Japanese after Pearl Harbor....the Japanese were much safter in the relocation camps than they would have been in California .

"Most" DO know, you ignorant fool. And throwing innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps behind barbed wire under armed guard towers 'for their own good' is the antithesis of what America was founded upon and stands for. Your comments mark you as immoral and anti-American. Fuck off.

First of all if you had read the unvarnished truth about the Japanese you would know that they were not all gloss over that or refuse to admit it.

So you think it would have been better to leave the Japs at the mercy of the vigilantes out for revenge...explain how that would be more matter though...the Japs interned posed a security problem...Roosevelt was absolutely correct.

Bottome Line...Your shallow thinking prevents you from seeing the truth about this or much else as usual. You are a prime example of why the Republican Party is in such a mess....totally confused.
That's what was going on — the panic about the war and the invasion of the Pacific and whatnot," Scalia said. "That's what happens. It was wrong, but I would not be surprised to see it happen again, in time of war. It's no justification but it is the reality."

The closest I ever saw to that level of hysteria was post 9-11 towards Muslims

Post 9/11 was nowhere near anything like that.

Nope....but alot closer than any example Scalia can provide
O.K. I will play your shallow little woid [sic] game.

It's not a game, idiot, it's a FACT.

You are as short on facts as you are on good sense. .

Half a dozen dictionary definitions were provided earlier in this thread for idiots like you who are unfamiliar with the English language. None of your un-American bullshit will change the FACT that FD-fucking-R threw innocent, loyal Americans into CONCENTRATION CAMPS.
I usually have no use for Scalia, but he made a good point.

We get scared enough, we stop being polite and start getting real.

It could easily happen again.

Exactly...fear is a great motivator.

Iran a couple of days ago claimed they had agents in place in America poised to attack American targets here in the homeland ....targets that have been selected already and the planning on how to attack them has been done already....these Iranian sleeper agents are just waiting for the signal which according to the Iranian government will be given if America teams up with Israel and launches a pre-emptive strike on Iran to keep them from going nuclear.

No doubt as lot of this planning was done in Mosques which obama has forbidden to be monitored.

The time will come unfortunately when Americans will cease worrying about violating the civil rights of muslims and demand they be placed in camps....this will be provoked by a major terrorist attack most likely involving a weapon of mass destruction.
It's not a game, idiot, it's a FACT.

You are as short on facts as you are on good sense. .

Half a dozen dictionary definitions were provided earlier in this thread for idiots like you who are unfamiliar with the English language. None of your un-American bullshit will change the FACT that FD-fucking-R threw innocent, loyal Americans into CONCENTRATION CAMPS.

The following has been posted before....but if you study it you will see where your argument is fallacious.

Censored History of Internment
Some moron claimed our founding father's would not have approved of what Roosevelt did aka internment of the Japanese.

Muddled and shallow thinking at best to claim that.

First of all times change....the founding fathers had no conception, could not have had any conception of what modern America would be like....such knowledge lay far beyond the powers of any mortal...they are not to be faulted for this.

Could the founding fathers foresaw the fact that in 1941 Ameica's west coast would be the host to thousands of Japanese whose kinsmen would launch a devastating attack on America? Of course not.

Could the founding fathers foresaw the development of modern weapons of mass destruction? Of course not.

Could the founding fathers have known mankind would develop a weapon that could be fitted into a suitcase that could destroy a entire city? Of course the fallacious argument that our founding fathers would not approve of what Roosevelt did is beyond ridiculous.
This board demonstrates the unfortunate reality that America has been dumbed down....primarily by our public schools under the control of the Federal Government.

At a time when America is confronted with the most dangerous threats in our entire history America is more concerned with gay marriage, legalizing marijuana, watching the super bowl etc. and so on and so forth.....than becoming politically astute...such apathy and personal concerns over pleasure, entertainment etc. are more important to most than actually thinking about our problems and how to deal with them.
We are on the verge of massive civil unrest...which will necessitate internment camps for thousands and thousands.
Oh! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!!! Nice one chicken little. You should try out for a position as an evangelical preacher....You'd make a great Jim Jones.
We are on the verge of massive civil unrest...which will necessitate internment camps for thousands and thousands.
Oh! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!!! Nice one chicken little. You should try out for a position as an evangelical preacher....You'd make a great Jim Jones.

Only sheer arrogance could motivate the above post....such arrogance prevents rational thought aka...stops cold any perception of reality and the devlopment of a scenario that would involve the incarceration of untold thousands of American Citizens.

There were some who predicted the attack on the WTC...they were ridiculed.

There were some who foresaw our economic woes....they were reidulted.

In a nutshell those who present the real truth are often ridiculed...people do not like to hear unpleasant facts...even if they are the truth.

The Silver Bear Cafe
Some moron claimed our founding father's would not have approved of what Roosevelt did aka internment of the Japanese.

Muddled and shallow thinking at best to claim that.

First of all times change....the founding fathers had no conception, could not have had any conception of what modern America would be like....such knowledge lay far beyond the powers of any mortal...they are not to be faulted for this.

Could the founding fathers foresaw the fact that in 1941 Ameica's west coast would be the host to thousands of Japanese whose kinsmen would launch a devastating attack on America? Of course not.

Could the founding fathers foresaw the development of modern weapons of mass destruction? Of course not.

Could the founding fathers have known mankind would develop a weapon that could be fitted into a suitcase that could destroy a entire city? Of course the fallacious argument that our founding fathers would not approve of what Roosevelt did is beyond ridiculous.

The founding fathers endorsed slavery
Not exactly the moral high ground

How much difference between an internment camp and an Indian reservation?
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Some moron claimed our founding father's would not have approved of what Roosevelt did aka internment of the Japanese.

Muddled and shallow thinking at best to claim that.

First of all times change....the founding fathers had no conception, could not have had any conception of what modern America would be like....such knowledge lay far beyond the powers of any mortal...they are not to be faulted for this.

Could the founding fathers foresaw the fact that in 1941 Ameica's west coast would be the host to thousands of Japanese whose kinsmen would launch a devastating attack on America? Of course not.

Could the founding fathers foresaw the development of modern weapons of mass destruction? Of course not.

Could the founding fathers have known mankind would develop a weapon that could be fitted into a suitcase that could destroy a entire city? Of course the fallacious argument that our founding fathers would not approve of what Roosevelt did is beyond ridiculous.

The founding fathers endorsed slavery
Not exactly the moral high ground

How much difference between an internment camp and an Indian reservation?

Such does not deserve any attention .....irregardless---

Morals vary dramatically across time and place. One group’s good can be another group’s evil.
It was pretty impossible for the American revolutionists to throw the Tories into camps, there were simply too many of them, about one third of the colonists were Tories, loyal to Britain. Another one third of the colonists could care less about the war for independence. But the rebels did burn the Tory houses, confisticate their holdings and make life so difficult that many Tories went back to England.
You are as short on facts as you are on good sense. .

Half a dozen dictionary definitions were provided earlier in this thread for idiots like you who are unfamiliar with the English language. None of your un-American bullshit will change the FACT that FD-fucking-R threw innocent, loyal Americans into CONCENTRATION CAMPS.

The following has been posted before....but if you study it you will see where your argument is fallacious.

I've "studied it" extensively. The FACT remains whether you like it or not, you un-American cur.
Could the founding fathers foresaw the fact that in 1941 Ameica's [sic] west [sic] coast would be the host to thousands of Japanese whose kinsmen would launch a devastating attack on America?

"Kinsmen"? Was every American of German descent a "kinsman" of the Nazis?

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