Supreme Ct. Justice Scalia predicts New Internment Camps

That's what was going on — the panic about the war and the invasion of the Pacific and whatnot," Scalia said. "That's what happens. It was wrong, but I would not be surprised to see it happen again, in time of war. It's no justification but it is the reality."

The closest I ever saw to that level of hysteria was post 9-11 towards Muslims

stop LYING.

there was no hysteria towards Muslims AT ALL.

quite to the contrary.
This story illustrates the stupidity of allowing these guys to stay on the court until they die.....what happens is that they get old and senile....not even to mention some of them are not even qualified when appointed.

In this Scalia refers to Roosevelt's wartime policy of internment as being wrong....thus showing that even Supreme Ct. Justices are susceptible to politically correct propaganda.

Now for the truth>>>>>>>>>>>>>Michelle Malkin | » IN DEFENSE OF INTERNMENT

Speaking of old and senile.
That's what was going on — the panic about the war and the invasion of the Pacific and whatnot," Scalia said. "That's what happens. It was wrong, but I would not be surprised to see it happen again, in time of war. It's no justification but it is the reality."

The closest I ever saw to that level of hysteria was post 9-11 towards Muslims

stop LYING.

there was no hysteria towards Muslims AT ALL.

quite to the contrary.

Quite the contrary indeed. President Bush appeared on television and appealed to all Americans to remember our principles and not to act rashly out of emotion. FDR - that fucking scumbag - responded by throwing Americans into concentration camps. Guess which political party each president belonged to?
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That's what was going on — the panic about the war and the invasion of the Pacific and whatnot," Scalia said. "That's what happens. It was wrong, but I would not be surprised to see it happen again, in time of war. It's no justification but it is the reality."

The closest I ever saw to that level of hysteria was post 9-11 towards Muslims

stop LYING.

there was no hysteria towards Muslims AT ALL.

quite to the contrary.

Quite the contrary indeed. President Bush appeared on television and appealed to all Americans to remember our principles and not to act rashly out of emotion. FDR - that fucking scumbag - responded by throwing Americans into concentration camps. Guess which political party each president belonged to?

Under Roosevelt we won World War II....bush was a utter and complete failure....Roosevelt's policy of total war resulted in Victory...and a post war America that was at the zenith of power and world here we are going on 15 yrs. after the muslim attack on N.Y. and we are still fighting our economy has tanked.....if bush had been President when Pearl Harbor happened we would most likely still be fighting the Japs and the Germans or we would all be speaking German and or Japanese.

Bush had the moral authority to utterly defeat militant Islam...he pissed it away...Americans quickly realized his stupidity and thus the nation could anyone take the war on militant islam seriously with bush trotting around the globe proclaiming Islam a religion of peace? Even Obama the incompetent has done a better job than least he got Osama.

You analytical skills leave much to be seems all you are capable of is to regurgitate politically correct nonsense.
stop LYING.

there was no hysteria towards Muslims AT ALL.

quite to the contrary.

Quite the contrary indeed. President Bush appeared on television and appealed to all Americans to remember our principles and not to act rashly out of emotion. FDR - that fucking scumbag - responded by throwing Americans into concentration camps. Guess which political party each president belonged to?

Under Roosevelt we won World War II.....

We won WWII because of the fighting spirit of Americans, our enormous industrial capacity, and advantageous geographical location. NOT because of some racist, power-hungry, adulterous, arrogant but ultimately tractable asshole whose very presence stained the office of the Presidency.
Quite the contrary indeed. President Bush appeared on television and appealed to all Americans to remember our principles and not to act rashly out of emotion. FDR - that fucking scumbag - responded by throwing Americans into concentration camps. Guess which political party each president belonged to?

Under Roosevelt we won World War II.....

We won WWII because of the fighting spirit of Americans, our enormous industrial capacity, and advantageous geographical location. NOT because of some racist, power-hungry, adulterous, arrogant but ultimately tractable asshole whose very presence stained the office of the Presidency.

Let me cut to the chase here and call a spade a spade aka......

The history now taught in schools is more than often ideologically politically correct motivated revisionism.

Signs of this are everywhere, though one example will have to suffice and it is particuarly relevant to this thread:

Recently, during the period marking the dedication of the World War II Memorial on the Mall, the Washington Post did a story on knowledge of the Second World War among Virginia high-schoolers.

What did the students know? A little bit about Hitler; a bit on the Holocaust. Nothing on Mussolini. Nothing on Japanese Fascism, or the rape of Nanking, or the victimization of Korea, or the willful destruction of Manila in 1945. But students were well informed about the Nisei — the Japanese Americans interned by Roosevelt at the beginning of World War II.

Considering the above it is easy to see how peeps like unkotare adopt such fallacious thinking about Roosevelt and the Second World War.

Case Closed. Deal wid it chumps.
If I hear one more word about the innocent japanese being sent to concentration camps I will be forced to reveal the real japanese legacy of that period...a legacy that has been covered up and or ignored..... with the media and hollywood focusing on nazism and the evil germans.
The history now taught in schools is more than often ideologically politically correct motivated revisionism.

How do you know that beyond one story in the Washington Post that you probably needed help reading?
it is easy to see how peeps like unkotare adopt such fallacious thinking about Roosevelt and the Second World War...

There is nothing fallacious about the FACTS that I have repeatedly educated you on, dope.
I will be forced to reveal the real japanese legacy of that period...a legacy that has been covered up and or ignored..... with the media and hollywood focusing on nazism and the evil germans.

Nothing has been covered up or ignored just because you dropped out in Jr. High and are just now starting to learn the first thing about history, idiot.
How well did the Japanese in re-location centers eat?

National food rationing released a flood of rumors concerning the food served the Japanese in the relocation centers. It was frequently charged that the evacuees were receiving food of an exceptionally high quality and of high ration-point value. Investigation of these charges by representatives of the committee disclosed that the basic means of all relocation centers were prepared by the Quartermaster's Corps of the United States Army and that each center was allowed a maximum expenditure of 45 cents per day for each evacuee. The average expenditure for the two centers in California runs around 37 cents per day per evacuee.

The committee representatives selected mess halls at random in each center and ate several meals with the evacuees. The found the food well cooked, nourishing and plentiful. The following sample menus are typical of the meals served at Manzanar and Tule Lake:




Stewed dried fruit,
Farina -- hot milk,
French toast, syrup,
Cocoa, milk.
One-half grapefruit,
Rolled oats -- milk,
Hot cakes -- syrup,
Cocoa -- coffee -- milk
Stewed dried fruit,
Dry cereal -- milk,
French toast, syrup,
Cocoa -- coffee -- milk.

Baked macaroni and cheese,
Steamed rice,
Boiled fresh vegetables,
Head lettuce salad,
One orange,
Boiled beef, Spanish
Steamed rice,
Head lettuce salad,
One fresh apple,
Boston baked beans,
Boiled fresh vegetables,
Steamed rice,
Head lettuce salad,
One orange,

Fresh fried fish,
Stewed corn,
Steamed rice,
Pickled fresh beets,
Butterscotch dessert.

Beef Sukiyaki,
Steamed rice,
Potato salad,
Spice cake,
Fresh fried fish,
Steamed rice,
Cole slaw salad,
Fruit jello,

It will be noted that the relocation center diet consists mainly of rice, vegetables, fish, bread, oleomargarine (no butter), with such occasional Japanese dishes a Tsukemono (pickled vegetables) and Sukiyaki (a sort of Japanese chop suey).

Lunch, Minidoka, 1942
"Luncheon serving...Menu: Baked macaroni with Spanish sauce, spinach, pickled beets, bread-pudding, tea, bread and butter." (Minidoka12/09/1942)

Choice of food is a source of constant evacuee complaint and grievance. The American-born Japanese are accustomed to American food while most of the alien Japanese are accustomed to native dishes. It is manifestly impossible to please both groups, although, as will be seen from the sample menus, certain native dishes are prepared and served. The evacuees are permitted to buy additional food at the cooperative stores, but, as has been mentioned heretofore, they are not permitted to purchase anything which requires ration points.

Until about January 1, 1943, the administration of the centers was very lax. The evacuees were permitted to wander unattended practically at will all over the adjacent countryside. This practice was bitterly resented by residents in the vicinity of the centers and this resentment toward the administration still exists to some extent. The laxity of early administration manifested itself in what appeared to be pampering of the evacuees and an apathy toward their subversive activities. An example of this lax attitude was seen in the practice of permitting evacuees at Tule Lake to use Government cars as free taxis within the area of the Center, and in the use of Government trucks to take groups of evacuees on picnics outside the Center. No attempt was made to separate the obviously subversive and disloyal from the obviously loyal. After January 1, 1943, the situation changed considerably and the centers in California were administered with a firmer hand.
I challenge anyone to compare these photos with those of inmates of concentration camps in germany or the photos of Americans in camps in Japan detained by the Japanese.

Yet the politically correct have convinced themselves that America actually had concentration camps like Germany and Japan.

Ansel Adams' Internment Camp Photos - Business Insider

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