Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch is about to become a reality


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Ya never know he might do some silly things like chief justice John Roberts did with that STUPID healthcare B/S...

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch is about to become a reality.
April 7, 2017

Matthew Vadum

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered on a key Trump campaign promise yesterday, brushing away an arcane procedural hurdle and in the process clearing the way for the swift Senate confirmation of originalist Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.

It is also the first in what promises to be a long series of crushing major defeats for Democrats in the current Congress who are desperate to placate their increasingly rabid far left-wing base.

The “nuking” of the filibuster rule yesterday bodes well for President Trump’s agenda. Trump is in a good position to remake the Supreme Court because so many its members are elderly and are likely to vacate their seats over Trump’s four- or eight-year presidency. Three of the current eight justices are of retirement age. Left-wing Clinton appointees Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer are 84 and 78, respectively. Swing vote and occasional conservative Anthony Kennedy, who is 80, was appointed by President Reagan.


The change in the filibuster rule was a long time coming and it is an outgrowth of Barack Obama's destructive legacy. He left his party at its weakest in a century, reduced to a regional rump of coastal elites, machine politicians, and burnt out labor leaders who reminisce about the good old days.

Now it’s time for Democrats to sweat.

Senate Republicans Nuke The SCOTUS Filibuster
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

And it's over.

The button was pushed. The left got what it wanted. The Senate is now a much more partisan institution. This is good news for President Trump's future nominees. But it comes at the cost of doing violence to the system. And despite the media spin, it should not be forgotten that it was Harry Reid who began the process and his successor, Schumer, who concluded it, leaving Republicans no choice but to either let him choose Supreme Court nominees or to push the button.

In February, I wrote, Nuke the Filibuster.


Senate Dems have become as radicalized as the rest of their party. What is happening is part of the larger political struggle between the radical left and America.

R.I.P. Filibuster
Ya never know he might do some silly things like chief justice John Roberts did with that STUPID healthcare B/S...

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch is about to become a reality.
April 7, 2017

Matthew Vadum

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered on a key Trump campaign promise yesterday, brushing away an arcane procedural hurdle and in the process clearing the way for the swift Senate confirmation of originalist Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.

It is also the first in what promises to be a long series of crushing major defeats for Democrats in the current Congress who are desperate to placate their increasingly rabid far left-wing base.

The “nuking” of the filibuster rule yesterday bodes well for President Trump’s agenda. Trump is in a good position to remake the Supreme Court because so many its members are elderly and are likely to vacate their seats over Trump’s four- or eight-year presidency. Three of the current eight justices are of retirement age. Left-wing Clinton appointees Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer are 84 and 78, respectively. Swing vote and occasional conservative Anthony Kennedy, who is 80, was appointed by President Reagan.


The change in the filibuster rule was a long time coming and it is an outgrowth of Barack Obama's destructive legacy. He left his party at its weakest in a century, reduced to a regional rump of coastal elites, machine politicians, and burnt out labor leaders who reminisce about the good old days.

Now it’s time for Democrats to sweat.

Senate Republicans Nuke The SCOTUS Filibuster
As divided as the country became under Obama I don't believe the Republicans should have done away with this rule. Even though it was just a continuation of what the Democrats did I don't know if I agree. But then again the rule was put in place to stop filibuster, so if the democrats are serious they could filibuster his nomination.
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

And it's over.

The button was pushed. The left got what it wanted. The Senate is now a much more partisan institution. This is good news for President Trump's future nominees. But it comes at the cost of doing violence to the system. And despite the media spin, it should not be forgotten that it was Harry Reid who began the process and his successor, Schumer, who concluded it, leaving Republicans no choice but to either let him choose Supreme Court nominees or to push the button.

In February, I wrote, Nuke the Filibuster.


Senate Dems have become as radicalized as the rest of their party. What is happening is part of the larger political struggle between the radical left and America.

R.I.P. Filibuster
Maybe I have this wrong but the filibuster wasn't nuked only the rule to prevent filibuster was nuked. In other words the left could still stand up before congress and talk and talk and talk, that is what filibuster is and what the rule was designed to prevent.
i mentioned this before, this is telling the racist Chuck Schumer to "G.F.Y." know,,,,Obama got to choose his radical leftist judges, now its our turn !!

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