"Support My View.....or I Attack!!"


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
That is the danger of the limited understanding that comes from indoctrination.

The question is not confined to formal schooling, but includes moral education, and real-world experience.....and an understanding of human nature.
Without these, actions are often misguided at best, and destructive at worst.

The following, a case in point:

1. "What would induce the citizens of a prosperous and peaceful country to leave for an increasingly impoverished and violent living hell?

2. .... the number of French citizens going to Syria to participate in jihad has increased recently, and it fears what they might do when they return home. So far, 18 French jihadis have been killed in Syria, 70 have returned, and 220 (four times as any as in May 2013) are thought to be on the ground there. Another 200 to 300 might be preparing to go.

3. .... 80 percent are of North African descent, usually young men who ignored the precepts of their ancestral religion and indulged in debauchery until they were “born again” into a life of puritanical fanaticism. The other 20 percent are French converts.

4. .... the mother of one such convert, Nicolas Bons, alias Abu Abdel Rahman, 30, who died in a suicide bombing in Syria..... According to Madame Bons, prior to his conversion Nicolas had said that “he didn’t want to live in a society based on profit and consumption. He couldn’t stand injustice. For him, everyone was exploited. He didn’t want to be exploited. It was for this reason that he didn’t want to work.”

5. .... believed that, under the current system, they would never receive the full value of their labor. It never occurred to them that, since they continued to consume—however much they might disapprove of the consumption of others—they must be exploiting someone, whether taxpayers or their parents.

a. So he blew himself up in “an enemy village”—most helpful." Liberte, Egalite, Jihad by Theodore Dalrymple, City Journal 21 January 2014

6. Where else have we seen similar cognitive inability?

Leftist political/economic philosophy, the idea that just the right laws or government will lead to 'fairness,' or 'economic equality' or 'social justice,'

Now, proponents may not blow themselves up, but are about destroying society:

"Brian Phillips is the head of communications for the NYC General Assembly, the group primarily responsible for occupying Wall Street. I learned about him while listening to National Public Radio’s Morning Edition. According to NPR, Phillips is “an ex-Marine with a bachelor’s in computer science. Today he is wearing a sock on his head.”
“My political goal,” Phillips says, “is to overthrow the government.”
We Shouldn?t Ignore the Danger Of Occupy Wall Street - TexasSparkle

7. The unspoken and unrecognized assumption is that there exists some mechanism that can distribute goods and services. The only such mechanism is, and must be, the totalitarian state, also known as sharia.

a. To believe this, one must accept that there exists some equation by which the state can fairly and honestly control human exchange. Here we go: increasing taxes to increase programs to increase happiness to allow equality…all of which ends up in dictatorship.

b. There is the adolescent standing aside the street sweeper, who presents himself to government demanding compensation based on his needs, or his goodness, in equality to the physician…urging on him the courage to demand his equal pay!
The Leftist has a simple prescription for the inequality of pay…you, the taxpayer, pay him more.

c. Marxism: tax the surgeon more so the good-willed other will feel momentarily better, implementing their vision of a perfect world, a Utopia.
From "The Secret Knowledge," chapter 32, David Mamet.

What is strikingly similar about the Islamofascist and the Marxist is that they both have no compunctions about deciding what is best for others, and blowing up other people, or blowing up society, if they don't get agreement.
ha, polly.

most of your posts are misguided at best, and destructive at worst.

You're gettin' to be a crotchety old bird....just tossin' spitballs and blowing hot air!

How about putting a little effort into these posts! Let's see a real critique.....

What happened to you?
No...don't tell me....but find out if vitamin B shots would help.

But...you're still as handsome as the day you left Goldblum's flychamber.
"Support My View.....or I Attack!!"

Perfect motto for Political Chic
ha, polly.

most of your posts are misguided at best, and destructive at worst.

And you're no match for her on her worst day.

STFU, idiot.

You know you've nailed their ass to the floor good when all they can do is pump sewer gas for a reply, PC.
ha, polly.

most of your posts are misguided at best, and destructive at worst.

And you're no match for her on her worst day.

STFU, idiot.

You know you've nailed their ass to the floor good when all they can do is pump sewer gas for a reply, PC.

of course i am not a match for her misguidedness. i could, however, try to compete with her destructiveness. but i have a job.
ha, polly.

most of your posts are misguided at best, and destructive at worst.

And you're no match for her on her worst day.

STFU, idiot.

You know you've nailed their ass to the floor good when all they can do is pump sewer gas for a reply, PC.

of course i am not a match for her misguidedness. i could, however, try to compete with her destructiveness. but i have a job.

Are you questioning my 'job'??????


Thankfully, I'm independently wealthy, not obligated to actually work, as you peasants are.
You see, I'm an heir to a family fortune.

We own the Nome (Alaska) to Rome (Italy) Railroad.

The Polar Express!
Don't confuse that with your one-way ticket on the Disoriented Express.

And, President Obama actually made reference to our humble endeavor:

"New gaffe: Obama hails America's historic building of 'the Intercontinental Railroad'

"We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad," Barack Obama.
That's what the president of the United States flat-out said Thursday during what was supposed to be a photo op to sell his jobs plan next to an allegedly deteriorating highway bridge.
A railroad between continents? A railroad from, say, New York City all the way across the Atlantic to France?"
New gaffe: Obama hails America's historic building of 'the Intercontinental Railroad' - latimes.com
ha, polly.

most of your posts are misguided at best, and destructive at worst.

She can verify anything she posts. She is no fool and knows her audience, well. :clap2:

True and false at the same time. IMO PC writes and researchs in the way and methods of a polical commentator or pundit, and not in the way or methods of a recognized historian who tracks and traces sources backwards to an original quote, idea, etc. The methods of the commentator or pundit allows wide interpretation and inaccuracy. Sources can be distorted, taken out of context, etc. That is acceptable and ok. The reader is supposed to know the difference and understand the standards between the commentator/pundit are different than the historian.
Political commentators and pundits add personal insights and opinions into historical narratives that the reader can investigate and research on their own and come to different conclusions. The narrative of this type can be used as a tool. The auther afterall has done much research and drawn a map so to speak for further investigation into the subject at hand. The historian adds much more limited opinion and uses far more reliable data to reach conlusion. In the end, it is the readers responsibility to randomly check sources and determine the value and reliability of those sources whether the piece in question is written by the commentator/pundit or the recognized historian.
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