Support For Same Sex Relationships Plummets

Lets see some actual statistics on the number of people being denied cancer care because of gender affirming care.
We dont need statistics found with a biased google search.

Did i say, denied cancer care, i dont think so, but hey, you cant use my words cause then you cant make your wild lunatic rant.

It is time to end all this crazy cutting off of body parts, the chemical casteration, the men hormones injected into women and vise versa. Pure sick dr frankenstien madness.

And you most certainly are right, these bottom of the class researchers and doctors could not cut off a cancerous tumor if it was growing on the end of a wanna be transexual's ...
Also, support for gender changing has also plummeted. Most Americans believe it to be morally wrong and that sentiment is rising. The left seem to want to run the country based on public opinion so now is the time for them to either put up or shut up. Do we base all of our decisions on public opinion or not? Or, do we only do that when it fits your agenda and not when it doesn't fit your agenda?

The survey found 55 percent of Americans believed changing one’s gender to be morally wrong, compared to 51 percent who held that view in 2021.

From your link:

Pollsters with Gallup found 64 percent of individuals surveyed find gay and lesbian relations to be “morally acceptable.” Just a year ago, the poll found 71 percent.

That's hardly "plummets", dipshit.

Guess what else has "plummeted".

Support for the use of birth control dropped from 92 percent last year to 88 percent this year. Acceptance of divorce declined from 81 percent to 78 percent. Moral support for sex between an unwed man and an unwed woman fell from 76 percent to 72 percent.
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Is someone else's sexual preferences a threat to you in any way? Conservatives always say that they are "live and let live". Perhaps you can put up or shut up.
These idiots are all about cruelty and control. They hate the poor, disabled and old with a passion but they hate LGBT people even more...Pure evil is what they're...Of course it is a threat to them as they're up everyones ass!!!
These idiots are all about cruelty and control. They hate the poor, disabled and old with a passion but they hate LGBT people even more...Pure evil is what they're...Of course it is a threat to them as they're up everyones ass!!!
Yep. I used to think we just had disagreements. But the GOP of Reagan and Bush Sr. is gone I'm afraid. What remains is an ideology based on fear and hate.
I said years ago, give them marriage and they will get bold. Not to mention, the pandoras box it would open.

Whatever boomer.
How do any homosexuals get preference over heterosexuals.

There is no baby who would pick a homosexual mam man couple over having a man and woman as mom and dad

You are the sick fuck, forcing children to live in a family that is unnatural

Emperical evidence? Bullshit, pure bullshit,

Show us the last time they asked a 1 year old who they like as mom and dad
And this dude claims to be gay.

Odd huh?
Also, support for gender changing has also plummeted. Most Americans believe it to be morally wrong and that sentiment is rising. The left seem to want to run the country based on public opinion so now is the time for them to either put up or shut up. Do we base all of our decisions on public opinion or not? Or, do we only do that when it fits your agenda and not when it doesn't fit your agenda?

The survey found 55 percent of Americans believed changing one’s gender to be morally wrong, compared to 51 percent who held that view in 2021.

That's not good for normal fags. They need to take a stand against these pedos n groomers n trannies n stuff.

Unless they wanna support that, in which case, fuck 'em!

I know they don't like that stuff either, because I know some, I have some customers like that.

If that's the cause they wanna get behind, they're shooting themselves right in the foot.

IDGAF if two dudes wanna get married, but when children start getting groomed?

Oh hell no. If that's what I signed up for by supporting gay marriage, fuck it all!

Bring sodomy back as a hanging offense, says I.
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Also, support for gender changing has also plummeted. Most Americans believe it to be morally wrong and that sentiment is rising. The left seem to want to run the country based on public opinion so now is the time for them to either put up or shut up. Do we base all of our decisions on public opinion or not? Or, do we only do that when it fits your agenda and not when it doesn't fit your agenda?

The survey found 55 percent of Americans believed changing one’s gender to be morally wrong, compared to 51 percent who held that view in 2021.

There’s no doubt that some portion of gay people feel that they are special and entitled to do whatever they want, there’s portions of white people and Black people who are straight to feel that they are special and go do whatever the hell they want. And these things happen. We have always had eccentric people and characters in every country of the world.

But for whatever reason the media, the celebrities Hollywood give us a pass to the far left. And most Americans are fed up with it.

Part of the problem is the steadfast refusal of far less extremist to have a conversation. Like when a simple question can be asked. Hey, if everyone in the world was gay, if every man was gay, if every woman was lesbian, how would the world be? We would have no more children being born the world would cease to exist. We could say the same thing if every man and woman was asexual.. no more children would be born humanity would cease to exist.

there have always been gay folks through history. Societies and religion have had different opinions on these things.

But anyways, we’re seeing something incredible happening in America. People are providing their opinions without fear anymore. And those who just want to yell at others, laugh at them or insult them. Nobody cares about their views anymore. It’s just a waste of time.

Over history societies change who is to say how America will look 200 years from now? if it even exists as a country. Who is to say how the world will exist 200 years from now. Anyway there’s much more to these conversations then what the far left extremists and their neoconservative Ally to bring to the table.
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Is someone else's sexual preferences a threat to you in any way? Conservatives always say that they are "live and let live". Perhaps you can put up or shut up.
Oh come off it

If perverts who are over 21 want to whack off their penis I dont care as long as they keep their goofy ideas away from children
The reason support for queers has fallen is very simple. We were lied to. We were told over and over it was simply about equal rights. Then came the lawsuits, threats, hate, personal destruction, etc for simply not complying because of Constitutional religious rights. The queers demanded that their rights were more important than the Constitution. That's when support began to fall. They went to far. Now the people know it's all about submission.
there have been gay and lesbian people throughout all of history…. But not so much in the United States of America. Yes, there were always gay and lesbian people in our country but not like the public gay marriage. And so the question is 30 years from now 50 years… from now how many lgbt couples will we have and how will the children of lgbt couple’s grow up?

Because we don’t have enough data on this, not nearly enough it’s only going to unfold in front of our very eyes as the decades going on. It’s not the same thing as interracial marriage

Of course, the far left the uneducated drug addict will look at what is being said here and will immediately start yelling. “ racist racist bigot. “

It’s like Put down the crack pipe leftie we’re living in different times and it’s going to be interesting to see how things turn out.

These are serious concerns and legitimate questions for society to ask.

Again, here’s how the far left wing neoconservative drug attic will respond to

“ mind your own business! “

Wait , wat?

It’s all of our business when you have radicals in America, who want 2nd graders to read books showing two adults having sex.

It’s all of our businesses how American society grows. You know how Will our country luck 30 years from now is the most legitimate question Anybody can ask.
These idiots are all about cruelty and control. They hate the poor, disabled and old with a passion but they hate LGBT people even more...Pure evil is what they're...Of course it is a threat to them as they're up everyones ass!!!
It's a cruel world when your lawyer demands I make you a special wedding cake for your queer marriage. Who the fuck do you think you are.
These idiots are all about cruelty and control. They hate the poor, disabled and old with a passion but they hate LGBT people even more...Pure evil is what they're...Of course it is a threat to them as they're up everyones ass!!!
WTF, is that a queer saying? No one wants up your ass.

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