Summary of the obamas


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012

If you are waivering about Obama--read this article to the end.

>Mychal Massie is a respected writer and talk show host in Los Angeles.
>The other evening on my twitter, a person asked me why I didn't like the
>Obama's? Specifically I was asked: "I have to ask, why do you hate the
>Obama's? It seems personal, not policy related. You even dissed (disrespect)
>their Christmas family picture."
>The truth is I do not like the Obamas, what they represent, their ideology, and
>I certainly do not like his policies and legislation. I've made no secret of
>my contempt for the Obamas. As I responded to the person who asked me the
>aforementioned question, I don't like them because they are committed to the
>fundamental change of my/our country into what can only be regarded as a
>Communist state.
>I don't hate them per definition, but I condemn them because they are the worst
>kind of racialists, they are elitist Leninists with contempt for traditional
>America. They display disrespect for the sanctity of the office he holds, and
>for those who are willing to admit same, Michelle Obama's raw contempt for white
>America is transpicuous.
>I don't like them because they comport themselves as emperor and empress. I
>expect, no I demand respect, for the Office of President and a love of our
>country and her citizenry from the leader entrusted with the governance of
>same. President and Mrs. Reagan displayed an unparalleled love for the country
>and her people. The Reagan's made Americans feel good about themselves and
>about what we could accomplish. Obama's arrogance by appointing 32 leftist
>czars and constantly bypassing congress is impeachable. Eric Holder is
>probably the MOST incompetent and arrogant DOJ head to ever hold the job. Could
>you envision President Reagan instructing his Justice Department to act like
>jack-booted thugs?
Read the entire article using the link
Mychal Massie is black, which indicates that not all black people drank the kool aid.

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