

Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
What is that saying about "fool me twice, shame on me....."????

Democrats......they live to be fooled.

A reminder of how they treat their voters, from Tom Elliott:

They said Trump colluded w/ Russia & the FBI saved us. Then we learned Hillary & the FBI colluded w/ Russia. They told us the Steele Dossier was "corroborated" Then we learned it was entirely debunked.

They said the surveillance state would never be used against Americans. Then we learned it happens all the time. They told us a snooty Catholic student tormented a Native American Then we learned it was the other way around

They told us Michael Avenatti was a warrior for justice Then we learned he's a serial felon who exploits vulnerable clients They told us Brett Kavanaugh was a serial rapist Then we learned they were sitting on proof he wasn't

They told us they despise acts of abuse against women Then they defended Biden's pattern of sexual harassment They told us Trump's call w/ Ukraine's president was impeachable Then they made excuses for Biden getting caught doing the same

They said BLM riots were righteous acts of social justice. Then they said a smaller, less violent protest was literally terrorism. They said right-wing extremists tried kidnapping Gov. Whitmer Then we learned it was an FBI-led plot

They told us the USPS was conspiring to steal the election. Then we learned it was all a conspiracy theory. They said Hunter’s laptop was "Russian disinformation." Then we learned it was absolutely real.

They told us the FBI were America's stalwart defenders of justice & rule of law Then we learned they aided and abetted sex trafficking They told us they needed two weeks to stop the spread. Then, almost two years later, we're called selfish for wanting our lives back.

They told us they'd follow science wherever it leads. Then they led campaigns to have science censored. They said masks stop the spread. Then we learned they do nothing.

They told us Gov. Cuomo's totalitarian approach to Covid was a model Then we learned he was running death camps & covering up evidence They said Fauci was America’s Covid savior. Then we learned he accidentally helped invent it.

They told us Covid never could have come from a Chinese biolab Then we learned that's almost guaranteed to be what happened They told us 50 percent vaccinated would mean no more surges Then we saw surges amongst the highest vaccinated populations

Tom Elliott
Last edited:
What is that saying about "fool me twice, shame on me....."????

Democrats......they live to be fooled.

A reminder of how they treat their voters, from Tom Elliott:

They said Trump colluded w/ Russia & the FBI saved us. Then we learned Hillary & the FBI colluded w/ Russia. They told us the Steele Dossier was "corroborated" Then we learned it was entirely debunked.

They said the surveillance state would never be used against Americans. Then we learned it happens all the time. They told us a snooty Catholic student tormented a Native American Then we learned it was the other way around

They told us Michael Avenatti was a warrior for justice Then we learned he's a serial felon who exploits vulnerable clients They told us Brett Kavanaugh was a serial rapist Then we learned they were sitting on proof he wasn't

They told us they despise acts of abuse against women Then they defended Biden's pattern of sexual harassment They told us Trump's call w/ Ukraine's president was impeachable Then they made excuses for Biden getting caught doing the same

They said BLM riots were righteous acts of social justice. Then they said a smaller, less violent protest was literally terrorism. They said right-wing extremists tried kidnapping Gov. Whitmer Then we learned it was an FBI-led plot

They told us the USPS was conspiring to steal the election. Then we learned it was all a conspiracy theory. They said Hunter’s laptop was "Russian disinformation." Then we learned it was absolutely real.

They told us the FBI were America's stalwart defenders of justice & rule of law Then we learned they aided and abetted sex trafficking They told us they needed two weeks to stop the spread. Then, almost two years later, we're called selfish for wanting our lives back.

hey told us they'd follow science wherever it leads. Then they led campaigns to have science censored. They said masks stop the spread. Then we learned they do nothing.

They told us Gov. Cuomo's totalitarian approach to Covid was a model Then we learned he was running death camps & covering up evidence They said Fauci was America’s Covid savior. Then we learned he accidentally helped invent it.

They told us Covid never could have come from a Chinese biolab Then we learned that's almost guaranteed to be what happened They told us 50 percent vaccinated would mean no more surges Then we saw surges amongst the highest vaccinated populations

Tom Elliott
All you have to do is look where the Democrat voter is on the intelligence chart..

What is that saying about "fool me twice, shame on me....."????

Democrats......they live to be fooled.

A reminder of how they treat their voters, from Tom Elliott:

They said Trump colluded w/ Russia & the FBI saved us. Then we learned Hillary & the FBI colluded w/ Russia. They told us the Steele Dossier was "corroborated" Then we learned it was entirely debunked.

They said the surveillance state would never be used against Americans. Then we learned it happens all the time. They told us a snooty Catholic student tormented a Native American Then we learned it was the other way around

They told us Michael Avenatti was a warrior for justice Then we learned he's a serial felon who exploits vulnerable clients They told us Brett Kavanaugh was a serial rapist Then we learned they were sitting on proof he wasn't

They told us they despise acts of abuse against women Then they defended Biden's pattern of sexual harassment They told us Trump's call w/ Ukraine's president was impeachable Then they made excuses for Biden getting caught doing the same

They said BLM riots were righteous acts of social justice. Then they said a smaller, less violent protest was literally terrorism. They said right-wing extremists tried kidnapping Gov. Whitmer Then we learned it was an FBI-led plot

They told us the USPS was conspiring to steal the election. Then we learned it was all a conspiracy theory. They said Hunter’s laptop was "Russian disinformation." Then we learned it was absolutely real.

They told us the FBI were America's stalwart defenders of justice & rule of law Then we learned they aided and abetted sex trafficking They told us they needed two weeks to stop the spread. Then, almost two years later, we're called selfish for wanting our lives back.

They told us they'd follow science wherever it leads. Then they led campaigns to have science censored. They said masks stop the spread. Then we learned they do nothing.

They told us Gov. Cuomo's totalitarian approach to Covid was a model Then we learned he was running death camps & covering up evidence They said Fauci was America’s Covid savior. Then we learned he accidentally helped invent it.

They told us Covid never could have come from a Chinese biolab Then we learned that's almost guaranteed to be what happened They told us 50 percent vaccinated would mean no more surges Then we saw surges amongst the highest vaccinated populations

Tom Elliott
there goes the fake Trump supporter again.
They said Trump colluded w/ Russia
He did. One of the ways he did was by lying to the American people during the campaign when he said that he didn't have any deals with Russia, has never had any deals with Russia, and was not pursuing a deal with Russia. All lies. All refuted by earlier comments from Don, Jr. and Eric. All of which Russia could have publicly refuted. But now they have even more to blackmail Trump with, along with the surveillance video from previous Moscow visits when he wasn't pursuing deals. :rolleyes:
What is that saying about "fool me twice, shame on me....."????

Democrats......they live to be fooled.

A reminder of how they treat their voters, from Tom Elliott:

They said Trump colluded w/ Russia & the FBI saved us. Then we learned Hillary & the FBI colluded w/ Russia. They told us the Steele Dossier was "corroborated" Then we learned it was entirely debunked.

They said the surveillance state would never be used against Americans. Then we learned it happens all the time. They told us a snooty Catholic student tormented a Native American Then we learned it was the other way around

They told us Michael Avenatti was a warrior for justice Then we learned he's a serial felon who exploits vulnerable clients They told us Brett Kavanaugh was a serial rapist Then we learned they were sitting on proof he wasn't

They told us they despise acts of abuse against women Then they defended Biden's pattern of sexual harassment They told us Trump's call w/ Ukraine's president was impeachable Then they made excuses for Biden getting caught doing the same

They said BLM riots were righteous acts of social justice. Then they said a smaller, less violent protest was literally terrorism. They said right-wing extremists tried kidnapping Gov. Whitmer Then we learned it was an FBI-led plot

They told us the USPS was conspiring to steal the election. Then we learned it was all a conspiracy theory. They said Hunter’s laptop was "Russian disinformation." Then we learned it was absolutely real.

They told us the FBI were America's stalwart defenders of justice & rule of law Then we learned they aided and abetted sex trafficking They told us they needed two weeks to stop the spread. Then, almost two years later, we're called selfish for wanting our lives back.

They told us they'd follow science wherever it leads. Then they led campaigns to have science censored. They said masks stop the spread. Then we learned they do nothing.

They told us Gov. Cuomo's totalitarian approach to Covid was a model Then we learned he was running death camps & covering up evidence They said Fauci was America’s Covid savior. Then we learned he accidentally helped invent it.

They told us Covid never could have come from a Chinese biolab Then we learned that's almost guaranteed to be what happened They told us 50 percent vaccinated would mean no more surges Then we saw surges amongst the highest vaccinated populations

Tom Elliott
Ironic post is ironic.
He did. One of the ways he did was by lying to the American people during the campaign when he said that he didn't have any deals with Russia, has never had any deals with Russia, and was not pursuing a deal with Russia. All lies. All refuted by earlier comments from Don, Jr. and Eric. All of which Russia could have publicly refuted. But now they have even more to blackmail Trump with, along with the surveillance video from previous Moscow visits when he wasn't pursuing deals. :rolleyes:

In this poster we find the inseparable combination of prevarication and stupidity.

Every lie the Left advances is good enough for this moron.

Anti-Russia Actions by Trump…things that have directly and indirectly effected Russia

1.Bombed Russian ally, Syria, hitting Russian facilities killing a number of Russian military

2.Pulled out of the Iran deal…a Russian signee

3.Pulled out of Paris Accords….a Russian signee

4.Sanctions against Russia…460 sanctions against individuals and entities

5.Expelled Russian diplomats

6.Gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank missiles to use against Russian proxies…Obama sent mittens

7. Obama….more flexible, Hillary ‘reset button,’ wouldn’t give Poland defensive missiles, Uranium one deal….

8. At the NATO meeting, he warned Germany not to make huge energy deals enriching Russia….

9. Trump created an energy juggernaut in the United States….a body-blow to the Russian economy. Anyone pro-fracking is anti-Russia.

10. And, of course, you dunce, first and foremost.....

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.


12. Biden administration to waive sanctions for head of Nord Stream 2 pipeline

An ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin leads the company that is building the gas pipeline.

They just couldn't abide with having a pro-America President.
Hows this hit you PC?? The debt limit republican scam

The debt limit fight is a scam. The GOP counts on voters not knowing that. -- Raising the debt limit means paying America’s bills, not borrowing more money.​

On the Senate floor Monday, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) proclaimed that if the Democratic majority decides, in his rendering, to “go it alone” on a suite of pending budgetary matters, “they will not get Senate Republicans’ help with raising the debt limit,” a ceiling that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned we’ll hit sometime in October. Since 19 Senate Republicans, including McConnell, already voted for a compromise version of President Biden’s infrastructure bill, and since debate on Biden’s larger budget package is an intramural negotiation among Democrats — with Republicans choosing to be on the sidelines by threatening a filibuster — McConnell is signaling that his caucus is content to kneecap a Democratic president with the threat of letting the United States default on its credit.
It’s a move from the same playbook McConnell used to try to hamstring President Barack Obama in budget talks. But it’s a riskier one now, in the post-Trump era, when some congressional Republicans, with no serious agenda of their own and motivated by residual fake 2020 outrage, might be tempted to let a default happen for what they hope is a political win.

No matter how far they take their threat this time, McConnell and Republicans are counting on Americans not understanding what the debt ceiling is — that’s the only way this scam can work.

The debt limit is a legal formality. It isn’t an economic constraint on the federal government’s ability to borrow. A vote to raise it isn’t a vote for more debt; it’s a vote to fund the debts the government already owes. The debt limit exists because some policymakers would like to turn the public’s general opposition to debts and deficits into legislation that would reduce them or at least control their growth.
Indeed, Americans regularly express concern about the deficit, which is the annual increment to the debt. In practice, however, it has proved difficult to transform this concern into specific policy actions or even electoral consequences: The debt rises under both Republican and Democratic administrations. When Republicans hold the White House, some Democrats are less inclined to vote for a debt-limit increase. And as the Manhattan Institute’s Brian Riedl recently noted, Democrats could have taken care of the debt limit earlier this year.
But only one party brands its members as fiscal hawks. Republicans still try to claim that mantle, but they engage in orgies of tax-cutting (without corresponding “pay-fors”) whenever they get the opportunity. GOP notables such as former House speaker Paul Ryan, with his largely undeserved reputation as a green-eyeshade-wearing budget-cutter, have vanished from view. Despite professing outrage about deficits and debt, many tea partyers embraced Donald Trump, on whose watch the national debt rose by close to $8 trillion.
I helped create the GOP tax myth. Trump is wrong: Tax cuts don’t equal growth.
On either side of the aisle, legislators can reasonably debate what they consider the right amount of borrowing and spending, but they can’t reasonably argue that it’s anything other than derelict to play chicken with the nation’s creditworthiness.

The debt limit, which has existed since 1917, hasn’t been an effective brake on the growth of debt. It mainly allows members of Congress to pontificate on the evils of debt without requiring them to stand behind any politically painful act that would actually reduce it, such as raising taxes or cutting popular spending programs.
Nearly a half-century ago, policymakers genuinely concerned about deficits tried to create an improved budgetary system, culminating in the Budget Act of 1974. It requires Congress, at intervals, to set a limit on the federal debt. When the limit needs to be increased, specific congressional action is required — raising it can’t be just an automatic part of the appropriations process. The law created a mechanism called “reconciliation” that would facilitate deficit reduction by preventing a Senate filibuster for legislation that would affect the debt.
Unfortunately, in recent years, the budget process has become something of a joke insofar as deficit limitation is concerned: Congress simply ignores it except when it wants to use reconciliation to increase deficits with tax cuts or spending hikes.

This has left the debt limit as a merely theoretical restraint on the national debt’s climb. Everyone in Congress knows that it’s about as useful as a too-ambitious New Year’s resolution. But it still serves a demagogic purpose for the political party not in control of the White House. (Fewer Americans would blame their own member of Congress if the country defaulted on its obligations; most would blame the president.)
The right wants a hands-off approach to business. Until it hates the results.
As McConnell put it during the 2011 debt limit crisis: “It’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming. And it focuses the Congress on something that must be done.” This time around, McConnell hasn’t specified his ransom, but it will undoubtedly be something unpalatable to Democrats. Democrats are playing their own game of chicken, with moderates and progressives not trusting the other faction to provide enough votes for final passage of both Biden’s infrastructure legislation and his overall budget proposal.
The danger, as with Cold War “brinkmanship,” is that you never know if things will go too far and someone will decide to test the nuclear option. The equivalent result in today’s budget fight would be a default, with an ensuing meltdown in financial markets if U.S. government bonds become questionable assets. Markets have always believed that a default on the federal debt would never happen. Up to now, that thinking has been right — but there’s a first time for everything: On Jan. 5, few envisioned the Jan. 6 insurrection. These days, McConnell’s caginess is offset by a lot of Republican craziness.

Whether Republicans are still only bluffing, or if they’re really ready to gamble with America’s creditworthiness just to stick it to Biden, it would matter a whole lot less if they couldn’t rely on the public’s confusion about the debt limit. If raising it were properly understood for what it is — authorization for the country to pay what it owes — then it wouldn’t be a hostage worth taking. McConnell and Republicans would look like deadbeats.
But so long as Republicans can convince voters that a debt-limit raise is runaway spending, not responsible bill-paying, they’ll have a potent way to disrupt the budget process, divert Democrats from passing popular spending programs and mask their own lack of fiscal discipline.
Did you think that post made sense??? If so, you must be sitting in an Ojibwe sweat lodge, on peyote.
Sure it made sense You talk about hypocrisy, lies when the pos you support is world class in each
What is that saying about "fool me twice, shame on me....."????

Democrats......they live to be fooled.

A reminder of how they treat their voters, from Tom Elliott:

They said Trump colluded w/ Russia & the FBI saved us. Then we learned Hillary & the FBI colluded w/ Russia. They told us the Steele Dossier was "corroborated" Then we learned it was entirely debunked.

They said the surveillance state would never be used against Americans. Then we learned it happens all the time. They told us a snooty Catholic student tormented a Native American Then we learned it was the other way around

They told us Michael Avenatti was a warrior for justice Then we learned he's a serial felon who exploits vulnerable clients They told us Brett Kavanaugh was a serial rapist Then we learned they were sitting on proof he wasn't

They told us they despise acts of abuse against women Then they defended Biden's pattern of sexual harassment They told us Trump's call w/ Ukraine's president was impeachable Then they made excuses for Biden getting caught doing the same

They said BLM riots were righteous acts of social justice. Then they said a smaller, less violent protest was literally terrorism. They said right-wing extremists tried kidnapping Gov. Whitmer Then we learned it was an FBI-led plot

They told us the USPS was conspiring to steal the election. Then we learned it was all a conspiracy theory. They said Hunter’s laptop was "Russian disinformation." Then we learned it was absolutely real.

They told us the FBI were America's stalwart defenders of justice & rule of law Then we learned they aided and abetted sex trafficking They told us they needed two weeks to stop the spread. Then, almost two years later, we're called selfish for wanting our lives back.

They told us they'd follow science wherever it leads. Then they led campaigns to have science censored. They said masks stop the spread. Then we learned they do nothing.

They told us Gov. Cuomo's totalitarian approach to Covid was a model Then we learned he was running death camps & covering up evidence They said Fauci was America’s Covid savior. Then we learned he accidentally helped invent it.

They told us Covid never could have come from a Chinese biolab Then we learned that's almost guaranteed to be what happened They told us 50 percent vaccinated would mean no more surges Then we saw surges amongst the highest vaccinated populations

Tom Elliott
Thanks for the detailed recap of the leftist propaganda, sadly...very sadly, we still have some many dembot cultist willing to eat up and believe the lies...even the ones that have been debunked
What is that saying about "fool me twice, shame on me....."????

Democrats......they live to be fooled.

A reminder of how they treat their voters, from Tom Elliott:

They said Trump colluded w/ Russia & the FBI saved us. Then we learned Hillary & the FBI colluded w/ Russia. They told us the Steele Dossier was "corroborated" Then we learned it was entirely debunked.

They said the surveillance state would never be used against Americans. Then we learned it happens all the time. They told us a snooty Catholic student tormented a Native American Then we learned it was the other way around

They told us Michael Avenatti was a warrior for justice Then we learned he's a serial felon who exploits vulnerable clients They told us Brett Kavanaugh was a serial rapist Then we learned they were sitting on proof he wasn't

They told us they despise acts of abuse against women Then they defended Biden's pattern of sexual harassment They told us Trump's call w/ Ukraine's president was impeachable Then they made excuses for Biden getting caught doing the same

They said BLM riots were righteous acts of social justice. Then they said a smaller, less violent protest was literally terrorism. They said right-wing extremists tried kidnapping Gov. Whitmer Then we learned it was an FBI-led plot

They told us the USPS was conspiring to steal the election. Then we learned it was all a conspiracy theory. They said Hunter’s laptop was "Russian disinformation." Then we learned it was absolutely real.

They told us the FBI were America's stalwart defenders of justice & rule of law Then we learned they aided and abetted sex trafficking They told us they needed two weeks to stop the spread. Then, almost two years later, we're called selfish for wanting our lives back.

They told us they'd follow science wherever it leads. Then they led campaigns to have science censored. They said masks stop the spread. Then we learned they do nothing.

They told us Gov. Cuomo's totalitarian approach to Covid was a model Then we learned he was running death camps & covering up evidence They said Fauci was America’s Covid savior. Then we learned he accidentally helped invent it.

They told us Covid never could have come from a Chinese biolab Then we learned that's almost guaranteed to be what happened They told us 50 percent vaccinated would mean no more surges Then we saw surges amongst the highest vaccinated populations

Tom Elliott
306-232. Trump was a joke.
Hows this hit you PC?? The debt limit republican scam

The debt limit fight is a scam. The GOP counts on voters not knowing that. -- Raising the debt limit means paying America’s bills, not borrowing more money.​

On the Senate floor Monday, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) proclaimed that if the Democratic majority decides, in his rendering, to “go it alone” on a suite of pending budgetary matters, “they will not get Senate Republicans’ help with raising the debt limit,” a ceiling that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned we’ll hit sometime in October. Since 19 Senate Republicans, including McConnell, already voted for a compromise version of President Biden’s infrastructure bill, and since debate on Biden’s larger budget package is an intramural negotiation among Democrats — with Republicans choosing to be on the sidelines by threatening a filibuster — McConnell is signaling that his caucus is content to kneecap a Democratic president with the threat of letting the United States default on its credit.
It’s a move from the same playbook McConnell used to try to hamstring President Barack Obama in budget talks. But it’s a riskier one now, in the post-Trump era, when some congressional Republicans, with no serious agenda of their own and motivated by residual fake 2020 outrage, might be tempted to let a default happen for what they hope is a political win.

No matter how far they take their threat this time, McConnell and Republicans are counting on Americans not understanding what the debt ceiling is — that’s the only way this scam can work.

The debt limit is a legal formality. It isn’t an economic constraint on the federal government’s ability to borrow. A vote to raise it isn’t a vote for more debt; it’s a vote to fund the debts the government already owes. The debt limit exists because some policymakers would like to turn the public’s general opposition to debts and deficits into legislation that would reduce them or at least control their growth.
Indeed, Americans regularly express concern about the deficit, which is the annual increment to the debt. In practice, however, it has proved difficult to transform this concern into specific policy actions or even electoral consequences: The debt rises under both Republican and Democratic administrations. When Republicans hold the White House, some Democrats are less inclined to vote for a debt-limit increase. And as the Manhattan Institute’s Brian Riedl recently noted, Democrats could have taken care of the debt limit earlier this year.
But only one party brands its members as fiscal hawks. Republicans still try to claim that mantle, but they engage in orgies of tax-cutting (without corresponding “pay-fors”) whenever they get the opportunity. GOP notables such as former House speaker Paul Ryan, with his largely undeserved reputation as a green-eyeshade-wearing budget-cutter, have vanished from view. Despite professing outrage about deficits and debt, many tea partyers embraced Donald Trump, on whose watch the national debt rose by close to $8 trillion.
I helped create the GOP tax myth. Trump is wrong: Tax cuts don’t equal growth.
On either side of the aisle, legislators can reasonably debate what they consider the right amount of borrowing and spending, but they can’t reasonably argue that it’s anything other than derelict to play chicken with the nation’s creditworthiness.

The debt limit, which has existed since 1917, hasn’t been an effective brake on the growth of debt. It mainly allows members of Congress to pontificate on the evils of debt without requiring them to stand behind any politically painful act that would actually reduce it, such as raising taxes or cutting popular spending programs.
Nearly a half-century ago, policymakers genuinely concerned about deficits tried to create an improved budgetary system, culminating in the Budget Act of 1974. It requires Congress, at intervals, to set a limit on the federal debt. When the limit needs to be increased, specific congressional action is required — raising it can’t be just an automatic part of the appropriations process. The law created a mechanism called “reconciliation” that would facilitate deficit reduction by preventing a Senate filibuster for legislation that would affect the debt.
Unfortunately, in recent years, the budget process has become something of a joke insofar as deficit limitation is concerned: Congress simply ignores it except when it wants to use reconciliation to increase deficits with tax cuts or spending hikes.

This has left the debt limit as a merely theoretical restraint on the national debt’s climb. Everyone in Congress knows that it’s about as useful as a too-ambitious New Year’s resolution. But it still serves a demagogic purpose for the political party not in control of the White House. (Fewer Americans would blame their own member of Congress if the country defaulted on its obligations; most would blame the president.)
The right wants a hands-off approach to business. Until it hates the results.
As McConnell put it during the 2011 debt limit crisis: “It’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming. And it focuses the Congress on something that must be done.” This time around, McConnell hasn’t specified his ransom, but it will undoubtedly be something unpalatable to Democrats. Democrats are playing their own game of chicken, with moderates and progressives not trusting the other faction to provide enough votes for final passage of both Biden’s infrastructure legislation and his overall budget proposal.
The danger, as with Cold War “brinkmanship,” is that you never know if things will go too far and someone will decide to test the nuclear option. The equivalent result in today’s budget fight would be a default, with an ensuing meltdown in financial markets if U.S. government bonds become questionable assets. Markets have always believed that a default on the federal debt would never happen. Up to now, that thinking has been right — but there’s a first time for everything: On Jan. 5, few envisioned the Jan. 6 insurrection. These days, McConnell’s caginess is offset by a lot of Republican craziness.

Whether Republicans are still only bluffing, or if they’re really ready to gamble with America’s creditworthiness just to stick it to Biden, it would matter a whole lot less if they couldn’t rely on the public’s confusion about the debt limit. If raising it were properly understood for what it is — authorization for the country to pay what it owes — then it wouldn’t be a hostage worth taking. McConnell and Republicans would look like deadbeats.
But so long as Republicans can convince voters that a debt-limit raise is runaway spending, not responsible bill-paying, they’ll have a potent way to disrupt the budget process, divert Democrats from passing popular spending programs and mask their own lack of fiscal discipline.

Sure it made sense You talk about hypocrisy, lies when the pos you support is world class in each

Government debt leads to a tax on those who can least afford it, .....inflation.

A one-time increase in the supply of debt that doesn't correspond to increased demand can likely mean a change in the price level or the interest rate, or both, the author explained. A continuing debt issuance not met by a corresponding growth in the demand for debt is likely to show up as a higher rate of inflation.Mar 2, 2021 increase in,a higher rate of inflation.

Does Rising National Debt Portend Higher Inflation? increase in,a higher rate of inflation. increase in,a higher rate of inflation.
This is what you voted for:


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