Suck ass, kiss ass...

The federal government can't even keep her selves out of debt to a fucking Third World country…

U.S. Completes 22 Straight Years of Merchandise Trade Deficits With Mexico

A trade deficit is not "debt to Mexico".
It really is, this Country used to export more than it imported. GDP sucks under progressive rule... fact

It really is

No, it really isn't.
If I buy a 6 pack of Corona, the US is not in debt to Mexico for my purchase.
I paid cash, so I'm not in debt to Mexico either.

So please explain this debt you feel the federal government has due to my purchase.
The federal government can't even keep her selves out of debt to a fucking Third World country…

U.S. Completes 22 Straight Years of Merchandise Trade Deficits With Mexico


A trade deficit is not a debt, and it is not created by the federal government, but rather private capitalists.
It really is, this Country used to export more than it imported.

Our imports are resold to consumers or converted into new products for a profit. There is nothing wrong with importing more than you export.

Don't worry, Donald Trump does not understand the concept either.

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