Suburu commercials are gay

The closest I get to being gay is that I like many of the Suburu commercials. The world needs more love.

That being said, I realize that the Suburu company simply wants our money.

I suspect they might also like us to spell their name right.
Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades, hence the logo.

Seven stars for the seven sisters.

Yeah interesting twist, but it's actually six.
I saw a Suburu commercial that showed a woman crying because she rescued an abused dog from an animal shelter. Then they said that if you buy a Suburu, they will give money to the ASPCA.

I saw another Suburu commercial showing a woman sitting next to an old man, talking about how they met through Meals on Wheels. They both stared at the camera with blank expressions, perhaps to prove they are not real actors, I don't know.

What does any of this have to do with the decision to purchase an automobile?

It seems that liberals want an automobile that makes them feel good about themselves, so rather than save dogs or help hungry people themselves, they buy a car that says, buy this car and we'll send some money to some charity group out of the purchase price, at no additional cost to you.

Proving that liberal compassion is really about not actually doing anything to help people, just getting worked up and pretending to care.
You haven't seen the latest, I'm guessing. It's people who can't sing, singing unaccompanied the tune "Put a Little Love in Your Heart." It's cute. You'd hate it.

Methinks the OP of this bizarre thread is a bit confuserated on what goes into an automobile.

Where we see "gasoline" he seems to see "testosterone".

But then it is strong stuff. Lotta guys can't handle it.
I saw a Suburu commercial that showed a woman crying because she rescued an abused dog from an animal shelter. Then they said that if you buy a Suburu, they will give money to the ASPCA.

I saw another Suburu commercial showing a woman sitting next to an old man, talking about how they met through Meals on Wheels. They both stared at the camera with blank expressions, perhaps to prove they are not real actors, I don't know.

What does any of this have to do with the decision to purchase an automobile?

It seems that liberals want an automobile that makes them feel good about themselves, so rather than save dogs or help hungry people themselves, they buy a car that says, buy this car and we'll send some money to some charity group out of the purchase price, at no additional cost to you.

Proving that liberal compassion is really about not actually doing anything to help people, just getting worked up and pretending to care.

How is it you claim to know that these "liberals" do not save dogs and help people in other ways?
The closest I get to being gay is that I like many of the Suburu commercials. The world needs more love.

That being said, I realize that the Suburu company simply wants our money.

I suspect they might also like us to spell their name right.
Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades, hence the logo.

Seven stars for the seven sisters.

Yeah interesting twist, but it's actually six.

Pleiades is the Seven Sisters.
The closest I get to being gay is that I like many of the Suburu commercials. The world needs more love.

That being said, I realize that the Suburu company simply wants our money.

I suspect they might also like us to spell their name right.
Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades, hence the logo.

Seven stars for the seven sisters.

Yeah interesting twist, but it's actually six.

Pleiades is the Seven Sisters.

I thought maybe he was pulling a pun with the oil companies. But the Subaru logo has six stars.


>> In Subaru’s logo, the large star symbolizes Fuji Heavy Industries and the five smaller stars indicate the five companies that merged to form FHI. The emblem’s background is nearly always blue, as the color of the actual Pleiades stars are blue. << --- Behind the Badge
Been driving them for 15 years. Only two cars. They last (knock wood)

I have put 186k on my 2004 Saturn Vue and it past inspection this morning with an oil change, new wipers, brake bulb replacement and transmission oil flush and change.

The lady at the counter says they last and hers is at nearly 400k miles.

Since it has been paid off for some time now, I think I am just going to keep it maintained and run it till the wheels fall off.
I bought my Ram 1500 because I saw a commercial where Klan members were dragging black people behind their trucks.

Haven't seen that commercial in a long while.

Because it never existed.
I used to be a Chevy person, full size 350 pick-ups, then I saw a Dodge Durango V8 and fell in love with its "bubbly hood." Had that for 15 years but the transmission went out on it and my husband made me get a smaller engine now that we're not towing around 6 snow machines/four wheeler's (kids grew up) Now I have a Chevy Trailblazer as my "big" car (I use that anytime I'm driving on the highway as it's got enough rawr factor to push people around on the roads) In town though, the zippy little Subaru's are great, we have 2 outbacks, and 4 legacy sedans (one of them is a stick which I never learned how to drive, tis my husbands) I prefer the legacy's for quick runs to the grocery store (plus it fits in my odd shaped garage better, my trailblazer has to be parked in my husbands garage cause the doors too short on my garage heh) The outbacks are a good middle size, like if I'm planning to go to Costco in "the big city" I'll take the outback because it fits in the parking spots better, or if I'm going to the parking garages too.
Been driving them for 15 years. Only two cars. They last (knock wood)

I have put 186k on my 2004 Saturn Vue and it past inspection this morning with an oil change, new wipers, brake bulb replacement and transmission oil flush and change.

The lady at the counter says they last and hers is at nearly 400k miles.

Since it has been paid off for some time now, I think I am just going to keep it maintained and run it till the wheels fall off.

You have a V-Tech?

I have the same car (but a stick) with 248 on it.
My SW2 had well over 400,000 on it when I sold it off and I bet it's still out there. I miss that car.

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