Suburu commercials are gay

I saw a Suburu commercial that showed a woman crying because she rescued an abused dog from an animal shelter. Then they said that if you buy a Suburu, they will give money to the ASPCA.

I saw another Suburu commercial showing a woman sitting next to an old man, talking about how they met through Meals on Wheels. They both stared at the camera with blank expressions, perhaps to prove they are not real actors, I don't know.

What does any of this have to do with the decision to purchase an automobile?

It seems that liberals want an automobile that makes them feel good about themselves, so rather than save dogs or help hungry people themselves, they buy a car that says, buy this car and we'll send some money to some charity group out of the purchase price, at no additional cost to you.

Proving that liberal compassion is really about not actually doing anything to help people, just getting worked up and pretending to care.
I think the real issue here is that especially in the first commercial you mentioned, it showed them feeling good about making someone else spend their money to do something they were passionate about.
If they really cared about the ASPCA, or meals on wheels, or any other charity, the could just send their own money, but instead, they use their money to purchase something THEY want, and expect others to pay for the charity.
And somehow I think that they think they actually did something good.
Just like democrat election promises. Vote for me, and I will force everyone else to pay for (fill in the blank) so you can feel good about yourself.
Note that the commercials won't mention that the Subaru comes from a country that still kills whales and dolphins.

Fascinating. You mean like Chevrolets come from a country that had slaves? Tsk tsk.
You must have missed a few key words here. Subaru comes from a country that STILL kills whales and dolphins.
Chevrolets come from a country that HAD slaves.
In the first case, STILL indicates current, as in still doing it today.
in the second (your words) HAD indicates past tense as in, No longer.
As a matter of fact, unless I'm completely wrong about my history, I really don't recall reading about Chevrolet producing their automobiles during the slave era of our countries history.
I am curious however what it is about Gay people that would cause the link between them and this sort of thing. I actually know some gay conservatives.
I saw a Suburu commercial that showed a woman crying because she rescued an abused dog from an animal shelter. Then they said that if you buy a Suburu, they will give money to the ASPCA.

I saw another Suburu commercial showing a woman sitting next to an old man, talking about how they met through Meals on Wheels. They both stared at the camera with blank expressions, perhaps to prove they are not real actors, I don't know.

What does any of this have to do with the decision to purchase an automobile?

It seems that liberals want an automobile that makes them feel good about themselves, so rather than save dogs or help hungry people themselves, they buy a car that says, buy this car and we'll send some money to some charity group out of the purchase price, at no additional cost to you.

Proving that liberal compassion is really about not actually doing anything to help people, just getting worked up and pretending to care.

Haven't you claimed to be an attorney? Yet the car's name is spelled Subaru, not Suburu as you spelled it. That explains why you spend so much time on USMB, not too many clients are in need of an illiterate attorney, I would surmise.
LOL, you're a piece of shit.

I might be a piece of shit, but at least I'm not a dumb piece of shit, like you. :9:
I'm so happy, that I am not you! :2up:
I saw a Suburu commercial that showed a woman crying because she rescued an abused dog from an animal shelter. Then they said that if you buy a Suburu, they will give money to the ASPCA.

I saw another Suburu commercial showing a woman sitting next to an old man, talking about how they met through Meals on Wheels. They both stared at the camera with blank expressions, perhaps to prove they are not real actors, I don't know.

What does any of this have to do with the decision to purchase an automobile?

It seems that liberals want an automobile that makes them feel good about themselves, so rather than save dogs or help hungry people themselves, they buy a car that says, buy this car and we'll send some money to some charity group out of the purchase price, at no additional cost to you.

Proving that liberal compassion is really about not actually doing anything to help people, just getting worked up and pretending to care.
Subaru and Prius, and their war against masculinity....what a shame!
... I have five Subaru's right now. It's all part of their "Love" campaign. That said, nothing beats a Subaru in bad weather, I don't care if it's a lefty car we'll keep buying them. If I can ever find a 2007-2008 Subaru Tribeca that's not fucking puke green I'm buying it heh
I saw a Suburu commercial that showed a woman crying because she rescued an abused dog from an animal shelter. Then they said that if you buy a Suburu, they will give money to the ASPCA.

I saw another Suburu commercial showing a woman sitting next to an old man, talking about how they met through Meals on Wheels. They both stared at the camera with blank expressions, perhaps to prove they are not real actors, I don't know.

What does any of this have to do with the decision to purchase an automobile?

It seems that liberals want an automobile that makes them feel good about themselves, so rather than save dogs or help hungry people themselves, they buy a car that says, buy this car and we'll send some money to some charity group out of the purchase price, at no additional cost to you.

Proving that liberal compassion is really about not actually doing anything to help people, just getting worked up and pretending to care.
You're an idiot.

You think conservatives hate dogs? You probably do, but I would bet most conservatives like dogs.
The closest I get to being gay is that I like many of the Suburu commercials. The world needs more love.

That being said, I realize that the Suburu company simply wants our money.

I suspect they might also like us to spell their name right.
Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades, hence the logo.
The commercials look like a bunch of greedy Japanese businessmen got together, learned in some salesman's report that there's a particularly naive group of potential buyers in America called "liberals", and cynically put together an advertising campaign to get these "liberals" to purchase their product.

Congratulations on having such a worry-free life that this is what you spend time fretting over.
The closest I get to being gay is that I like many of the Suburu commercials. The world needs more love.

That being said, I realize that the Suburu company simply wants our money.

I suspect they might also like us to spell their name right.
Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades, hence the logo.
The commercials look like a bunch of greedy Japanese businessmen got together, learned in some salesman's report that there's a particularly naive group of potential buyers in America called "liberals", and cynically put together an advertising campaign to get these "liberals" to purchase their product.
I think you're right except I consider it a smart marketing campaign.

They make darn good cars too and I'm generally not a fan of Japanese brands.
I saw a Suburu commercial that showed a woman crying because she rescued an abused dog from an animal shelter. Then they said that if you buy a Suburu, they will give money to the ASPCA.

I saw another Suburu commercial showing a woman sitting next to an old man, talking about how they met through Meals on Wheels. They both stared at the camera with blank expressions, perhaps to prove they are not real actors, I don't know.

What does any of this have to do with the decision to purchase an automobile?

It seems that liberals want an automobile that makes them feel good about themselves, so rather than save dogs or help hungry people themselves, they buy a car that says, buy this car and we'll send some money to some charity group out of the purchase price, at no additional cost to you.

Proving that liberal compassion is really about not actually doing anything to help people, just getting worked up and pretending to care.
The Ad convinced me to NOT buy a Subaru.
I saw a Suburu commercial that showed a woman crying because she rescued an abused dog from an animal shelter. Then they said that if you buy a Suburu, they will give money to the ASPCA.

I saw another Suburu commercial showing a woman sitting next to an old man, talking about how they met through Meals on Wheels. They both stared at the camera with blank expressions, perhaps to prove they are not real actors, I don't know.

What does any of this have to do with the decision to purchase an automobile?

It seems that liberals want an automobile that makes them feel good about themselves, so rather than save dogs or help hungry people themselves, they buy a car that says, buy this car and we'll send some money to some charity group out of the purchase price, at no additional cost to you.

Proving that liberal compassion is really about not actually doing anything to help people, just getting worked up and pretending to care.
This is the filthiest commercial on TV.
They lost my business forever. (not that I drink beer)

Another product I avoid 100%.
Note that the commercials won't mention that the Subaru comes from a country that still kills whales and dolphins.

Fascinating. You mean like Chevrolets come from a country that had slaves? Tsk tsk.
You must have missed a few key words here. Subaru comes from a country that STILL kills whales and dolphins.
Chevrolets come from a country that HAD slaves.
In the first case, STILL indicates current, as in still doing it today.
in the second (your words) HAD indicates past tense as in, No longer.
As a matter of fact, unless I'm completely wrong about my history, I really don't recall reading about Chevrolet producing their automobiles during the slave era of our countries history.

Uhhhhhh that wasn't even your post Gummo.
And you completely missed the point of Association Fallacy anyway. Wwwhhhoooosssshhhh.
It's long been known that Subaru's are a favorite among Lesbians. Ever see one WITHOUT any leftist bumper stickers on the back?
I used to joke that when you buy a Subaru there must be an envelope inside the glove box filled with the latest liberal bumper stickers.
The closest I get to being gay is that I like many of the Suburu commercials. The world needs more love.

That being said, I realize that the Suburu company simply wants our money.

I suspect they might also like us to spell their name right.
Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades, hence the logo.

Seven stars for the seven sisters.
I saw a Suburu commercial that showed a woman crying because she rescued an abused dog from an animal shelter. Then they said that if you buy a Suburu, they will give money to the ASPCA.

I saw another Suburu commercial showing a woman sitting next to an old man, talking about how they met through Meals on Wheels. They both stared at the camera with blank expressions, perhaps to prove they are not real actors, I don't know.

What does any of this have to do with the decision to purchase an automobile?

It seems that liberals want an automobile that makes them feel good about themselves, so rather than save dogs or help hungry people themselves, they buy a car that says, buy this car and we'll send some money to some charity group out of the purchase price, at no additional cost to you.

Proving that liberal compassion is really about not actually doing anything to help people, just getting worked up and pretending to care.
You haven't seen the latest, I'm guessing. It's people who can't sing, singing unaccompanied the tune "Put a Little Love in Your Heart." It's cute. You'd hate it.
Any one here ever own a Subaru?

I remember them back in the 80s and Joe Subaru.. It was a major joke.. In the 1990s
Been driving them for 15 years. Only two cars. They last (knock wood)

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