Stupid Voters That Refuse To Vote Unless They Get Their Candidate


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.
These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.

Guess they're taking their cues from Boehner et al. :cool:
As long as the GOP puts up candidates like McCain or Newt or Mitt, then yes, you certainly do deserve a big heapin' bowl of O'bama. Scream, bitch.

Earn my vote. I'm not giving it to you because you can't nominate someone who isn't a retard.

"Gosh, we better get smarter or we'll get Obama again!"

That's the kind of spirit I'm looking for.
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Paulbots will probably sit out...but they always have.

The rest is mostly appeal to winning.

"If you don't vote for my guy in the primary, you'll lose the general...cuz I'm going home and I'm taking my vote with me...hmmph!"

When I comes down to brass tacks...when it is (insert candidates name here) vs another four years of Obama...they will hold their nose and vote for (insert candidates name here)...just like I did four years ago when I voted for McCain.

I like Newt, right now I'm supporting Newt...but Romney is a good second choice...Santorum is better than Obama...and even Paul would get my vote.
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These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.

You're right. Bailing on the 'Anyone But Obama' mantra. What schmucks!
When I comes down to brass tacks...when it is (insert candidates name here) vs another four years of Obama...they will hold their nose and vote for (insert candidates name here)...just like I did four years ago when I voted for McCain.

Nope. I sat out 2006, 2008, 2010. And I will be sitting out 2012.

I voted Reagan in 1980. Reagan in 1984. Bush Sr. in 1988. Bush Sr. in 1992. Dole in 1996. Dubya in 2000. And Dubya in 2004.

Bush was so damned retarded he snapped me back to reality. "Lesser of two evils" shit just gets us more evil.
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yeah, i think we need to keep voting for republicans and democrats. as you can see, that's working out really well for all of us...

When I comes down to brass tacks...when it is (insert candidates name here) vs another four years of Obama...they will hold their nose and vote for (insert candidates name here)...just like I did four years ago when I voted for McCain.

Nope. I sat out 2006, 2008, 2010. And I will be sitting out 2012.

I voted Reagan in 1980. Reagan in 1984. Bush Sr. in 1988. Bush Sr. in 1992. Dole in 1996. Dubya in 2000. And Dubya in 2004.

Bush was so damned retarded he snapped me back to reality. "Lesser of two evils" shit just gets us more evil.

And sitting out gets you Obama...brilliant.
These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.

This 'schmuck' does not vote for amoral, corrupt, self serving DC insiders. I apologize for having principles though. Really. I do. I am very, very sorry.
These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.

This 'schmuck' does not vote for amoral, corrupt, self serving DC insiders. I apologize for having principles though. Really. I do. I am very, very sorry.

If you've vote for a republiCON, you don't have any principles.

The last good RepubliCON president was Eisenhower. The rest have been crooks, liars, idiots or some amalgam of the same.

Principles? How about Reagan trading arms for hostages?
Principles? How about the Commodity and Futures Moderization Act?
Principles? How about the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act?

Don't talk to me about principles and conservatives. That's a bad joke.
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yeah, i think we need to keep voting for republicans and democrats. as you can see, that's working out really well for all of us...


That's not fair, only one of them increases spending, increases debt, has huge budget deficits, expands an already unsustainable gov't, warmongers, etc.

I just need to wait until my brain turns to mush like all good lemmings, mudwhistle for example, for me to finally realize which is the only team who does those things!
These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.

This 'schmuck' does not vote for amoral, corrupt, self serving DC insiders. I apologize for having principles though. Really. I do. I am very, very sorry.

If you've vote for a republiCON, you don't have any principles.

The last good RepubliCON president was Eisenhower. The rest have been crooks, liars, idiots or some amalgam of the same.

Principles? How about Reagan trading arms for hostages?
Principles? How about the Commodity and Futures Moderization Act?
Principles? How about the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act?

Don't talk to me about principles and conservatives. That's a bad joke.

This would be relevant... IF I had indeed voted Republican. But I don't. Nor do I vote for your equally amoral SOBs.

Some of us have principles. Some of us don't. I do. But, as a conservative, I do not insist that others also have principles. You are at liberty to remain an unprincipled jack ass.
When I comes down to brass tacks...when it is (insert candidates name here) vs another four years of Obama...they will hold their nose and vote for (insert candidates name here)...just like I did four years ago when I voted for McCain.

Nope. I sat out 2006, 2008, 2010. And I will be sitting out 2012.

I voted Reagan in 1980. Reagan in 1984. Bush Sr. in 1988. Bush Sr. in 1992. Dole in 1996. Dubya in 2000. And Dubya in 2004.

Bush was so damned retarded he snapped me back to reality. "Lesser of two evils" shit just gets us more evil.

And sitting out gets you Obama...brilliant.

Then give people a candidate they can support. Just an idea.
Nope. I sat out 2006, 2008, 2010. And I will be sitting out 2012.

I voted Reagan in 1980. Reagan in 1984. Bush Sr. in 1988. Bush Sr. in 1992. Dole in 1996. Dubya in 2000. And Dubya in 2004.

Bush was so damned retarded he snapped me back to reality. "Lesser of two evils" shit just gets us more evil.

And sitting out gets you Obama...brilliant.

Then give people a candidate they can support. Just an idea.

Were I in charge of that, I definitely would...but, I'm not.

We've got what we've got.

And what we've got is far superior to the president we have.
And sitting out gets you Obama...brilliant.

Then give people a candidate they can support. Just an idea.

Were I in charge of that, I definitely would...but, I'm not.

We've got what we've got.

And what we've got is far superior to the president we have.

Same jibberish i heard in 2000, right before republicans expanded on the big gov't policies of democrats, expanded on the spending of democrats, and grew debt to a level the human mind could never imagine from 2001-2007.

Republicans = Democrats
These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.

The reason we got Obama is because he got 18,000,000 votes in the primaries and the most delegates.

Republicans were not a factor.

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