Stupid Things Liberals Say

"Hey Prince Bandar ole buddy, you did great arranging the <cough> incident. <wink wink>"
Is this where I can git me a huntin license?
Our current secretary of state...nice choice Obama!
"Why yes I will perform oral sex on you Mr. Koch, I sure appreciate the campaign contribution".

It's hilarious that libturds think this campaign to demonize the Kochs is working for them.

The poster gave a great example of a stupid thing that liberals say.
If I choose to say stupid things simply for my amusement it becomes performance art.
So it doesn't concern you in the least that you have to make stupid shit up in order to keep up with this thread? You never once had it cross your mind as to why that's the case?

Well it would appear stupid ass performance art has replaced logical thinking. And on that point I will have to agree. You dumb asses have nothing but performance art since real policy is so foreign to you. Twinkle fingers and repeating what speakers say at occupy rallies seem to be where you come from so why should we be surprised you have no answer's other than up fingers for this.
"Why yes I will perform oral sex on you Mr. Koch, I sure appreciate the campaign contribution".

It's hilarious that libturds think this campaign to demonize the Kochs is working for them.

The poster gave a great example of a stupid thing that liberals say.
If I choose to say stupid things simply for my amusement it becomes performance art.
So it doesn't concern you in the least that you have to make stupid shit up in order to keep up with this thread? You never once had it cross your mind as to why that's the case?

Well it would appear stupid ass performance art has replaced logical thinking. And on that point I will have to agree. You dumb asses have nothing but performance art since real policy is so foreign to you. Twinkle fingers and repeating what speakers say at occupy rallies seem to be where you come from so why should we be surprised you have no answer's other than up fingers for this.
Making a thread with nothing but a list of out-of-context quotes is fucking retarded and I felt compelled to piss all over it. Unimaginative and boring as shit. I'm sure you felt it would have been amusing to sit here and chuckle over dumb shit people say but for me it was amusing to sit here and spoil your tired old unoriginal shit with some original material.
I can see Russia from my house.
That came from a liberal comedian.
I know where it came from, in case you haven't noticed I'm making most of this stuff up to troll your worthless thread.

Now back to business.

Let's secede so that we can keep our slaves.
Knowing where it comes from makes you look even dumber. At least put in the effort to come up with real statements. It's also not my thread. Post yes, thread no. Slaves huh? Got a citation for that?

You're actually proving the OP correct in that you people will say the most insanely stupid shit imaginable. If your business is to look like a complete moron then by all means get back to work.
Thank you, I will.

"Hey Jeb bro, I really hate to ask but I need you to help me hide another dead hooker. This the last time I swear."
That would actually be Kennedy, he did kill that girl.
"Why yes I will perform oral sex on you Mr. Koch, I sure appreciate the campaign contribution".

It's hilarious that libturds think this campaign to demonize the Kochs is working for them.

The poster gave a great example of a stupid thing that liberals say.
If I choose to say stupid things simply for my amusement it becomes performance art.
So it doesn't concern you in the least that you have to make stupid shit up in order to keep up with this thread? You never once had it cross your mind as to why that's the case?

Well it would appear stupid ass performance art has replaced logical thinking. And on that point I will have to agree. You dumb asses have nothing but performance art since real policy is so foreign to you. Twinkle fingers and repeating what speakers say at occupy rallies seem to be where you come from so why should we be surprised you have no answer's other than up fingers for this.
Making a thread with nothing but a list of out-of-context quotes is fucking retarded and I felt compelled to piss all over it. Unimaginative and boring as shit. I'm sure you felt it would have been amusing to sit here and chuckle over dumb shit people say but for me it was amusing to sit here and spoil your tired old unoriginal shit with some original material.
You may want to come at this thread less stoned and with a clear mind in the morning. You look like an absolute moron. I think this thread was up wind of where you were pissing because you look pretty drenched to me.

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