Stunning Fox Poll Shows 55% Of America Ready To Vote Trump Out Of Office

We knew Trump was going to be harassed all along, nothing new here; he has some 100+ Federal judges to appoint yet, and when he gets those in place, the raod gets a lot smoother. Only the clueless keep thinking this sort of fake news thread is going to affect anything, much less public opinion.
The EC performed exactly as intended by our forefathers. It kept the highly populated urban areas from running roughshod over the sparsely populated rural areas. Look at a county by county map of the election results and you will see that almost the entire country is red. Screw New York, Chicago and California!

The tyranny of the minority. Great political system...not...
Too bad 15% of the 55% live in California and New York thank Christ for the EC :eusa_dance:
The EC performed exactly as intended by our forefathers. It kept the highly populated urban areas from running roughshod over the sparsely populated rural areas. Look at a county by county map of the election results and you will see that almost the entire country is red. Screw New York, Chicago and California!

Maybe it was to prevent the country from making a mistake and that's why it was created. In this case, it failed.
It was indeed created to keep the country from making a mistake. It worked as planned. It kept the asshole, Hillary from being elected by a mass of liberal city dwellers and crackpots in California.

That reminds us we really need to fast track those California gimps' secession.
Too bad 15% of the 55% live in California and New York thank Christ for the EC :eusa_dance:
The EC performed exactly as intended by our forefathers. It kept the highly populated urban areas from running roughshod over the sparsely populated rural areas. Look at a county by county map of the election results and you will see that almost the entire country is red. Screw New York, Chicago and California!

Maybe it was to prevent the country from making a mistake and that's why it was created. In this case, it failed.
It was indeed created to keep the country from making a mistake. It worked as planned. It kept the asshole, Hillary from being elected by a mass of liberal city dwellers and crackpots in California.

This past November was a mistake and it did not work as planned. I don't think the Founders would be too thrilled with Trump, just a feeling.
This is a anti trump tactic I see often. Poll after poll article after article saying trump is bad and isn't doing well etc..

what about those negative opinion polls before he was elected??
What about all the polls predicting Hilary would win?

That should've shown everyone from both sides that polls are not indicative of reality right?

"Polls" have lost their credibility at the moment.
Stop using them as proof of your negative opinion of Trump. It didn't work before and it's definetly not working now

I expect half of America to be against him anyway, it was like that during the campaign as well.. this isn't breaking news or evidence of how he is doing as a president.

Since I don't give polls any weight it's only fair for me to give positive polls the same

It's interesting how the negative polls are repeated over and over and the recent poll that was extremely positive saying 98% of Trump voters would vote again for him today.This isn't discussed like the negative polls are.

I don't think that any polls negative or positive right now hold weight or reality .. but I have wondered about how many trump voters stand by their vote. I know I have not waivered in the slightest and am so thankful for Trumps victory.

I think part of why the polls were so wrong before he was elected is because of those silent trump supporters that America didn't even realize existed. The Hilary campaign did such a good job smearing Donald Trump,those commercials honestly were genius.i can see how the average person that gets their information from mainstream media voted against him. if I had just watched CNN MSNBC ABC, NBC,BBC, buzzfeed, NY Times, Wall Street Journal,Hollywood etc I would've voted Hilary too. I make it a point to watch and read from anti trump sources to ones that write positive pieces. It drives me nuts sometimes to listen to all the fake news bias agenda but it's important to not get into an echo chamber for my views. I need to hear both sides in order to make accurate judgement of events. Agree or disagree?

It's weird how anti trumpers don't seem to realize the media bias and clear anti trump agenda no matter what he does. Even if you are someone that is beyond informed and follows other more positive trump sources and still hates trump.. can we agree that the mainstream media is not bipartisan at all and depicts trump in a negative way most times??

The attacking, moral blackmailing, mainstream media anti agenda did not work. Trump got elected despite all that.

The reasons why people voted for Trump were so strong that even the best smear campaign I've ever seen did not change their support.

The answer I've seen over and over "60 mil people are racist , sexist, rich, evil, stupid conned etc etc

*Trump leans into mic "WRONG" lol

If antis want to believe that go ahead but it's not the real reason people voted for him at all.
By insisting 60 million people voted for him because of the above reasons doesn't make it true, why not stop attacking trump voters and have open respectful dialogue and hear them out??

In my opinion Hilary would've been awful and I think her proposed policies were horrifying and wrong for this country. Just because of this opinion doesn't mean that I can accurately judge the 63 million people that voted for her or attack their morality and character.This logic should go both ways.
i believe that people have a different view of the right path for America.This means that both Hilary and Trump supporters had legitament reasons behind their vote.

Judging 60+million people on either side is not a tactic anyone should use. Can both sides atleast agree on that??
Sensible people know that President Trump's difficulties in accomplishing his promises lie in the partisan obstruction from the left, the asinine rulings of liberal activist judges, the incessant sniping and outright lying by the liberal media and the reluctance of some Republicans in Congress. Chuck Schumer and his partisan parrots oppose anything Trump proposes whether it is good for America or not.

Trump, in theory, has the ability to get anything he wants without a single Democratic vote in either chamber of Congress. Don't blame the Democrats.
Horse shit! It's over a hundred days into the Presidency and he doesn't yet have a complete cabinet...thanks to Chuckie Schumer. Paul Ryan is not exactly helping much either.

You do know the Senate is now a simple majority and the majority is not Schumer's party? Don't blame him.
He has the means to delay things....and he does it. There are still things that require 60 votes. Thanks to Joe Biden and Harry Reid, that now doesn't include SCOTUS confirmations. Hopefully, President Trump will nominate one or two more before his first term is up.

McConnell can bring it up at any time. Republicans own this. If the Dems had a majority, then you'd have more of an argument. There is no argument as it stands.

If he completes his first term and if he is elected to a second term.
It's funny when Trump himself promised all this winning would happen on day 1 plenty of times. Nothing.

Trump said that he'd be winning in his first 100 days. He said that. Now that the winning hasn't happened so now they go.."derp th3 winning iz coming...soon. Pollz dont matt3r" "Hez just getting start3d"

Like he's an old engine and you can't expect the heat until you get up get down the road. Lol. Man stop the excuses and put your goal posts down with more than velcro you idiots.
Too bad 15% of the 55% live in California and New York thank Christ for the EC :eusa_dance:
The EC performed exactly as intended by our forefathers. It kept the highly populated urban areas from running roughshod over the sparsely populated rural areas. Look at a county by county map of the election results and you will see that almost the entire country is red. Screw New York, Chicago and California!

Maybe it was to prevent the country from making a mistake and that's why it was created. In this case, it failed.
It was indeed created to keep the country from making a mistake. It worked as planned. It kept the asshole, Hillary from being elected by a mass of liberal city dwellers and crackpots in California.

That reminds us we really need to fast track those California gimps' secession.
Sell it to Mexico! Let them stew in their on juice.
Too bad 15% of the 55% live in California and New York thank Christ for the EC :eusa_dance:
The EC performed exactly as intended by our forefathers. It kept the highly populated urban areas from running roughshod over the sparsely populated rural areas. Look at a county by county map of the election results and you will see that almost the entire country is red. Screw New York, Chicago and California!

Maybe it was to prevent the country from making a mistake and that's why it was created. In this case, it failed.
It was indeed created to keep the country from making a mistake. It worked as planned. It kept the asshole, Hillary from being elected by a mass of liberal city dwellers and crackpots in California.

This past November was a mistake and it did not work as planned. I don't think the Founders would be too thrilled with Trump, just a feeling.
They would be less thrilled with the globalist socialist Hillary. At least Trumps stands for a strong and independent United States of America. The Marxist, Muslim sympathizer, Obama damn near ruined this nation. Hillary would have completed his "fundamental transformation".
Drumpf's new tax plan. Has a provision that would eliminate the deduction for city and state taxes. Which means those dollars, which the poor and working class make needed use of, would instead go to the federal government. A tax raise on the poor and middle class.

Oh and this right after he cuts corporate taxes from 35% to 15%.

That's right, another transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the wealthy. All the people that voted for drumpf that are middle class or poor, you have proven that there is no limit to your gullibility.

You will believe ANYTHING.
This is a anti trump tactic I see often. Poll after poll article after article saying trump is bad and isn't doing well etc..

what about those negative opinion polls before he was elected??
What about all the polls predicting Hilary would win?

That should've shown everyone from both sides that polls are not indicative of reality right?

"Polls" have lost their credibility at the moment.
Stop using them as proof of your negative opinion of Trump. It didn't work before and it's definetly not working now

I expect half of America to be against him anyway, it was like that during the campaign as well.. this isn't breaking news or evidence of how he is doing as a president.

Since I don't give polls any weight it's only fair for me to give positive polls the same

It's interesting how the negative polls are repeated over and over and the recent poll that was extremely positive saying 98% of Trump voters would vote again for him today.This isn't discussed like the negative polls are.

I don't think that any polls negative or positive right now hold weight or reality .. but I have wondered about how many trump voters stand by their vote. I know I have not waivered in the slightest and am so thankful for Trumps victory.

I think part of why the polls were so wrong before he was elected is because of those silent trump supporters that America didn't even realize existed. The Hilary campaign did such a good job smearing Donald Trump,those commercials honestly were genius.i can see how the average person that gets their information from mainstream media voted against him. if I had just watched CNN MSNBC ABC, NBC,BBC, buzzfeed, NY Times, Wall Street Journal,Hollywood etc I would've voted Hilary too. I make it a point to watch and read from anti trump sources to ones that write positive pieces. It drives me nuts sometimes to listen to all the fake news bias agenda but it's important to not get into an echo chamber for my views. I need to hear both sides in order to make accurate judgement of events. Agree or disagree?

It's weird how anti trumpers don't seem to realize the media bias and clear anti trump agenda no matter what he does. Even if you are someone that is beyond informed and follows other more positive trump sources and still hates trump.. can we agree that the mainstream media is not bipartisan at all and depicts trump in a negative way most times??

The attacking, moral blackmailing, mainstream media anti agenda did not work. Trump got elected despite all that.

The reasons why people voted for Trump were so strong that even the best smear campaign I've ever seen did not change their support.

The answer I've seen over and over "60 mil people are racist , sexist, rich, evil, stupid conned etc etc

*Trump leans into mic "WRONG" lol

If antis want to believe that go ahead but it's not the real reason people voted for him at all.
By insisting 60 million people voted for him because of the above reasons doesn't make it true, why not stop attacking trump voters and have open respectful dialogue and hear them out??

In my opinion Hilary would've been awful and I think her proposed policies were horrifying and wrong for this country. Just because of this opinion doesn't mean that I can accurately judge the 63 million people that voted for her or attack their morality and character.This logic should go both ways.
i believe that people have a different view of the right path for America.This means that both Hilary and Trump supporters had legitament reasons behind their vote.

Judging 60+million people on either side is not a tactic anyone should use. Can both sides atleast agree on that??

Both Trump and Hillary were unpopular. Most of America was unhappy with both. I know I was. I held my nose and voted for Hillary.

Polls are not always right. It doesn't mean they're never right. During election season I was hopeful but still skeptical about what polls were saying.

Fake news=/News you don't like.

Reporting negative stories is not bias. Not at all. It isn't their job to be Trump cheerleaders.

I noticed his voters let him get away with so much stuff and they held him to a different standard than they did others and would say that yes, they bought into his lip service and that things aren't going so smoothly anymore.

I hope you would think the same thing of me and hear me out even though I voted for someone else.
Too bad 15% of the 55% live in California and New York thank Christ for the EC :eusa_dance:
The EC performed exactly as intended by our forefathers. It kept the highly populated urban areas from running roughshod over the sparsely populated rural areas. Look at a county by county map of the election results and you will see that almost the entire country is red. Screw New York, Chicago and California!

Maybe it was to prevent the country from making a mistake and that's why it was created. In this case, it failed.
It was indeed created to keep the country from making a mistake. It worked as planned. It kept the asshole, Hillary from being elected by a mass of liberal city dwellers and crackpots in California.

That reminds us we really need to fast track those California gimps' secession.
Sell it to Mexico! Let them stew in their on juice.

It will be hilarious watching the La Raza cleanse California of all those white idiots who still live there, especially the Hollywood vermin and all the homosexuals, and the wars in the streets with the black communities as they fight over the looting rights.
Too bad 15% of the 55% live in California and New York thank Christ for the EC :eusa_dance:
The EC performed exactly as intended by our forefathers. It kept the highly populated urban areas from running roughshod over the sparsely populated rural areas. Look at a county by county map of the election results and you will see that almost the entire country is red. Screw New York, Chicago and California!

Maybe it was to prevent the country from making a mistake and that's why it was created. In this case, it failed.
It was indeed created to keep the country from making a mistake. It worked as planned. It kept the asshole, Hillary from being elected by a mass of liberal city dwellers and crackpots in California.

This past November was a mistake and it did not work as planned. I don't think the Founders would be too thrilled with Trump, just a feeling.
They would be less thrilled with the globalist socialist Hillary. At least Trumps stands for a strong and independent United States of America. The Marxist, Muslim sympathizer, Obama damn near ruined this nation. Hillary would have completed his "fundamental transformation".

Obama brought this nation back from life support and nursed it to recovery, even though he wasn't perfect.

I don't think Hillary would have made a great president, but she couldn't do worse than Trump even if she tried.
It's funny when Trump himself promised all this winning would happen on day 1 plenty of times. Nothing.

Trump said that he'd be winning in his first 100 days. He said that. Now that the winning hasn't happened so now they go.."derp th3 winning iz coming...soon. Pollz dont matt3r" "Hez just getting start3d"

Like he's an old engine and you can't expect the heat until you get up get down the road. Lol. Man stop the excuses and put your goal posts down with more than velcro you idiots.
Campaigning is easy compared to governing and getting two sides to work with each other. I never expected the winning to be easy. Congress is fucked up. There are two many bird brains on both sides of the aisle in the House and the Senate. It is a bit comforting though that most of them are on the left!
Trump has no idea he is so disliked, for him it's just a way of life.

Here is a thought, Trump does not care to cater to polls and push the agenda that got him elected..

Because Obama believed in polls he felt he did not have to do anything!

The agenda that got Trump elected has gone through changes since the inauguration.

It is becoming increasingly clear that Donald Trump is alone in his view that the first 100 days of his presidency have been anything but a massive failure.

According to the latest Fox News poll, a majority of the country is already eager to vote him out office, with 55 percent saying they will definitely or probably cast their ballot for Trump’s opponent in the 2020 presidential election.

By a massive 23-point margin, Americans also believe the new president is becoming an international embarrassment, with 52 percent of respondents saying the U.S. is now less respected around the globe.

It’s no surprise the world is laughing as Trump proves himself to be incapable of conducting himself on the world stage.

After all, he’s spent his first 100 days alienating our allies – Mexico, Canada, Australia, and Germany, among others – while emboldening and provoking our adversaries – North Korea, Iran, and Russia.

Ultimately, it’s not stunning that a majority want Trump out of office and feel he has turned the U.S. into the laughingstock of the world. What is shocking is that the number of Americans who feel this way isn’t higher.

He’s also failing on what was arguably the main objective of his candidacy, and now presidency – bringing change to Washington:

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Fox News Poll


NEW! Is Trump bringing real change to Washington? @FoxNews #Poll MORE:

7:05 PM - 26 Apr 2017

More numbers from this devastating poll as the Trump presidency approaches the all-important 100-day mark:

  • 53 percent aren’t satisfied with the way things are going
  • 51 percent discouraged about the next four years
  • 48 percent – a plurality – disapprove of his job performance overall
If Trump can’t even turn to Fox News for an optimistic view of his presidency, then where can he turn?

With nearly 100 days of failure under his belt, it’s clear that a majority of the American people have already given up on the Trump presidency – and for good reason. It’s been a complete catastrophe.

And since Trump is unwilling to change his behavior or react to the realities of being a grown-up president, it’s not likely to get any better over the next four years.

Breaking news, polls show Hillary will win election, hmm, does anybody with a brain put any value on these polls-
Trump has no idea he is so disliked, for him it's just a way of life.

Here is a thought, Trump does not care to cater to polls and push the agenda that got him elected..

Because Obama believed in polls he felt he did not have to do anything!

The agenda that got Trump elected has gone through changes since the inauguration.

It has only been a hundred days..

And less illegals are crossing the border, far left hack sites can have more non paid volunteers because Trump is office. The far left hack sites are now making more money Trump than they ever did under Obama!

The problem Trump has is there are to many spineless republican in Congress. The far left is never going to vote for any Trump proposal..
Trump has no idea he is so disliked, for him it's just a way of life.

Here is a thought, Trump does not care to cater to polls and push the agenda that got him elected..

Because Obama believed in polls he felt he did not have to do anything!

The agenda that got Trump elected has gone through changes since the inauguration.

It has only been a hundred days..

And less illegals are crossing the border, far left hack sites can have more non paid volunteers because Trump is office. The far left hack sites are now making more money Trump than they ever did under Obama!

The problem Trump has is there are to many spineless republican in Congress. The far left is never going to vote for any Trump proposal..

You do realize Obama also deported more illegals than any of his predecessors, right?

Trump reminds me of my younger self. I thought I knew everything, could do anything, it's so easy, etc. Then you learn it's logistical and you have to change course on some things.

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