Stunning Fox Poll Shows 55% Of America Ready To Vote Trump Out Of Office


It is becoming increasingly clear that Donald Trump is alone in his view that the first 100 days of his presidency have been anything but a massive failure.

According to the latest Fox News poll, a majority of the country is already eager to vote him out office, with 55 percent saying they will definitely or probably cast their ballot for Trump’s opponent in the 2020 presidential election.

By a massive 23-point margin, Americans also believe the new president is becoming an international embarrassment, with 52 percent of respondents saying the U.S. is now less respected around the globe.

It’s no surprise the world is laughing as Trump proves himself to be incapable of conducting himself on the world stage.

After all, he’s spent his first 100 days alienating our allies – Mexico, Canada, Australia, and Germany, among others – while emboldening and provoking our adversaries – North Korea, Iran, and Russia.

Ultimately, it’s not stunning that a majority want Trump out of office and feel he has turned the U.S. into the laughingstock of the world. What is shocking is that the number of Americans who feel this way isn’t higher.

He’s also failing on what was arguably the main objective of his candidacy, and now presidency – bringing change to Washington:

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Fox News Poll


NEW! Is Trump bringing real change to Washington? @FoxNews #Poll MORE:

7:05 PM - 26 Apr 2017

More numbers from this devastating poll as the Trump presidency approaches the all-important 100-day mark:

  • 53 percent aren’t satisfied with the way things are going
  • 51 percent discouraged about the next four years
  • 48 percent – a plurality – disapprove of his job performance overall
If Trump can’t even turn to Fox News for an optimistic view of his presidency, then where can he turn?

With nearly 100 days of failure under his belt, it’s clear that a majority of the American people have already given up on the Trump presidency – and for good reason. It’s been a complete catastrophe.

And since Trump is unwilling to change his behavior or react to the realities of being a grown-up president, it’s not likely to get any better over the next four years.

Breaking news, polls show Hillary will win election, hmm, does anybody with a brain put any value on these polls-View attachment 123502

It looks like they managed to correctly predict the states which were solid blue/solid red, though they were wrong on slight/leaning blue states.
Trump has no idea he is so disliked, for him it's just a way of life.

Here is a thought, Trump does not care to cater to polls and push the agenda that got him elected..

Because Obama believed in polls he felt he did not have to do anything!

The agenda that got Trump elected has gone through changes since the inauguration.

It has only been a hundred days..

And less illegals are crossing the border, far left hack sites can have more non paid volunteers because Trump is office. The far left hack sites are now making more money Trump than they ever did under Obama!

The problem Trump has is there are to many spineless republican in Congress. The far left is never going to vote for any Trump proposal..

You do realize Obama also deported more illegals than any of his predecessors, right?

Trump reminds me of my younger self. I thought I knew everything, could do anything, it's so easy, etc. Then you learn it's logistical and you have to change course on some things.
Turn backs are not depictions idiot!
Trump has no idea he is so disliked, for him it's just a way of life.

Here is a thought, Trump does not care to cater to polls and push the agenda that got him elected..

Because Obama believed in polls he felt he did not have to do anything!

The agenda that got Trump elected has gone through changes since the inauguration.

It has only been a hundred days..

And less illegals are crossing the border, far left hack sites can have more non paid volunteers because Trump is office. The far left hack sites are now making more money Trump than they ever did under Obama!

The problem Trump has is there are to many spineless republican in Congress. The far left is never going to vote for any Trump proposal..

You do realize Obama also deported more illegals than any of his predecessors, right?

Trump reminds me of my younger self. I thought I knew everything, could do anything, it's so easy, etc. Then you learn it's logistical and you have to change course on some things.

Yes and all those came back over the border, so using Obama in that did not help position.

Once deported they should not be able to get back in illegally..
Trump has no idea he is so disliked, for him it's just a way of life.

Here is a thought, Trump does not care to cater to polls and push the agenda that got him elected..

Because Obama believed in polls he felt he did not have to do anything!

The agenda that got Trump elected has gone through changes since the inauguration.

It has only been a hundred days..

And less illegals are crossing the border, far left hack sites can have more non paid volunteers because Trump is office. The far left hack sites are now making more money Trump than they ever did under Obama!

The problem Trump has is there are to many spineless republican in Congress. The far left is never going to vote for any Trump proposal..

You do realize Obama also deported more illegals than any of his predecessors, right?

Trump reminds me of my younger self. I thought I knew everything, could do anything, it's so easy, etc. Then you learn it's logistical and you have to change course on some things.
Turn backs are not depictions idiot!

He was writing checks his mouth could not cash and did not know how things worked, which is no surprise to me.
The EC performed exactly as intended by our forefathers. It kept the highly populated urban areas from running roughshod over the sparsely populated rural areas. Look at a county by county map of the election results and you will see that almost the entire country is red. Screw New York, Chicago and California!

Maybe it was to prevent the country from making a mistake and that's why it was created. In this case, it failed.
It was indeed created to keep the country from making a mistake. It worked as planned. It kept the asshole, Hillary from being elected by a mass of liberal city dwellers and crackpots in California.

This past November was a mistake and it did not work as planned. I don't think the Founders would be too thrilled with Trump, just a feeling.
They would be less thrilled with the globalist socialist Hillary. At least Trumps stands for a strong and independent United States of America. The Marxist, Muslim sympathizer, Obama damn near ruined this nation. Hillary would have completed his "fundamental transformation".

Obama brought this nation back from life support and nursed it to recovery, even though he wasn't perfect.

I don't think Hillary would have made a great president, but she couldn't do worse than Trump even if she tried.
More horse shit! Obama was the most divisive President we've had since Truman. He set the blacks against the whites, the blacks against the police and ignored the black on black murders in his adopted hometown of Chicago. He promoted poverty among the blacks and promoted dependency on the government for all. What he did was to guarantee the continuance of the Democrat plantation.

I've heard rumors that he's considering moving back to Kenya. That would be a blessing for sure!
Trump has no idea he is so disliked, for him it's just a way of life.

Here is a thought, Trump does not care to cater to polls and push the agenda that got him elected..

Because Obama believed in polls he felt he did not have to do anything!

The agenda that got Trump elected has gone through changes since the inauguration.

It has only been a hundred days..

And less illegals are crossing the border, far left hack sites can have more non paid volunteers because Trump is office. The far left hack sites are now making more money Trump than they ever did under Obama!

The problem Trump has is there are to many spineless republican in Congress. The far left is never going to vote for any Trump proposal..

You do realize Obama also deported more illegals than any of his predecessors, right?

Trump reminds me of my younger self. I thought I knew everything, could do anything, it's so easy, etc. Then you learn it's logistical and you have to change course on some things.

Yes and all those came back over the border, so using Obama in that did not help position.

Once deported they should not be able to get back in illegally..

According to an article by an estimation, Obama deported 2.5 million illegals in his second term alone.

Sheriff Defends Trump: 'No Uproar' When Obama Deported Illegal Immigrants
Maybe it was to prevent the country from making a mistake and that's why it was created. In this case, it failed.
It was indeed created to keep the country from making a mistake. It worked as planned. It kept the asshole, Hillary from being elected by a mass of liberal city dwellers and crackpots in California.

This past November was a mistake and it did not work as planned. I don't think the Founders would be too thrilled with Trump, just a feeling.
They would be less thrilled with the globalist socialist Hillary. At least Trumps stands for a strong and independent United States of America. The Marxist, Muslim sympathizer, Obama damn near ruined this nation. Hillary would have completed his "fundamental transformation".

Obama brought this nation back from life support and nursed it to recovery, even though he wasn't perfect.

I don't think Hillary would have made a great president, but she couldn't do worse than Trump even if she tried.
More horse shit! Obama was the most divisive President we've had since Truman. He set the blacks against the whites, the blacks against the police and ignored the black on black murders in his adopted hometown of Chicago. He promoted poverty among the blacks and promoted dependency on the government for all. What he did was to guarantee the continuance of the Democrat plantation.

I've heard rumors that he's considering moving back to Kenya. That would be a blessing for sure!

Truman is considered one of our presidents and Obama had a nice debut ranking himself since he left office.

The police were sometimes out of line and have been out of line even as he left office and gave government programs to those who needed help since he inherited a country in financial ruin.

Also: Trump is dividing us on a much worse level.
It was indeed created to keep the country from making a mistake. It worked as planned. It kept the asshole, Hillary from being elected by a mass of liberal city dwellers and crackpots in California.

This past November was a mistake and it did not work as planned. I don't think the Founders would be too thrilled with Trump, just a feeling.
They would be less thrilled with the globalist socialist Hillary. At least Trumps stands for a strong and independent United States of America. The Marxist, Muslim sympathizer, Obama damn near ruined this nation. Hillary would have completed his "fundamental transformation".

Obama brought this nation back from life support and nursed it to recovery, even though he wasn't perfect.

I don't think Hillary would have made a great president, but she couldn't do worse than Trump even if she tried.
More horse shit! Obama was the most divisive President we've had since Truman. He set the blacks against the whites, the blacks against the police and ignored the black on black murders in his adopted hometown of Chicago. He promoted poverty among the blacks and promoted dependency on the government for all. What he did was to guarantee the continuance of the Democrat plantation.

I've heard rumors that he's considering moving back to Kenya. That would be a blessing for sure!

Truman is considered one of our presidents and Obama had a nice debut ranking himself since he left office.

The police were sometimes out of line and have been out of line even as he left office and gave government programs to those who needed help since he inherited a country in financial ruin.
I suppose you're one that thinks Trayvon Martin was a good little boy and that Michael Brown was trying to give himself up.

Obama did more damage to this country than good. Even though GWB added too much debt to our grandchildren, Obama added more than ALL previous Presidents combined! He gutted the military, apologized all over the world for the United States, bowed down to Muslim kings, made of laughing stock of himself and totally failed to bring people together as one would think the first black President would do.

Obama is a racist...just like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Malcomb X, Jeremiah Wright and many others that make their living off of controversy. Obama should face a firing squad for giving aid and comfort to the enemy, radical Islam...but he couldn't even bring himself to describe it at such.

It is becoming increasingly clear that Donald Trump is alone in his view that the first 100 days of his presidency have been anything but a massive failure.

According to the latest Fox News poll, a majority of the country is already eager to vote him out office, with 55 percent saying they will definitely or probably cast their ballot for Trump’s opponent in the 2020 presidential election.

By a massive 23-point margin, Americans also believe the new president is becoming an international embarrassment, with 52 percent of respondents saying the U.S. is now less respected around the globe.

It’s no surprise the world is laughing as Trump proves himself to be incapable of conducting himself on the world stage.

After all, he’s spent his first 100 days alienating our allies – Mexico, Canada, Australia, and Germany, among others – while emboldening and provoking our adversaries – North Korea, Iran, and Russia.

Ultimately, it’s not stunning that a majority want Trump out of office and feel he has turned the U.S. into the laughingstock of the world. What is shocking is that the number of Americans who feel this way isn’t higher.

He’s also failing on what was arguably the main objective of his candidacy, and now presidency – bringing change to Washington:

View image on Twitter

Fox News Poll


NEW! Is Trump bringing real change to Washington? @FoxNews #Poll MORE:

7:05 PM - 26 Apr 2017

More numbers from this devastating poll as the Trump presidency approaches the all-important 100-day mark:

  • 53 percent aren’t satisfied with the way things are going
  • 51 percent discouraged about the next four years
  • 48 percent – a plurality – disapprove of his job performance overall
If Trump can’t even turn to Fox News for an optimistic view of his presidency, then where can he turn?

With nearly 100 days of failure under his belt, it’s clear that a majority of the American people have already given up on the Trump presidency – and for good reason. It’s been a complete catastrophe.

And since Trump is unwilling to change his behavior or react to the realities of being a grown-up president, it’s not likely to get any better over the next four years.
That's quite a long and complicated poll and you're trying to disseminate the results in one sentence.
Nice try...actually a pathetic try.
It's funny when Trump himself promised all this winning would happen on day 1 plenty of times. Nothing.

Trump said that he'd be winning in his first 100 days. He said that. Now that the winning hasn't happened so now they go.."derp th3 winning iz coming...soon. Pollz dont matt3r" "Hez just getting start3d"

Like he's an old engine and you can't expect the heat until you get up get down the road. Lol. Man stop the excuses and put your goal posts down with more than velcro you idiots.
Campaigning is easy compared to governing and getting two sides to work with each other. I never expected the winning to be easy. Congress is fucked up. There are two many bird brains on both sides of the aisle in the House and the Senate. It is a bit comforting though that most of them are on the left!

Congress is controlled by Republicans dumbass lol!
Poll: 96% of Trump Supporters Would Vote for Him Again, Win Popular Vote
by JOEL B. POLLAK 23 Apr 2017

An ABC News/Washington Post poll released on Sunday found that President Donald Trump only had 42% approval from Americans, the lowest since 1945 — but that 96% of Trump supporters say that they would vote for him again. Moreover, the poll indicates that Trump could win the popular vote if the 2016 electorate were to vote a second time.

Poll: 96% of Trump Supporters Would Vote for Him Again, Win Popular Vote - Breitbart
Last edited:
Trump is the President, no amount of bitching or complaining will change that. He needs time to get his programs in place, if you don't like it, then move.
For now. And I am not leaving, my dd214 say Honorable, and I have worked at good jobs for over 50 years. I will just start supporting 314 and like organizations.
Sensible people know that President Trump's difficulties in accomplishing his promises lie in the partisan obstruction from the left, the asinine rulings of liberal activist judges, the incessant sniping and outright lying by the liberal media and the reluctance of some Republicans in Congress. Chuck Schumer and his partisan parrots oppose anything Trump proposes whether it is good for America or not.
Dumb ass, the GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Executive. And you want to blame the Dems for the major failure the admin has been thus far?
The link is dead. Try again. This sounds like more fake news.

he has somewhere between a 36% and 40% approval rating. why would it surprise you that the rest of the country thinks he's either incompetent or criminal?

Because based on the catastrophic failure of ALL the polls prior to the election, and the clear bias in the majority of them against trump, I no longer pay them too much heed. They have disqualified themselves from any future discussion until they earn trust back.
We the people are not out to change Trump.
We the people are out to change government.
We, the people, will change every EO the orange clown has put out there. We, the people, may vote most of the GOP and the orange clown out of office as earliest opportunity. We, the people, are the majority that do not approve of the orange clown's policy, or incompetence.
The link is dead. Try again. This sounds like more fake news.

he has somewhere between a 36% and 40% approval rating. why would it surprise you that the rest of the country thinks he's either incompetent or criminal?

Because based on the catastrophic failure of ALL the polls prior to the election, and the clear bias in the majority of them against trump, I no longer pay them too much heed. They have disqualified themselves from any future discussion until they earn trust back.
LOL No, what has happened is that they show disdain of the general public for that orange clown's ass that you are kissing.
Trump has no idea he is so disliked, for him it's just a way of life.

That goes double for his brain dead supporters.

That just shows 57% of those polled in this fake news report have no idea how our government works.

It is a Twitter poll which is about as accurate as predicting you getting your third set of teeth.
WTF are you talking about? It was a poll of landline and cell phone users.

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