Students Fight Back Against Woke Agenda With Brilliant Trolling - LOL


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Parents of students at Pepper Tree Elementary School in Upland are taking public and legal action over racist attacks against their children, including verbal taunting and racist illustrations handed to one student at the beginning of Black History Month. "That 'my favorite cotton picker' card was one of the two cards that Chloe received," said Marlene Reynoso, adding that another classmate gave her daughter a different card that read "To Chloe: You're my favorite monkey." "That made me feel like, I didn't actually know that they thought of me that way," said Chloe.

According to lawyers who are now representing four families with similar experiences, the racist attacks against students have gone on for months, and in some cases, years. Kabene Gabremariam's son received a "golden N-word pass" in September. Gabremariam's son asked her what the "N-word" meant. An immigrant from Ethiopia, Gabremariam, had to search for its meaning online. She encouraged her son to channel his experience into change. He included it in a campaign video for student council in which he focused on anti-bullying awareness. "I was told by the school that he cannot put his experience in the speech," said Gabremariam."

Lol, these little kids are so what, they called you a cotton picker and a were....if you don't like it, stop shoving your black history down our little Chloe is sad because she didn't know her friends think this way about her? Boo-hoo..... are they really trying to call this bullying? Really....This isn't bullying this is fighting back against the racist woke agenda with some good old fashioned patriotic trolling. This is God's chosen fighting back against the woke-left racist agenda...what did they expect was going to happen? The darkies, Jews and the gays are the ones bullying other kids by forcing them to entertain this woke non-sense...Hopefully more kids will start fighting back and putting these uppity thug brats in their place.

And the best part is, although there is this whole anti-bullying campaign that has been going on for a few years, stuff like this doesn't count as bullying because you don't have to empathize with the kids getting bullied if you can demonize them beforehand.......That way, it's easier to claim you were just "kidding" or engaging in innocent "locker room banter" -- it's fun....
When I was in elementary school, we weren't allowed to use bad language like this at all. The nuns wouldn't have allowed it and would have banged a student's head against the chalkboard for such an infraction.

And the thing is that no one would have been offended by the language as all of my schoolmates were little Honky children and most were from liberal homes where that kind of language is used.

"Parents of students at Pepper Tree Elementary School in Upland are taking public and legal action over racist attacks against their children, including verbal taunting and racist illustrations handed to one student at the beginning of Black History Month. "That 'my favorite cotton picker' card was one of the two cards that Chloe received," said Marlene Reynoso, adding that another classmate gave her daughter a different card that read "To Chloe: You're my favorite monkey." "That made me feel like, I didn't actually know that they thought of me that way," said Chloe.

According to lawyers who are now representing four families with similar experiences, the racist attacks against students have gone on for months, and in some cases, years. Kabene Gabremariam's son received a "golden N-word pass" in September. Gabremariam's son asked her what the "N-word" meant. An immigrant from Ethiopia, Gabremariam, had to search for its meaning online. She encouraged her son to channel his experience into change. He included it in a campaign video for student council in which he focused on anti-bullying awareness. "I was told by the school that he cannot put his experience in the speech," said Gabremariam."

Lol, these little kids are so what, they called you a cotton picker and a were....if you don't like it, stop shoving your black history down our little Chloe is sad because she didn't know her friends think this way about her? Boo-hoo..... are they really trying to call this bullying? Really....This isn't bullying this is fighting back against the racist woke agenda with some good old fashioned patriotic trolling. This is God's chosen fighting back against the woke-left racist agenda...what did they expect was going to happen? The darkies, Jews and the gays are the ones bullying other kids by forcing them to entertain this woke non-sense...Hopefully more kids will start fighting back and putting these uppity thug brats in their place.

And the best part is, although there is this whole anti-bullying campaign that has been going on for a few years, stuff like this doesn't count as bullying because you don't have to empathize with the kids getting bullied if you can demonize them beforehand.......That way, it's easier to claim you were just "kidding" or engaging in innocent "locker room banter" -- it's fun....
unsurprising to see racism coming out of California....that's why people are fleeing that Demaklan hot bed
Didn't this happen in the wokest state in America? Not surprising since wokesters are much more racist than the avg person, of course their kids are ruined too.
Is this more ammo for the calls for reparations?
How much money do you want now Buffy?

"Parents of students at Pepper Tree Elementary School in Upland are taking public and legal action over racist attacks against their children, including verbal taunting and racist illustrations handed to one student at the beginning of Black History Month. "That 'my favorite cotton picker' card was one of the two cards that Chloe received," said Marlene Reynoso, adding that another classmate gave her daughter a different card that read "To Chloe: You're my favorite monkey." "That made me feel like, I didn't actually know that they thought of me that way," said Chloe.

According to lawyers who are now representing four families with similar experiences, the racist attacks against students have gone on for months, and in some cases, years. Kabene Gabremariam's son received a "golden N-word pass" in September. Gabremariam's son asked her what the "N-word" meant. An immigrant from Ethiopia, Gabremariam, had to search for its meaning online. She encouraged her son to channel his experience into change. He included it in a campaign video for student council in which he focused on anti-bullying awareness. "I was told by the school that he cannot put his experience in the speech," said Gabremariam."

Lol, these little kids are so what, they called you a cotton picker and a were....if you don't like it, stop shoving your black history down our little Chloe is sad because she didn't know her friends think this way about her? Boo-hoo..... are they really trying to call this bullying? Really....This isn't bullying this is fighting back against the racist woke agenda with some good old fashioned patriotic trolling. This is God's chosen fighting back against the woke-left racist agenda...what did they expect was going to happen? The darkies, Jews and the gays are the ones bullying other kids by forcing them to entertain this woke non-sense...Hopefully more kids will start fighting back and putting these uppity thug brats in their place.

And the best part is, although there is this whole anti-bullying campaign that has been going on for a few years, stuff like this doesn't count as bullying because you don't have to empathize with the kids getting bullied if you can demonize them beforehand.......That way, it's easier to claim you were just "kidding" or engaging in innocent "locker room banter" -- it's fun....
This is precisely what black racists have been hoping for

They have been pushing hate toward whites for two decades and angry whites are pushing back - albeit in the wrong way
When I was in elementary school, we weren't allowed to use bad language like this at all.
I didn't start hearing bad language until I started going to middle school and each school that I went to was a public school.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The fall of 1993 is when I started middle school.

"Parents of students at Pepper Tree Elementary School in Upland are taking public and legal action over racist attacks against their children, including verbal taunting and racist illustrations handed to one student at the beginning of Black History Month. "That 'my favorite cotton picker' card was one of the two cards that Chloe received," said Marlene Reynoso, adding that another classmate gave her daughter a different card that read "To Chloe: You're my favorite monkey." "That made me feel like, I didn't actually know that they thought of me that way," said Chloe.

According to lawyers who are now representing four families with similar experiences, the racist attacks against students have gone on for months, and in some cases, years. Kabene Gabremariam's son received a "golden N-word pass" in September. Gabremariam's son asked her what the "N-word" meant. An immigrant from Ethiopia, Gabremariam, had to search for its meaning online. She encouraged her son to channel his experience into change. He included it in a campaign video for student council in which he focused on anti-bullying awareness. "I was told by the school that he cannot put his experience in the speech," said Gabremariam."

Lol, these little kids are so what, they called you a cotton picker and a were....if you don't like it, stop shoving your black history down our little Chloe is sad because she didn't know her friends think this way about her? Boo-hoo..... are they really trying to call this bullying? Really....This isn't bullying this is fighting back against the racist woke agenda with some good old fashioned patriotic trolling. This is God's chosen fighting back against the woke-left racist agenda...what did they expect was going to happen? The darkies, Jews and the gays are the ones bullying other kids by forcing them to entertain this woke non-sense...Hopefully more kids will start fighting back and putting these uppity thug brats in their place.

And the best part is, although there is this whole anti-bullying campaign that has been going on for a few years, stuff like this doesn't count as bullying because you don't have to empathize with the kids getting bullied if you can demonize them beforehand.......That way, it's easier to claim you were just "kidding" or engaging in innocent "locker room banter" -- it's fun....
Kids do weird things for fun, but racism should be discouraged in ANY form. It's kinda "not funny".
Kids do weird things for fun, but racism should be discouraged in ANY form. It's kinda "not funny".
Agreed. Woke is a joke, but being happy that children are bullying others doesn't mean you are anti-woke. It means that you're the problem.

"Parents of students at Pepper Tree Elementary School in Upland are taking public and legal action over racist attacks against their children, including verbal taunting and racist illustrations handed to one student at the beginning of Black History Month. "That 'my favorite cotton picker' card was one of the two cards that Chloe received," said Marlene Reynoso, adding that another classmate gave her daughter a different card that read "To Chloe: You're my favorite monkey." "That made me feel like, I didn't actually know that they thought of me that way," said Chloe.

According to lawyers who are now representing four families with similar experiences, the racist attacks against students have gone on for months, and in some cases, years. Kabene Gabremariam's son received a "golden N-word pass" in September. Gabremariam's son asked her what the "N-word" meant. An immigrant from Ethiopia, Gabremariam, had to search for its meaning online. She encouraged her son to channel his experience into change. He included it in a campaign video for student council in which he focused on anti-bullying awareness. "I was told by the school that he cannot put his experience in the speech," said Gabremariam."

Lol, these little kids are so what, they called you a cotton picker and a were....if you don't like it, stop shoving your black history down our little Chloe is sad because she didn't know her friends think this way about her? Boo-hoo..... are they really trying to call this bullying? Really....This isn't bullying this is fighting back against the racist woke agenda with some good old fashioned patriotic trolling. This is God's chosen fighting back against the woke-left racist agenda...what did they expect was going to happen? The darkies, Jews and the gays are the ones bullying other kids by forcing them to entertain this woke non-sense...Hopefully more kids will start fighting back and putting these uppity thug brats in their place.

And the best part is, although there is this whole anti-bullying campaign that has been going on for a few years, stuff like this doesn't count as bullying because you don't have to empathize with the kids getting bullied if you can demonize them beforehand.......That way, it's easier to claim you were just "kidding" or engaging in innocent "locker room banter" -- it's fun....

It is funny
Yup, everyone knows that most elementary kids vote Democrat....especially in California
there parents do...and as we have seen racist parents, like for example, joey "racial jungle" xiden had a great influence on their kids

"Parents of students at Pepper Tree Elementary School in Upland are taking public and legal action over racist attacks against their children, including verbal taunting and racist illustrations handed to one student at the beginning of Black History Month. "That 'my favorite cotton picker' card was one of the two cards that Chloe received," said Marlene Reynoso, adding that another classmate gave her daughter a different card that read "To Chloe: You're my favorite monkey." "That made me feel like, I didn't actually know that they thought of me that way," said Chloe.

According to lawyers who are now representing four families with similar experiences, the racist attacks against students have gone on for months, and in some cases, years. Kabene Gabremariam's son received a "golden N-word pass" in September. Gabremariam's son asked her what the "N-word" meant. An immigrant from Ethiopia, Gabremariam, had to search for its meaning online. She encouraged her son to channel his experience into change. He included it in a campaign video for student council in which he focused on anti-bullying awareness. "I was told by the school that he cannot put his experience in the speech," said Gabremariam."

Lol, these little kids are so what, they called you a cotton picker and a were....if you don't like it, stop shoving your black history down our little Chloe is sad because she didn't know her friends think this way about her? Boo-hoo..... are they really trying to call this bullying? Really....This isn't bullying this is fighting back against the racist woke agenda with some good old fashioned patriotic trolling. This is God's chosen fighting back against the woke-left racist agenda...what did they expect was going to happen? The darkies, Jews and the gays are the ones bullying other kids by forcing them to entertain this woke non-sense...Hopefully more kids will start fighting back and putting these uppity thug brats in their place.

And the best part is, although there is this whole anti-bullying campaign that has been going on for a few years, stuff like this doesn't count as bullying because you don't have to empathize with the kids getting bullied if you can demonize them beforehand.......That way, it's easier to claim you were just "kidding" or engaging in innocent "locker room banter" -- it's fun....
LOL right? It was brilliant!
there parents do...and as we have seen racist parents, like for example, joey "racial jungle" xiden had a great influence on their kids
I agree, because we know Republican parents would never teach their children to be racist. Since that is the case why do we always see these predominately white schools in republican areas shouting racial epithets at black kids during football and basketball games?
I agree, because we know Republican parents would never teach their children to be racist. Since that is the case why do we always see these predominately white schools in republican areas shouting racial epithets at black kids during football and basketball games?

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