Diamond Member

Biden must cancel all student loan debt, including for those with graduate degrees | Derecka Purnell
Politicians argue that canceling student debt will mainly benefit doctors and lawyers. But it is first-generation graduates of color who are struggling to make payments
Interestingly, forgiveness of student loans is an issue that is opposed by an overwhelming majority of the American public;. The fact that Biden and the Leftist posse are keen to do it anyway is one of the most cynical attempts at buying votes in recent memory.
Read the attached opinion piece and try to control your gag reflex. The author has been HANDED hundreds of thousands of dollars in "free" education for no reason other than her race. She has made a dumpster fire of her own life, yet she whines about how the cold, cruel world stacks the deck against her.
Words fail me.
She is Exhibit A of the people whose figurative feet should be held to the fire on these student loans. That the Guardian even publishes this bit of Leftist trash tells you all you need to know about their readership.