SF school board member apologizes for facts. Woke stuff, again.

Of course black and brown families are able to support students. That's silly. They are perfectly able to support students. They just don't want to.

Decent black folks have been saying this for decades now. And the broke woke don't believe them.
When you lie, you have to apologize. Apparently in CA you have to apologize for telling the truth.

SF school board member apologizes for racially insensitive comment

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – A San Francisco school board commissioner is facing criticism over her comments about black and brown students. Some people are calling the comments racist.

I have seen those SF numbers broken down by racial class. The CRT/DEI class want it all ways. They want to help the "disadvantaged" but you're not supposed to notice that they're in any way "disadvantaged"--or some such. I don't know.

I'm blunt and also, old fashioned, and prefer to meet all of my families/students at the individual level. To every one of them I say, "You can do it. I will help you."

It seems true, simple, and beyond reproach. Maybe we should go back to that.
But the fact is that a significant number of kids in the Bay Area are from single parent households. The rate is significantly higher than the rest of the nation, or even California itself.

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