student escorted out of class for not saying the pledge

So then hire a lawyer and sue the government. Its a damned shame that so many idiots get upset over something so simple as 2 little words. If they mean nothing to you then why be upset. Everytime i see the word God in print I take it to mean God as I see it. Not the way you or anyone else does. Try it sometime. It's also called respect for others. And don't even think about telling me I hate freedom ever again, I'll allow you to get by with that this time.
I agree and I wonder why anyone would have an objection to my not saying them.
Respect for others goes both ways, you have to give it if you want to get it.

Atheists are not the only ones who object to to the insertion of "under God" into our Pledge. Many religious people object as well. For various reasons ranging from a concern with separation of church and state to an objection to taking an oath in God's name. I believe something like that is the reason why Jehovah's Witnesses, some of the most devout people around, refuse to say the Pledge.
always loved the people who force allegiance to liberty....

Allegiance to one's country should not be forced, but it should be expected. Anyone not pledging allegiance should be bitchslapped and sent to Git'mo. IMO

yea because not doing a voluntary act in a free country is terrorism :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Lonestar is sounding a bit like a terrorist himself. Swear that your country is under my god or I'll bitch slap you and send you for water boarding. :cuckoo:
It's called respect for the flag, respect for the country providing this free education, and respect for the teacher who may be offended by some asshole who is too lazy to stand.

We say it before public meetings and we stand for the national anthem.

If you hate this country and have no respect for those of us who don't - move.

I am so sick of students saying "you can't make me do anything I don't want to" and some idiot adults saying "yeah kids - that's what freedom is about"

isn't your last sentence the definition of freedom? :confused:

and just because you don't stand for a stupid pledge made by a socialist doesn't mean you hate the country. you just won the hyperbole award
Interesting result of this. I have a friend who teaches 8th grade...I pointed out this thread and the news article to her. She just called me and said she linked the news article and then this thread to her class projector and showed it ALL to her class in the morning that does the Pledge. (She warned them ahead of time of some of the language). She told me had generated some of the most interesting discussions in that class...a class that just finished going over the Bill of Rights.

*Waving at that class if she uses this thread next week.

that is pretty cool.....
Respect for freedom of speech? WTF does that mean? Children do not have unlimited speech rights at school. Should they be permitted to say "Fuck the flag? Blow me?"

Soldiers have sacrificed their lives for that symbol. They deserve as much respect as Johnny Stoner.

Yes Ravi it is offensive. When 25 decent kids are standing and one asshole is allowed to sit, it is wrong.Its just another example of rewarding bad behavior. That's far more damaging than making one asshole stand for 30 seconds.I don't care if they say it, just get the hell up.

you really need to drop the emotional appeal fallacies ;-\
So then hire a lawyer and sue the government. Its a damned shame that so many idiots get upset over something so simple as 2 little words. If they mean nothing to you then why be upset. Everytime i see the word God in print I take it to mean God as I see it. Not the way you or anyone else does. Try it sometime. It's also called respect for others. And don't even think about telling me I hate freedom ever again, I'll allow you to get by with that this time.
I agree and I wonder why anyone would have an objection to my not saying them.
Respect for others goes both ways, you have to give it if you want to get it.

Atheists are not the only ones who object to to the insertion of "under God" into our Pledge. Many religious people object as well. For various reasons ranging from a concern with separation of church and state to an objection to taking an oath in God's name. I believe something like that is the reason why Jehovah's Witnesses, some of the most devout people around, refuse to say the Pledge.

I don't care really why anyone would object to it. I salute the flag and recite the pledge on at least a monthly basis. Usually more. I have never seen anyone refuse to recite the pledge. But if I ever do then as long as they are quiet and respectful while I do so then we would have no problem. I seldom comment on anyones religion. That's their business.
☭proletarian☭;2046296 said:
I made this mistake a few years ago when I wrote up a disciplinary referral on a kid who refused to stand. I knew they didn't have to say the Pledge, but I thought they still had to stand like people do in stadiums. I was wrong. But the kid wasn't making a political statement. He was just too lazy. (He's in jail now)

For something entirely unrelated, yes? :eusa_eh:
Isn't one of the purposes of a free public education is to foster patriotism and civic duty?

No. It's to educate. If the system is worth preserving, then educated men and women will understand that and preserve it, just as they will destroy any system worth destroying (see the CCCP, the Articles of Confederation, or the LoN).

I agree it's to educate...but...isn't civic duty part of education?

always loved the people who force allegiance to liberty....

Allegiance to one's country should not be forced, but it should be expected. Anyone not pledging allegiance should be bitchslapped and sent to Git'mo. IMO

it should not be forced.....but if they dont say it send them to Gitmo??? i missing something here?.......
always loved the people who force allegiance to liberty....


The unidentified student was mocked by other children in her class and has been too traumatized to return to Roberto Clemente Middle School in Germantown, according to Ajmel Quereshi, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland who is representing the family.

TEACH THESE YOUNGSTERS TO HATE their Country. Thatta' Way!:clap2:
The ACLU got it ruled several years back that we could not force children to say or even learn the Pledge of Allegiance.

Just another reason I can't stand the ACLU.

YouTube - Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

Yeah I lost a lot of respect for them when they defended druggie Rush.
i am wondering when they are going to defend the 2nd amendment.....

whenever a serious law is passed that goes against it
I'm sure that when Lonestar Secesh gets his wish and Texas becomes an independent republic again (*snicker), the first order of business will be to pass a law FORCING people to swear daily allegiance to the Lone Star Flag...or else be lynched.

no....he said and i quote...."it should not be forced".....but if they dont say it beat them up first....and then send them to Gitmo.....hey at least he is against forcing you to say just have to pay for not saying it....
always loved the people who force allegiance to liberty....


The unidentified student was mocked by other children in her class and has been too traumatized to return to Roberto Clemente Middle School in Germantown, according to Ajmel Quereshi, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland who is representing the family.

TEACH THESE YOUNGSTERS TO HATE their Country. Thatta' Way!:clap2:

Makes one wonder, just what kind of name is Ajmel Quereshi?
always loved the people who force allegiance to liberty....


The unidentified student was mocked by other children in her class and has been too traumatized to return to Roberto Clemente Middle School in Germantown, according to Ajmel Quereshi, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland who is representing the family.

TEACH THESE YOUNGSTERS TO HATE their Country. Thatta' Way!:clap2:

how is not standing for a forced pledge hating your country that was founded on freedom :confused:
always loved the people who force allegiance to liberty....


The unidentified student was mocked by other children in her class and has been too traumatized to return to Roberto Clemente Middle School in Germantown, according to Ajmel Quereshi, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland who is representing the family.

TEACH THESE YOUNGSTERS TO HATE their Country. Thatta' Way!:clap2:

Makes one wonder, just what kind of name is Ajmel Quereshi?

I'm guessing They didn't hire a Jewish Lawyer.
always loved the people who force allegiance to liberty....


The unidentified student was mocked by other children in her class and has been too traumatized to return to Roberto Clemente Middle School in Germantown, according to Ajmel Quereshi, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland who is representing the family.

TEACH THESE YOUNGSTERS TO HATE their Country. Thatta' Way!:clap2:

how is not standing for a forced pledge hating your country that was founded on freedom :confused:
I can't speak for others but I stopped saying the Pledge years ago out of love for this country.
☭proletarian☭;2046296 said:
For something entirely unrelated, yes? :eusa_eh:

No. It's to educate. If the system is worth preserving, then educated men and women will understand that and preserve it, just as they will destroy any system worth destroying (see the CCCP, the Articles of Confederation, or the LoN).

I agree it's to educate...but...isn't civic duty part of education?


Why not?

Why study civics?

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