student escorted out of class for not saying the pledge


My dad was just starting school when WII broke out, He described this style of salute being used until about mid way through the war.
The ACLU got it ruled several years back that we could not force children to say or even learn the Pledge of Allegiance.

Just another reason I can't stand the ACLU.

you hate them because people aren't forced to do something daily in a free country???

I seldom use the word hate. I can't stand them because they always seem to work against freedom of religion, and they work against the protection of the flag.

This is what I hate to see:


rather than threatening children about saying the pledge, they should be taught flag etiquette!




Old Glory: The History, Purpose and Meaning of the American Flag | The Art of Manliness

Report Unsightly American Flags. Flag disposal info
We keep a collection point for old flags at our Village Hall. Each Flag Day my American Legion Post has a Flag retirement ceremony. We "retire" anywhere from 50 to 500 flags every year. And our village is only about 1200 people total. We don't see many ragged flags flying around here.
Comparing a simple pledge of allegience to a country that gives you many benefits...and the freedom oppose it, to Hitler Youth is ridiculous. Yes, nationalism can be carried too far but to think it's a slippery slope from a pledge and teaching civics is a fallacy. Just remove God, stick to the original and let those who do not wish to say it stand quietly out of respect. Children can decide once they are adults, how they wish to respect or disrespect but at least they will be doing it out of knowledge and not ignorance (we hope).

If children can't decide for themselves yet, then they shouldn't be saying it.

A forced oath by someone who does not comprehend is meaningless and amounts to nothing more than brainwashing.
Brainwashing? Shooting people in the streets? My my aren't we dramatic? Please enlighten us with specific examples of "children" being harmed by the flag salute. In this country please.

I am a parent and a teacher. I "brainwash" kids every day to say "please" "thank you" and "God Bless You" when somebody sneezes. It's called showing good manners and respect - even when its simply rote.

They are government schools.
Why would you expect anything other then government indoctrination?

Just anther reason to do away with the DOE and have local schools .
I dont understand any argument after this post.
If you trust the Government to be rational or fair rather than answering to any political wind that blows, you dont have a clue and are a partisan hack.

[ame=]YouTube - Text book wars part 1[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Text book wars part 2[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Text book wars part 3[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Text book wars part 4[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Text book wars part 5[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - islam segment text book wars[/ame]
Yes there was a very large popular Nazi movement in the USA it was a response to communism .
The "libertarian conservative "movement was killed in the struggle between Nazis and communism .
Now there is only a left and right progressive movements and fringe groups for liberty.
Yes there was a very large popular Nazi movement in the USA it was a response to communism .
The "libertarian conservative "movement was killed in the struggle between Nazis and communism .
Now there is only a left and right progressive movements and fringe groups for liberty.
Those weren't Nazis...they were just American school kids being told how to act and to pledge their fealty to the flag.
Yes there was a very large popular Nazi movement in the USA it was a response to communism .
The "libertarian conservative "movement was killed in the struggle between Nazis and communism .
Now there is only a left and right progressive movements and fringe groups for liberty. have no idea about the history of the Pledge in this country, do you?
☭proletarian☭;2048066 said:
☭proletarian☭;2047466 said:
So refusing to take a pledge means you hate the country?

I refuse to take an oath of loyalty to Canada, yet I harbour no ill will towards the it. Your assertion has been refuted. missed the part about the student refusing to stand. Standing is out of respect. She didn't have to take the pledge, no one does, but it's good manners to STAND while others recite the pledge. The teachers job is not just to teach the 3 "r"s but to teach ethics as well. Can you imagine if Obama went to Saudi Arabia and didn't stand for their flag?

So not standing is disrespect and means you hate America?

Is everyone with a bum leg a terrorist? Are elderly veterans who are unable to stand anti-American?

Being unable to stand and refusing to stand are two different things, which I'm sure you know. Are you trying to suggest that this child was in a wheelchair?
☭proletarian☭;2048138 said:
What if they're able but unwilling because it hurts?

BTW, I'm sure Stalin would have loved the idea of locking away/shooting people who refuse to take a forced oath.

So now this kid was locked up????
☭proletarian☭;2048138 said:
What if they're able but unwilling because it hurts?

BTW, I'm sure Stalin would have loved the idea of locking away/shooting people who refuse to take a forced oath.

So now this kid was locked up????

Read the thread. The rightwingers have advocated incarceration, expulsion, and death for the child.
☭proletarian☭;2044976 said:
always loved the people who force allegiance to liberty....
They tried to suspend me for school for refusing some years back. I told them that my loyalties ae to me principles, not to any man, piece of cloth (which was made in China, btw- I'd checked), geographical area, or government.

good for you
Yes there was a very large popular Nazi movement in the USA it was a response to communism .
The "libertarian conservative "movement was killed in the struggle between Nazis and communism .
Now there is only a left and right progressive movements and fringe groups for liberty.
Those weren't Nazis...they were just American school kids being told how to act and to pledge their fealty to the flag.
Never the less the facts of my post remain .
You wont have to worry about that flag or the pledge, at the rate we're going some other countries flag will be taking its place. Funny, people don't realize how good they have it till they loose a freedom.
Maybe I missed it, but if proletarian could be so kind, please direct us to the posts advocating for the expulsion, incarceration, or execution of children. Thank you in advance.
It started with

Also, if a child, no doubt indoctrinated by his/her america-hating scumbag family, is uncomfortable about this country and saying the pledge, there are a lot of other countries they may feel more comfortable being in, like Iran or Syria..

Then the violence entered the thread when it was suggested that we shoot people who oppose putting crosses on a Jew's grave.

Then it was suggested the kid be beaten and sent off-shores to be waterboarded and held indefinitely as a terrorist.

Allegiance to one's country should not be forced, but it should be expected. Anyone not pledging allegiance should be bitchslapped and sent to Git'mo. IMO

Then you said that not being a brainwashed moron and actually actually having principles means you hate America and need to leave

It's called respect for the flag, respect for the country providing this free education, and respect for the teacher who may be offended by some asshole who is too lazy to stand.

We say it before public meetings and we stand for the national anthem.

If you hate this country and have no respect for those of us who don't - move.

Perhaps you were hoping nobody remembered what you'd said? Or did you forget?

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