Striking Union Workers Hurl Racial Epithets

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I grew up in the city of Boston and lived there my entire life until I moved to Charlotte four years ago. I've stated more than once on this forum, in discussions relating to racism and bigotry, that since living in the south I have never heard the word ****** used more than I did from those good ole union Democrats back in Massachusetts.

Bigotry and racism have no political boundaries, folks. The partisans here who like to consistently pin this behavior on Republicans, conservatives, and the tea party crowd ought to open their eyes and wise up.

GRAND FORKS, N.D. (AP) — Police say union supporters have directed racial slurs and racist symbols at replacement workers and security personnel outside an American Crystal Sugar plant in North Dakota.

Traill County Sheriff Mike Crocker says there have been racial statements made to security people outside of the company's Hillsboro facility. He says he recently saw a monkey-like figure hanging from a noose attached to a large inflatable rat outside the plant. He says it was removed the next day.

The Grand Forks Herald reported Tuesday (AMERICAN CRYSTAL LOCKOUT: Tensions high on the picket line | Grand Forks Herald | Grand Forks, North Dakota) that many of the replacement workers are from Southern states, and some are minorities.

Union representative Mark Froemke calls the behavior "totally unacceptable" and says the union will not tolerate racism.

About 1,300 union workers have been locked out for six weeks in a labor dispute.

Police confirm racial incidents at sugar plant - Houston Chronicle
Why is everyone surprised. Union haven't had the cream of the crop for years just the low end worker who needs a union to keep from being fired for being either stupid, lazy or both.

By the way Taz your video is disgusting.
Say it aint so!

Union thugs pissed that because they were stupid and greedy got replaced by ANOTHER AMERICAN WHO NEEDED A JOB deserve what they get.
What do you mean by "stupid and greedy?" Can you document that accusation with facts and figures or is it just something you were told by the unholy trinity of Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity?

A "replacement worker" is better known as a scab and the introduction of scabs is the primary cause of violence in labor conflicts.

What you don't understand is once a union is busted by the introduction of scab labor, which is compensated at a reduced hourly wage, the unprotected scab workers are at the mercy of the company, a circumstance they, themselves, have created by their willingness to nudge union workers out of their jobs. They will soon learn that whatever wage they started with will soon be trimmed at company discretion, their jobs will get harder and harder, and if they don't like it they will quickly see that scabs can be scabbed a lot easier than can organized union workers.

The ultimate effect of scab labor is reduced wages and widespread elimination of all benefits and worker protections.

The bottom line is unions have thorns but in the long run they are the bedrock of the middle class
I grew up in the city of Boston and lived there my entire life until I moved to Charlotte four years ago. I've stated more than once on this forum, in discussions relating to racism and bigotry, that since living in the south I have never heard the word ****** used more than I did from those good ole union Democrats back in Massachusetts.

Bigotry and racism have no political boundaries, folks. The partisans here who like to consistently pin this behavior on Republicans, conservatives, and the tea party crowd ought to open their eyes and wise up.

GRAND FORKS, N.D. (AP) — Police say union supporters have directed racial slurs and racist symbols at replacement workers and security personnel outside an American Crystal Sugar plant in North Dakota.

Traill County Sheriff Mike Crocker says there have been racial statements made to security people outside of the company's Hillsboro facility. He says he recently saw a monkey-like figure hanging from a noose attached to a large inflatable rat outside the plant. He says it was removed the next day.

The Grand Forks Herald reported Tuesday (AMERICAN CRYSTAL LOCKOUT: Tensions high on the picket line | Grand Forks Herald | Grand Forks, North Dakota) that many of the replacement workers are from Southern states, and some are minorities.

Union representative Mark Froemke calls the behavior "totally unacceptable" and says the union will not tolerate racism.

About 1,300 union workers have been locked out for six weeks in a labor dispute.

Police confirm racial incidents at sugar plant - Houston Chronicle

This just in: Nearly all red necks are racist AND Republican, holy shit!
i grew up in the city of boston and lived there my entire life until i moved to charlotte four years ago. I've stated more than once on this forum, in discussions relating to racism and bigotry, that since living in the south i have never heard the word ****** used more than i did from those good ole union democrats back in massachusetts.

Bigotry and racism have no political boundaries, folks. The partisans here who like to consistently pin this behavior on republicans, conservatives, and the tea party crowd ought to open their eyes and wise up.

grand forks, n.d. (ap) — police say union supporters have directed racial slurs and racist symbols at replacement workers and security personnel outside an american crystal sugar plant in north dakota.

Traill county sheriff mike crocker says there have been racial statements made to security people outside of the company's hillsboro facility. He says he recently saw a monkey-like figure hanging from a noose attached to a large inflatable rat outside the plant. He says it was removed the next day.

The grand forks herald reported tuesday (american crystal lockout: Tensions high on the picket line | grand forks herald | grand forks, north dakota) that many of the replacement workers are from southern states, and some are minorities.

Union representative mark froemke calls the behavior "totally unacceptable" and says the union will not tolerate racism.

About 1,300 union workers have been locked out for six weeks in a labor dispute.

police confirm racial incidents at sugar plant - houston chronicle

this just in: Nearly all red necks are racist and republican, holy shit!
............barney frank is a faggot !!!!
Say it aint so!

Union thugs pissed that because they were stupid and greedy got replaced by ANOTHER AMERICAN WHO NEEDED A JOB deserve what they get.
What do you mean by "stupid and greedy?" Can you document that accusation with facts and figures or is it just something you were told by the unholy trinity of Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity?

A "replacement worker" is better known as a scab and the introduction of scabs is the primary cause of violence in labor conflicts.

What you don't understand is once a union is busted by the introduction of scab labor, which is compensated at a reduced hourly wage, the unprotected scab workers are at the mercy of the company, a circumstance they, themselves, have created by their willingness to nudge union workers out of their jobs. They will soon learn that whatever wage they started with will soon be trimmed at company discretion, their jobs will get harder and harder, and if they don't like it they will quickly see that scabs can be scabbed a lot easier than can organized union workers.

The ultimate effect of scab labor is reduced wages and widespread elimination of all benefits and worker protections.

The bottom line is unions have thorns but in the long run they are the bedrock of the middle class

"The introduction of scabs" is not "the primary cause of violence in labor conflicts." Union thugs committing criminal acts of violence is the primary cause.
I would have to agree that bigotry has no boundaries when it is expressed from Republican or Democratic
side of the fence, and all groups in between. Bigotry comes in all colors also, that is a fact, but we expect
an exaggerated form of racism from the South and Oklahoma.
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Say it aint so!

Union thugs pissed that because they were stupid and greedy got replaced by ANOTHER AMERICAN WHO NEEDED A JOB deserve what they get.
What do you mean by "stupid and greedy?" Can you document that accusation with facts and figures or is it just something you were told by the unholy trinity of Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity?

A "replacement worker" is better known as a scab and the introduction of scabs is the primary cause of violence in labor conflicts.

What you don't understand is once a union is busted by the introduction of scab labor, which is compensated at a reduced hourly wage, the unprotected scab workers are at the mercy of the company, a circumstance they, themselves, have created by their willingness to nudge union workers out of their jobs. They will soon learn that whatever wage they started with will soon be trimmed at company discretion, their jobs will get harder and harder, and if they don't like it they will quickly see that scabs can be scabbed a lot easier than can organized union workers.

The ultimate effect of scab labor is reduced wages and widespread elimination of all benefits and worker protections.

The bottom line is unions have thorns but in the long run they are the bedrock of the middle class

STUPID= Striking for any reason in an economy where jobs are this scarce

GREED= wanting more than you have causing you to strike

I grew up in the city of Boston and lived there my entire life until I moved to Charlotte four years ago. I've stated more than once on this forum, in discussions relating to racism and bigotry, that since living in the south I have never heard the word ****** used more than I did from those good ole union Democrats back in Massachusetts.

Bigotry and racism have no political boundaries, folks. The partisans here who like to consistently pin this behavior on Republicans, conservatives, and the tea party crowd ought to open their eyes and wise up.

You may not have wherever you're living. That doesn't mean that there are more people from the south that are not racist. I was born and raised in TX. I have lived in CT for the last 15 years. I rarely hear the word "******" around here. Down in TX, I heard it all the time. Whenever I visit TX, I hear it some more.

I'm not saying that there are no racists up north or no racist Dems. But from my experience, it is more prevalent down south. By the way, how do you know the union workers are all Dems?
I grew up in the city of Boston and lived there my entire life until I moved to Charlotte four years ago. I've stated more than once on this forum, in discussions relating to racism and bigotry, that since living in the south I have never heard the word ****** used more than I did from those good ole union Democrats back in Massachusetts.

The use of racial epithets in casual conversation or as a component of gratuitous "hate" speech is unjustifiable. But in situations where a murderous level of violence has been provoked, such as when a union picket line has been breached by scab labor, to focus on the use of rudely offensive language is simply naive.

The labor situation here in the U.S. has been relatively peaceful in recent years, mainly because the economy has been stable and employment has been high. But the present situation is moving closer and closer to what existed in the days when corporations commonly resisted the formation of unions by introducing scab labor in shops where unions were being organized.

Corporations often hired gangs of "strikebreakers" (goons) to combat union resistance and people were killed or seriously injured in the many violent encounters that took place, some of which required intervention by the Army. So this politically correct hand-wringing over some racial insults directed at a bunch of imported scabs in Boston is like complaining about a little rain shower when a dam could be getting ready to burst.

Those who have an interest in the labor movement and would like a better understanding of its history are urged to use the following link to view an interesting chronology of events.

An Eclectic List of Events in U.S. Labor History
My friends and I call each other ******* all the time.
I grew up in the city of Boston and lived there my entire life until I moved to Charlotte four years ago. I've stated more than once on this forum, in discussions relating to racism and bigotry, that since living in the south I have never heard the word ****** used more than I did from those good ole union Democrats back in Massachusetts.

Bigotry and racism have no political boundaries, folks. The partisans here who like to consistently pin this behavior on Republicans, conservatives, and the tea party crowd ought to open their eyes and wise up.

You may not have wherever you're living. That doesn't mean that there are more people from the south that are not racist. I was born and raised in TX. I have lived in CT for the last 15 years. I rarely hear the word "******" around here. Down in TX, I heard it all the time. Whenever I visit TX, I hear it some more.

I'm not saying that there are no racists up north or no racist Dems. But from my experience, it is more prevalent down south. By the way, how do you know the union workers are all Dems?

I live in Fla. I never hear the N word. Unless it is a black who uses it then they say "we use it with affection" I just smile and nod. Can you tell us why all the major race riots happen to take place in liberalland? HUH?
I grew up in the city of Boston and lived there my entire life until I moved to Charlotte four years ago. I've stated more than once on this forum, in discussions relating to racism and bigotry, that since living in the south I have never heard the word ****** used more than I did from those good ole union Democrats back in Massachusetts.

Bigotry and racism have no political boundaries, folks. The partisans here who like to consistently pin this behavior on Republicans, conservatives, and the tea party crowd ought to open their eyes and wise up.

You may not have wherever you're living. That doesn't mean that there are more people from the south that are not racist. I was born and raised in TX. I have lived in CT for the last 15 years. I rarely hear the word "******" around here. Down in TX, I heard it all the time. Whenever I visit TX, I hear it some more.

I'm not saying that there are no racists up north or no racist Dems. But from my experience, it is more prevalent down south. By the way, how do you know the union workers are all Dems?

I live in Fla. I never hear the N word. Unless it is a black who uses it then they say "we use it with affection" I just smile and nod. Can you tell us why all the major race riots happen to take place in liberalland? HUH?

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