Stress Induced Debriefing is NOT TORTURE and the Left know it! And here's PROOF CERTAIN!


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014

It appears that 'someone'; meaning a participant in this discussion advocating that Stress induced debriefing techniques "are TORTURE" had my post showing video of ACTUAL Torture and torture that was routinely applied to civilians, by socialist terrorist states... DELETED!

Apparently, video evidence of actual torture produces too much of a contrast to provide the Left with even the appearance of a valid point, so that PROOF HAD TO GO.

LOL! Well, there's nothin' particularly fascist about THAT!

I reported it because it was a rule violation.

Merry Christmas!!! Ho ho ho.

PS Commenting on a specific mod action could be strike two.

She claims that Stress Techniques are TORTURE and when actual Torture is shown which PROVES she's WRONG; that her position is not only false, but LUDICROUSLY FALSE, she runs to have the High Priests remove the Evidence from the Scroll of Truth.

And THAT folks is all you need to know, to recognize that the composition of the Ideological Left is Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.

The assertion that Such techniques are torture is a LIE... and the actions of the Left; to have the record scrubbed of contradictory evidence proving such, proves that THEY KNOW THEIR CLAIM IS FALSE, EVEN AS THEY PROCLAIM IT AS TRUTH!

They're nothing short of a clear and present danger to the security of the United States and the viability of the American Culture.
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These people not just dishonest people, they're delusional. And that's not said to be mean or as an insult.

I am stating as a fact, that the Ideological Left are truly, incapable of sound reasoning. It is beyond their intellectual means.

They cannot discern the contrast in even the most fundamental of distinctions, such as 'cause and effect'.

And the reason is that they're Relativist.

Now "Relativism", which is the foundation of "Left-think", the cornerstone of all collectivist thought, is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal point of view and, as such, none of those things can are ever be the result of soundly reasoned moral absolutes.

As such relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and both being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and with a soundly reasoned morality being essential to Justice... it follows that Relativism can never serve justice.

And as you see through out this board, across innumerable threads on this subject alone, the Left has no means to discern the simple truth that inducing personal discomfort, does not equate to 'torture'.

They simply and subjectively NEED discomfort to APPEAR TO BE TORTURE; for people to accept torture as being equal to discomfort. Because such serves their subjective personal and political needs at the moment.

But let's look at another circumstance, which was very recently discussed at length on this board and around the nation and which the Left celebrated, counting such as a point of "Gay-pride".

GREAT DISCOMFORT was created BY THE LEFT, through their collective abuse of government power to FORCE innocent people to participate in the celebration of Sexual Abnormality; you'll recall the pretend weddings of adherents of such, where they sued innocent people, threatened them with prison and FORCED THEM INTO BANKRUPTCY and out of their businesses and homes for simply CHOOSING to not participate in that which they saw as abhorrent. People lost their freedom, things they had poured their heart and soul into... and the same people who are telling you that it is NEVER OK to cause MASS-MURDERERS TO BE UNCOMFORTABLE... celebrated the heartbreaking abuse of people who had never harmed anyone; people who were merely standing strong on their most deeply held beliefs.

Everything they claim to stand for is a LIE. All of it...

This thread simply shows evidence of that. Wherein a Leftist, KNOWING that the evidence presented in the discussion proved what she was saying was false, ran to the authorities to have them ERASE THE EVIDENCE, instead of simply admitting the obvious and stating that she felt the video's may violate board policy and ask me to remove it. That is what an honorable person would do.

And beyond THAT, she then returns to the thread to CELEBRATE what she had done, seriously BELIEVING that because the evidence was removed, the evidence DOES NOT EXIST!

And THAT folks, is D E L U S I O N.

And as you probably know, delusion is the idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by evidential reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

Now, some may feel that this is only one person... so it cannot indict an entire group. Those people would be wrong.

As there are numerous Leftist participating in the thread... and not one of them found the strength of character to stand up and state that people with their hands tied behind their heads, being pushed off three story buildings... REPEATEDLY... and people being beaten with clubs, mob beat-downs, necklacing... which while being too beaucoup for this board, were about as tame as it got for the socialist government of Saddam's Iraq, and to equate THAT with being deprived of sleep and having water poured down your nose to induce the innate panic common to the natural fear of drowning... is not just FALSE: it is LUDICROUSLY FALSE!

It appears that 'someone'; meaning a participant in this discussion advocating that Stress induced debriefing techniques "are TORTURE" had my post showing video of ACTUAL Torture and torture that was routinely applied to civilians, by socialist terrorist states... DELETED!

Apparently, video evidence of actual torture produces too much of a contrast to provide the Left with even the appearance of a valid point, so that PROOF HAD TO GO.

LOL! Well, there's nothin' particularly fascist about THAT!

I reported it because it was a rule violation.

Merry Christmas!!! Ho ho ho.

PS Commenting on a specific mod action could be strike two.

She claims that Stress Techniques are TORTURE and when actual Torture is shown which PROVES she's WRONG; that her position is not only false, but LUDICROUSLY FALSE, she runs to have the High Priests remove the Evidence from the Scroll of Truth.

And THAT folks is all you need to know, to recognize that the composition of the Ideological Left is Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.

The assertion that Such techniques are torture is a LIE... and the actions of the Left; to have the record scrubbed of contradictory evidence proving such, proves that THEY KNOW THEIR CLAIM IS FALSE, EVEN AS THEY PROCLAIM IT AS TRUTH!

They're nothing short of a clear and present danger to the security of the United States and the viability of the American Culture.

Psh everyone knows the scroll of truth is protected by Monks not High Priests.

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It appears that 'someone'; meaning a participant in this discussion advocating that Stress induced debriefing techniques "are TORTURE" had my post showing video of ACTUAL Torture and torture that was routinely applied to civilians, by socialist terrorist states... DELETED!

Apparently, video evidence of actual torture produces too much of a contrast to provide the Left with even the appearance of a valid point, so that PROOF HAD TO GO.

LOL! Well, there's nothin' particularly fascist about THAT!

I reported it because it was a rule violation.

Merry Christmas!!! Ho ho ho.

PS Commenting on a specific mod action could be strike two.

She claims that Stress Techniques are TORTURE and when actual Torture is shown which PROVES she's WRONG; that her position is not only false, but LUDICROUSLY FALSE, she runs to have the High Priests remove the Evidence from the Scroll of Truth.

And THAT folks is all you need to know, to recognize that the composition of the Ideological Left is Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.

The assertion that Such techniques are torture is a LIE... and the actions of the Left; to have the record scrubbed of contradictory evidence proving such, proves that THEY KNOW THEIR CLAIM IS FALSE, EVEN AS THEY PROCLAIM IT AS TRUTH!

They're nothing short of a clear and present danger to the security of the United States and the viability of the American Culture.

Psh everyone knows the scroll of truth is protected by Monks not High Priests.


Well... I'll split it with ya. "Monkiests".
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Torture the terrorists. Fuckem. And when you get all you can out of em put them up for a public burning at the cross.

Reaily understood sentiment. But there are procedures that should be followed to ensure our sanity... not their dignity. They're animals and deserve to rot to death... far slower and in far greater agony than were the victims

It appears that 'someone'; meaning a participant in this discussion advocating that Stress induced debriefing techniques "are TORTURE" had my post showing video of ACTUAL Torture and torture that was routinely applied to civilians, by socialist terrorist states... DELETED!

Apparently, video evidence of actual torture produces too much of a contrast to provide the Left with even the appearance of a valid point, so that PROOF HAD TO GO.

LOL! Well, there's nothin' particularly fascist about THAT!

I reported it because it was a rule violation.

Merry Christmas!!! Ho ho ho.

PS Commenting on a specific mod action could be strike two.

She claims that Stress Techniques are TORTURE and when actual Torture is shown which PROVES she's WRONG; that her position is not only false, but LUDICROUSLY FALSE, she runs to have the High Priests remove the Evidence from the Scroll of Truth.

And THAT folks is all you need to know, to recognize that the composition of the Ideological Left is Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.

The assertion that Such techniques are torture is a LIE... and the actions of the Left; to have the record scrubbed of contradictory evidence proving such, proves that THEY KNOW THEIR CLAIM IS FALSE, EVEN AS THEY PROCLAIM IT AS TRUTH!

They're nothing short of a clear and present danger to the security of the United States and the viability of the American Culture.

I absolutely LOVE how the Cult needs this thread to go away.

Absolute PROOF of their treacherous, anti-American nature.
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Are the really really really long unreadable posts a new trend here?

Please. No.

Oh Golly... another of the Intellectually Less Fortunate comes to troll a thread which is above their limited means to 'understand'.

Now the reader should ask: "Does such allowing such an individual to vote tend toward increasing the odds that the culture will be sustained, or does it reduce the likelihood that the culture will fail?

I mean, they can't consider concepts which require 6 very short paragraphs to convey... so is should they really be allowed a voice in the governance of... YOU?

You don't need to answer it... as the answer is obvious to all reasonable people.
The twisted logic in the OP is amazing to behold. "So you think shooting a guy in the head is murder? Let me show you what a REAL murder looks like!"

There are distinct groups one finds in the Nazi wannabes who are excusing the torture of prisoners by the United States. These traits have been seen in psychological studies of torture in the past.

In the first group are the deniers. Those who deny torture even took place.

In the second group are the ones who raise the standards for what constitutes torture. To these people, what used to be considered torture when done by those not of their kind is not considered torture when it is done by those of their kind. Thus waterboarding, slapping, and beating were torture when foreigners did it, and was prosecuted as torture, but is not torture when our guys do it.

In the third group are those who attempt to downplay or minimize the harm done by torture when it is done by our guys. If the same torture was done to an American, their outrage would be through the roof. But when the torture is done to a vilified enemy, then no harm no foul.

As you read the umpteen topics about the torture report, you will see these three types of apologists leaping out at you quite starkly. The OP is an example of the third group.

People wonder how the German people were able to slide into madness so easily. Well, just take a look at the torture apologists you are seeing today and you will no longer wonder. The exact same phenomenon has been occurring in the United States since 9/11. Thus the Charles Mackay quote in my sig.
My only complaint about the Torture report -- why weren't they doing all that BEFORE 9/11?!

The report indicates that they weren't very organized in the early stages and the program wasn't run as efficiently as it could have been. Okay.

However, I have no trouble with anything that was done -- if it was done to a truly innocent person who had no ties to terrorists, then that sin is on us ALL. Not just the CIA.

On the morning of 9/11 I remember watching the live broadcasts and seeing people jumping to their death from the burning towers. In the final moments of their lives, they were forced to choose between burning to death and jumping.

War is ugly - the ugliest and most horrible of human endeavors. We ask the military and CIA, FBI to protect us. We expect them to keep us safe. We blamed them for failing to do so and demanded that they hunt down the terrorist. In the days following 9/11 we asked them to do whatever it takes to bring down those that attacked us. Fear pushed the entire country to a place where they said - whatever it takes, get them!

It is dead wrong to turn around twelve years later and call them "war criminals" or paint what they did because America wanted them to as 'evil'. Fear drove us all to a bad place.

I'm no fan of tricky Dicky Cheney or Donald Dumbsfeld, but we should not throw the CIA and Military under the bus for doing the things we wanted them to do.

Be upset about them being less then honest about the faults and shortcoming of the program, but the self-righteous indignation coming from some on the left re: the specifics of what was done, feels disingenuous to me.
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The twisted logic in the OP is amazing to behold. "So you think shooting a guy in the head is murder? Let me show you what a REAL murder looks like!"

Lovely false equivocation. Inducing discomfort, which produces ABSOLUTELY NO injury to the individual, cannot be 'torture'.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
The twisted logic in the OP is amazing to behold. "So you think shooting a guy in the head is murder? Let me show you what a REAL murder looks like!"

Lovely false equivocation. Inducing discomfort, which produces ABSOLUTELY NO injury to the individual, cannot be 'torture'.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Physical injury. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant to write that.
That the OP and other partisan conservatives are embarrassed by the fact that torture was authorized by republican officials, and members of a republican administration, is understandable, but not justification to attempt to sweep these criminal acts under the rug.

And indeed, torture is in fact a crime, it is illegal in the United States, Bush era republican officials and appointees violated the law, where attempting to contrive and propagate the lie that sleep deprivation and water boarding are not torture is yet another example of how comprehensively reprehensible many conservatives are.
The twisted logic in the OP is amazing to behold. "So you think shooting a guy in the head is murder? Let me show you what a REAL murder looks like!"

Lovely false equivocation. Inducing discomfort, which produces ABSOLUTELY NO injury to the individual, cannot be 'torture'.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Well, then you won't mind these "non torture" techniques being used against you, your wife, or your kids when someone in a position of power, like a cop, decides that you might be an enemy or guilty of something?
"Torture" isn't torture. It is "enhanced interrogation". But now, I see that the spin has moved on to "stress induced debriefing". Next, it will spin to "interrogation with prejudice". I am sure that if anyone had died, it would have been called, "accelerated inevitable termination"
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My only complaint about the Torture report -- why weren't they doing all that BEFORE 9/11?!

The report indicates that they weren't very organized in the early stages and the program wasn't run as efficiently as it could have been. Okay.

However, I have no trouble with anything that was done -- if it was done to a truly innocent person who had no ties to terrorists, then that sin is on us ALL. Not just the CIA.

On the morning of 9/11 I remember watching the live broadcasts and seeing people jumping to their death from the burning towers. In the final moments of their lives, they were forced to choose between burning to death and jumping.

War is ugly - the ugliest and most horrible of human endeavors. We ask the military and CIA, FBI to protect us. We expect them to keep us safe. We blamed them for failing to do so and demanded that they hunt down the terrorist. In the days following 9/11 we asked them to do whatever it takes to bring down those that attacked us. Fear pushed the entire country to a place where they said - whatever it takes, get them!

It is dead wrong to turn around twelve years later and call them "war criminals" or paint what they did because America wanted them to as 'evil'. Fear drove us all to a bad place.

I'm no fan of tricky Dicky Cheney or Donald Dumbsfeld, but we should not throw the CIA and Military under the bus for doing the things we wanted them to do.

Be upset about them being less then honest about the faults and shortcoming of the program, but the self-righteous indignation coming from some on the left re: the specifics of what was done, feels disingenuous to me.

They weren't doing it before, because the Clinton Administration felt that to do so was 'torture', thus they just treated them as 'Criminal defendants'... and THAT is how we ended up with 9-11 and a US Global War on Terror.

The simple truth is that this fictional report and the weepy tooth gnashers crying over it, are going to lead us to a much larger 9/11, producing injury to the US beyond their means to imagine.

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