Street Crime – A Liberal Disease


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Some may say >> “Oh, typical conservative. Blaming street crime on liberals.” Well, we wouldn’t be talking about that if there wasn’t any reason to.

First, let’s look at the educational system in America. I went through 17 years of formal education of it. And among all these ultra-liberal teachers I had, can I can I remember a single minute of education I received about criminal law ? I’d have to say no I can’t. Was I even instructed what a “battery is ? (other than the little things you put in a flashlight) Nope. Not once. Nothing about assault, weapons, robbery, child abuse, etc.

In Florida, we have a law called “Abuse of Elderly” (FL Statute 825.102). A battery upon a senior citizen (65 and older) is a felony (3rd degree). That could (and does) put people in a state prison for 5 years. Even just offending a senior with verbal abuse can land someone in the big house with hard time. Does anyone know it ? Probably, even most lawyers don’t.

My guess is about 90% of the people serving time for these crimes didn’t have a clue that they were illegal. The fact is, kids are being taught by liberals who are clueless about criminal law. And simultaneously, they are being taught how bad and racist our society (allegedly) is. How all conservatives are racist, how all Confederate monuments of soldiers (who had nothing to do with any political policy) should all be removed, and how police supposedly brutalize black people, just because they’re black.

With all this, is it any wonder we have prisons filled with young, hostile blacks ? And what about the law-abiding people ? In cities like New York, where I grew up and went through 4 yrs of college (City University of New York), guns, if mentioned at all, are relegated to about the status of an addicting drug. Instead of being thought of as healthy, helpful things, that can protect citizens, and stop crime, liberal miseducation castigates them as something to be afraid of.

Maybe that’s because the majority of liberal teachers never served in the military, know little about law enforcement, and never held a gun in their hands, much less be able to teach kids how to use and handle them safely (which should be a basic part of university education). On top of all this, we have the liberal media, who like their counterparts in the liberal miseducation system, take every opportunity they can to label someone a racist. More propaganda feeding the hate machine, as if race hustler politicians (Obama, Holder, Sharpton, etc) weren’t bad enough.

So now we’ve got more race rioting, over alleged white on black police brutality – this time it’s St. Louis. Well, at least this time, the cops did their job and arrested people (80 of them), instead of being ordered to stand down. And with a Democrat mayor no less. Cool. Maybe the Obama influence is finally dying out. But the universities still crank out criminal law know-nothings. And they still crank out racism accusers, with all the “help” of the mainstream distorted media.
You sure do like to write a lot, while saying very little.
You write very little, while saying very little.

Actually, I say more than you say while just joking around. You write a fucking novel every time you post and you've still never managed to say anything other than 'LIBRULS ARE BAD AND CONSERVATIVES ARE GOOD" like a fucking retarded chimp.
Actually, I say more than you say while just joking around. You write a fucking novel every time you post and you've still never managed to say anything other than 'LIBRULS ARE BAD AND CONSERVATIVES ARE GOOD" like a fucking retarded chimp.
Looks like you have reading comprehension problems, Mr Actually.

Are you a liberal ? That would explain it. :biggrin:

There's plenty of substance in the OP if you bother to "actually" read it.

Ex. a “battery"......FL Statute 825.102....... liberal miseducation.......lack of education (ex guns).....race hustler politicians (Obama, Holder, Sharpton, etc.......
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