Strange Things Are Happening in Germany! A small female lawyer returned his job and fights for freedom of 83m Germans


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Lawyer Beate Bahner is the only real opposition against criminal Merkel gang and its lockdown.
One woman is more strong as the entirely German 'opposition' including traitorous bunch of whores AFD.

Why Lockdown is wrong?

read here by usage of online translator.

Persecution of Ms Lawyer by police

Her Internet Web-Page


Democracy has been almost shelved in all aspects. When life becomes normal again, it is very difficult to predict.
With the prohibitions, all political rights, fundamental rights and freedoms are suspended. The fifth article of the constitution, which gives the right to express freedom of thought in written, verbal or visual form, is no longer valid.
The police raid the house of the objector. It can even close the website.
We saw the most obvious example in Beate Bahner, an expert in medical sciences, who returned his 25-year law degree to the state yesterday. Bahner stated that he had the worst days of his professional life this week.
The rule of law in Germany today has officially ended. Our constitution, which celebrated its 70th anniversary last year, is now history. In this dictator order, I will no longer be able to help you. I have done my best for your rights in all my professional life. With the decision of the Constitutional Court based on my petition on April 10, I finished my lawyer profession on my own behalf and gave it back. ” said.

Experienced lawyer Bahner finds the measures taken due to coronavirus exaggerated from the very beginning. If an epidemic is involved, patients must be isolated. Not the healthy ones.
The long weekend we are in is a time when the most important religious days of Christians are. Easter feast. According to the Christian belief, Hz. It symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus. During this time, traditional marches have been held every Saturday in the 50 cities of Germany since 1960. But this year, like many events, this was canceled due to the corona. Attorney Bahner filed an urgent petition to the constitutional court, demanding that the Easter marches take place despite everything and announced this on his page:
„Dear Citizens! I invite 83 million to meet at 15 am on April 11 for a peaceful march. Korona 2020. Never with us! Make your official application and get permission for a walk in your city according to article 14 of the meeting and demonstration law! ”
Thereupon, state security units and criminal police pressed Beate Bahner’s lawyer’s office in Heidelberg and intimidated him. Afterwards, he wrote a letter to the company where his website was registered, and he immediately opened the door.
Lawyer Bahner says freedoms are abolished by using excuses for corona.
German official TV channels ARD and ZDF deliberately distort the events by projecting images from Italy, Spain and New York. It creates a panic among people. This is done using virology experts such as Christian Drosten, by sharing untrustworthy and unscientific figures. Corona shows flu-like symptoms. Corona does not kill. It causes weakening of the immune system only in the elderly and those with chronic diseases.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bahdi, Prof. Karin Mölling or Prof. Dr. Reliable and expert scientists such as Stefan Hockertz are excluded, and their conversation is prevented or distorted. In fact, Wodarg’s website was shut down sometime. Access to the email address at the university where Bhakdi was working was denied.
As a result of people’s closure to home, violence and abuse against children increase and alcohol consumption increases. An increase in suicide cases is observed. It is stated that the symptoms of post trauma will increase in healthcare personnel in the future and this will cause serious discomfort.
In his petition to the constitutional court, lawyer Bahner states that hundreds of thousands of workplaces have been closed and people struggling with life and death.

„All freedoms have been taken away from us in the last three weeks. The children and elderly relatives who are in need of the elderly and the patients are most blocked. Many surgeries were not possible in hospitals. Doctors and dentists are unable to open their exams for fear of corona. This accompanied many diseases to increase.
Patients’ relatives cannot even attend their funerals. He is unable to fulfill his last duties against them. ”

Beate Bahner called on the federal, state governments and media to behave more responsibly.


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