Stop Insulting Trump Voters and Their Concerns. Instead, Shut Up and Take It.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Don't upset the snowflakes!!!!

Stop Insulting Trump Voters and Their Concerns. Instead, Shut Up and Take It.

On Thursday, the Washington Post published an opinion piece by columnist Gary Abernathy arguing that Americans need to stop insulting Trump voters lest we fail to achieve “what’s necessary for our nation to survive.” Easily the greatest work on the importance of being nice to Trump supporters that the Post has published since Kathleen Parker’s “Progressives’ Shaming of Trump Supporters Won’t Work” (Aug. 9, 2019) or James Hohmann’s “Liberal Hostility Toward Trump Aides Could Galvanize the GOP Base” (June 25, 2018) or Michael Gerson’s “Stop Sneering at Trump. It Won’t Help” (April 20, 2017), Abernathy’s essay is a timely reminder of the importance of historical amnesia, and the urgent need to treat Trump voters with civility and respect and deference and reverence and adoration, no matter what they’ve done.

After all, the 2020 election is over, and so is the violent attack on the capitol Trump incited in a futile attempt to cling to power, and even if people are still dropping like flies from the deadly pandemic Trump catastrophically mismanaged, there’s no reason to be rude. You wouldn’t treat someone like a moral leper just because they root for the Orioles instead of the Nationals, so why would you judge someone for handing the country over to a pack of racist crooks who promptly got more than half a million Americans killed? Trump voters would prefer not to think about whether or not they bear any responsibility for the awful things done in their name by the people they explicitly told to go do awful things in their name, and it’s important for those of us on the left side of the aisle to respect their culture.

More truth at the link.

As we all come together to clean up the mess that some of us deliberately caused, it’s clear that insults will get us nowhere. Calling Trump voters “dumber than a bag of hammers” only reveals that you are unserious about moving forward as a country. Going on to clarify that you meant to say that Trump voters were “to a person, dumber than the dumbest bag of hammers at a hammer store that used to specialize in selling extremely dumb hammers before the health department shut it down for selling bags of hammers that were so dumb it was against the law” will do very little to reach across the political chasm. It may feel good to insult the people whose stupidity, hatred, and fear caused untold suffering all over the world. It may feel great. It may feel like sitting on the porch and taking your first sip of an ice cold beer after a hot day, or finding a $20 bill in your coat pocket, or seeing the face of an old friend who’s been gone for a long time. It may feel so, so great. But consider this: Don’t?

Instead, try listening to Trump voters and their concerns as though you were plucked from the cabbage patch this very morning, fresh as the dew, with no memory of what happened when we spent several years listening to Trump voters and their concerns. While you’re listening, you can show your commitment to democracy in America by murmuring things like, “I see,” or nodding your head in an understanding manner. Do not do that thing where you pretend like you’re coughing and bark, “Bullshit!” into your fist when the Trump voter you are listening to says that of course they didn’t approve of everything Donald Trump did. Do not accuse them of enabling a nihilistic death cult that is steering the entire planet into a lake of fire. Do not throw pies or fruit or bricks. Do not say, “What’s that? It seems like you’re trying to talk, but all I can hear is a thick, clotty bubbling sound, because you’re up to your eyebrows in the blood of your fellow citizens.” Shaming will never work!
Don't upset the snowflakes!!!!

Stop Insulting Trump Voters and Their Concerns. Instead, Shut Up and Take It.

On Thursday, the Washington Post published an opinion piece by columnist Gary Abernathy arguing that Americans need to stop insulting Trump voters lest we fail to achieve “what’s necessary for our nation to survive.” Easily the greatest work on the importance of being nice to Trump supporters that the Post has published since Kathleen Parker’s “Progressives’ Shaming of Trump Supporters Won’t Work” (Aug. 9, 2019) or James Hohmann’s “Liberal Hostility Toward Trump Aides Could Galvanize the GOP Base” (June 25, 2018) or Michael Gerson’s “Stop Sneering at Trump. It Won’t Help” (April 20, 2017), Abernathy’s essay is a timely reminder of the importance of historical amnesia, and the urgent need to treat Trump voters with civility and respect and deference and reverence and adoration, no matter what they’ve done.

After all, the 2020 election is over, and so is the violent attack on the capitol Trump incited in a futile attempt to cling to power, and even if people are still dropping like flies from the deadly pandemic Trump catastrophically mismanaged, there’s no reason to be rude. You wouldn’t treat someone like a moral leper just because they root for the Orioles instead of the Nationals, so why would you judge someone for handing the country over to a pack of racist crooks who promptly got more than half a million Americans killed? Trump voters would prefer not to think about whether or not they bear any responsibility for the awful things done in their name by the people they explicitly told to go do awful things in their name, and it’s important for those of us on the left side of the aisle to respect their culture.

More truth at the link.

The truth is that Americans just want policies that make sense. The question is real easy, "Is America better today than it was 30 years ago"? This could be asked of much of the West, and the explanation will be different in each country but almost certainly it's a unanimous "no".

If not, why not. Why would the term "status quo" ever be in the lexicon of politicians and leaders?

Trump upset the apple cart. Really though, politicians did it to themselves. When he says "I'm just the Messenger" there is a great deal of truth in the statement. Then he kept his word, and America was thriving.
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The truth is that Americans just want policies that make sense. The question is real easy, "Is America better today than it was 30 years ago"? This could be asked of much of the West, and the answer will be different in each country but almost certain it's an anonymous "no".

If not, why not. Why would the term "status quo" ever be in the lexicon of politicians and leaders?

Trump upset the apple cart. Really though, politicians did it to themselves. When he says "I'm just the Messenger" there is a great deal of truth in the statement. Then he kept his word, and America was thriving.
A messenger can't fuck up as much as trump fucked up.
Trump upset the apple cart. Really though, politicians did it to themselves. When he says "I'm just the Messenger" there is a great deal of truth in the statement. Then he kept his word, and America was thriving.
There’s a great deal of idiocy in that statement.

The message was as wrongheaded and ridiculous as its messenger.

America is starting to thrive again now that Trump is gone – and thankfully so.
The truth is that Americans just want policies that make sense.
It makes ZERO sense to impose tariffs on the American people in some idiotic idea that it's going to hurt China, who just said "Fuck you, we'll buy our soybeans from Brazil instead". And then throw billions of taxpayer dollars at those farmers you just fucked over, who we have to now bail out, while their crops rot in the sun.

You're not smart, y'know.
It makes ZERO sense to impose tariffs on the American people in some idiotic idea that it's going to hurt China, who just said "Fuck you, we'll buy our soybeans from Brazil instead". And then throw billions of taxpayer dollars at those farmers you just fucked over, who we have to now bail out, while their crops rot in the sun.

You're not smart, y'know.

You probably should not be passing judgement on others.
Don't upset the snowflakes!!!!

Stop Insulting Trump Voters and Their Concerns. Instead, Shut Up and Take It.

On Thursday, the Washington Post published an opinion piece by columnist Gary Abernathy arguing that Americans need to stop insulting Trump voters lest we fail to achieve “what’s necessary for our nation to survive.” Easily the greatest work on the importance of being nice to Trump supporters that the Post has published since Kathleen Parker’s “Progressives’ Shaming of Trump Supporters Won’t Work” (Aug. 9, 2019) or James Hohmann’s “Liberal Hostility Toward Trump Aides Could Galvanize the GOP Base” (June 25, 2018) or Michael Gerson’s “Stop Sneering at Trump. It Won’t Help” (April 20, 2017), Abernathy’s essay is a timely reminder of the importance of historical amnesia, and the urgent need to treat Trump voters with civility and respect and deference and reverence and adoration, no matter what they’ve done.

After all, the 2020 election is over, and so is the violent attack on the capitol Trump incited in a futile attempt to cling to power, and even if people are still dropping like flies from the deadly pandemic Trump catastrophically mismanaged, there’s no reason to be rude. You wouldn’t treat someone like a moral leper just because they root for the Orioles instead of the Nationals, so why would you judge someone for handing the country over to a pack of racist crooks who promptly got more than half a million Americans killed? Trump voters would prefer not to think about whether or not they bear any responsibility for the awful things done in their name by the people they explicitly told to go do awful things in their name, and it’s important for those of us on the left side of the aisle to respect their culture.

More truth at the link.

Shouldn't this be in Satire?

As we all come together to clean up the mess that some of us deliberately caused, it’s clear that insults will get us nowhere. Calling Trump voters “dumber than a bag of hammers” only reveals that you are unserious about moving forward as a country. Going on to clarify that you meant to say that Trump voters were “to a person, dumber than the dumbest bag of hammers at a hammer store that used to specialize in selling extremely dumb hammers before the health department shut it down for selling bags of hammers that were so dumb it was against the law” will do very little to reach across the political chasm. It may feel good to insult the people whose stupidity, hatred, and fear caused untold suffering all over the world. It may feel great. It may feel like sitting on the porch and taking your first sip of an ice cold beer after a hot day, or finding a $20 bill in your coat pocket, or seeing the face of an old friend who’s been gone for a long time. It may feel so, so great. But consider this: Don’t?

Instead, try listening to Trump voters and their concerns as though you were plucked from the cabbage patch this very morning, fresh as the dew, with no memory of what happened when we spent several years listening to Trump voters and their concerns. While you’re listening, you can show your commitment to democracy in America by murmuring things like, “I see,” or nodding your head in an understanding manner. Do not do that thing where you pretend like you’re coughing and bark, “Bullshit!” into your fist when the Trump voter you are listening to says that of course they didn’t approve of everything Donald Trump did. Do not accuse them of enabling a nihilistic death cult that is steering the entire planet into a lake of fire. Do not throw pies or fruit or bricks. Do not say, “What’s that? It seems like you’re trying to talk, but all I can hear is a thick, clotty bubbling sound, because you’re up to your eyebrows in the blood of your fellow citizens.” Shaming will never work!

Yes, let's just ignore the insults, the abuse, the lies, and the daily death threats they post, and just build a campfire and sing Kumbaya.
Why keep going on about the old has been?
Trump is over, gone, caput, his ship has sailed, end of.
The problem is, what he started certainly isn't gone. There is still a very significant portion of Americans who believe everything he said and still says. The majority of GOP lawmakers still do his bidding since they have to in order to keep their job in most cases.

It is a hard balance to find. On the one hand acknowledging that giving him publicity in any way is bad. On the other hand, stopping to fight what is inherently very dangerous ideology.
The problem is, what he started certainly isn't gone. There is still a very significant portion of Americans who believe everything he said and still says. The majority of GOP lawmakers still do his bidding since they have to in order to keep their job in most cases.

It is a hard balance to find. On the one hand acknowledging that giving him publicity in any way is bad. On the other hand, stopping to fight what is inherently very dangerous ideology.
He's going to be too busy with lawsuits to ever make a comeback.
He is dependent on social media to keep his divisive message alive.
Best to just bury any attempt at discussion until his dwindling cult followers disappear.

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