Stop Antisemitism

The National Union of Students (NUS) in Britain is under fire after declaring it would “stand in solidarity” with activists planning to smear Israel as an “apartheid state” next month, the UK-based Jewish Chronicle reports.

The annual Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW), which begins on March 21, has been widely criticized for intimidating Jewish students and stifling reasoned debate about the Middle East. The NUS has supported it in the past.

Israeli Apartheid Week is a campaign of anti-Israel propaganda funded by the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which aims to put international pressure on Israel to submit to the demands of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.

Nina Freedman, President of the Union of Jewish Students, said it was disappointing that the students’ union had again backed IAW, adding, “NUS have placed themselves in a position of division not dialogue.”

“Israel Apartheid Week is a divisive and confrontational tool used to damage and polarize communities, rather than building consensus and co-operation around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We see year on year that it creates a hostile environment on campus and online for Jewish Students,” she added, according to the Jewish Chronicle.

(full article online)

The German Interior Ministry said in a statement that police discovered chat messages in which the man said that he believed the goverment’s vaccine mandate was part of a plan to “to halve the world population and establish a new world order under Jewish leadership.”

(full article online)

A Jewish student starting her first semester at Temple University in Philadelphia was shocked to receive an antisemitic text from her roommate, ABC6 Action News reported.

Sasha Westrick said that in September her new roommate sent her a text of a screenshot from Snapchat showing Westrick studying, which was taken without her knowledge.

The photo was captioned “I hate Jews.”
She explained that after speaking to administrators about the incident, it took weeks for Temple to move her into a new dorm room. The move only took place after her mother insisted it happen, Westrick’s mother said

Westrick noted that while a hearing by the university found the student guilty of sending the antisemitic text, she did not feel the punishment was adequate and could not continue at Temple. She is now attending a different university, as she did not feel safe at Temple.

"I told my coach if we have a zero-tolerance policy against discrimination, then why is she still on the team?" Westrick said.

(full article online)

How does one stop Antisemitism? Which is another word for Jew hatred .
First it was Judeophobia, and then a German Jew-hater changed the expression to Antisemitism in the 19th century. Nothing changes, It is all the same.

Many groups like to say that Jews are against Israel or against Judaism.

This one seems to be one of them. And there probably are many others, which I will post in the future.

Jew hatred may morph, but the intent is always the same.

Let us try to stop it.

The word "Semitic" does not mean Jewish, it means "of an Arab language group".
So it is cultural appropriation.
If you mean anti-Jew, then say that instead of misusing works that are about the larger Arab group that Hebrew came from.

And let us not forget what constantly causes the problem.
If is not Judaism, but Zionism that is the problem.
When a group claim to be the "Chosen People" and keep trying to steal what they claim is their "Promised Land", they then are the problem.
The National Union of Students (NUS) in Britain is under fire after declaring it would “stand in solidarity” with activists planning to smear Israel as an “apartheid state” next month, the UK-based Jewish Chronicle reports.

The annual Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW), which begins on March 21, has been widely criticized for intimidating Jewish students and stifling reasoned debate about the Middle East. The NUS has supported it in the past.

Israeli Apartheid Week is a campaign of anti-Israel propaganda funded by the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which aims to put international pressure on Israel to submit to the demands of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.

Nina Freedman, President of the Union of Jewish Students, said it was disappointing that the students’ union had again backed IAW, adding, “NUS have placed themselves in a position of division not dialogue.”

“Israel Apartheid Week is a divisive and confrontational tool used to damage and polarize communities, rather than building consensus and co-operation around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We see year on year that it creates a hostile environment on campus and online for Jewish Students,” she added, according to the Jewish Chronicle.

(full article online)

There is no "smear" involved.
Israel is evil, where a bunch of illegal European immigrants murdered the Arab natives in order to steal their land.
You can't build consensus or have cooperation when the Israeli military is illegally occupying the state of Palestine, which was legally created in 1920, by the Treaty of San Remo and the Treaty of Sevres.
Leftist Jews is why you have most anti Semitism

Just look at Jeff Zucker , Zuckeface, Epstein, Madoff, Adam Schiff, Weinstein, Nadler
Leftist Jews is why you have most anti Semitism

Just look at Jeff Zucker , Zuckeface, Epstein, Madoff, Adam Schiff, Weinstein, Nadler

That is not leftist, but simply greedy.
And that is a problem with the whole modern society, too greedy.
Robotized Surada is at it again.

She does not not know when she is being antisemitic.

She does not recognize that she is an antisemite.

Raised in Arabia, does not believe that Jews are Jews, they are Khazars (who were not Europeans, by the way ) Demands that Israel do "the right thing" in returning the land they " stole " to the indigenous (?) Arab people, who by some odd, strange miracle are the only people on the planet who want to claim indigenous status to two different areas of the world.

250 Holocaust Museums? Is that all?

Because the number of ignorant, blatantly dumb people who exist in the world, could use a visit to those Museums. And have one around where they live, as well.


Only 54 percent of the world's population has heard of the Holocaust.

54 percent.

This is the most staggering statistic in a new survey by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of more than 53,000 people in over 100 countries, conducted by First International Resources. But that figure speaks to only those who have heard of it: Only a third of the world's population believe the genocide has been accurately described in historical accounts. Some said they thought the number of people who died has been exaggerated; others said they believe it's a myth. Thirty percent of respondents said it's probably true that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust."

Seventy years after the liberation of Auschwitz, two-thirds of the world's population don't know the Holocaust happened—or they deny it.

These beliefs follow some unexpected patterns, too. The Middle East and North Africa had the largest percentage of doubters, with only 8 percent of respondents reporting that they had heard of the genocide and believed descriptions of it were accurate. But only 12 percent of respondents in sub-Saharan Africa said the same, and only 23 percent in Asia. People in these groups were likely to say they believed the number of deaths has been exaggerated—just over half of Middle Easterners and a third of Asians and Africans think the body count has been distorted over time.

When the data is sliced by religious groups, the results are even more surprising: Hindus were most likely to believe that the number of Holocaust deaths has been exaggerated. Muslims followed closely, and those two groups were distantly trailed by Christians, Buddhists, and those with no religion. In no coincidence, Hindus and Muslims were also significantly less likely to have heard of the Holocaust.

Oh please. Cut the khazar crap. Half the Jews are Arab Jews
Oh please. Cut the khazar crap. Half the Jews are Arab Jews

All Jews are either Arabs or converts, one or the other.
All the original Hebrew tribes were Arab.
The only way to trace hereditary lineage is through language, and the Hebrew language is of Arab origins.
So most Jews are of Arab descent.
The question is what about the Jews who speak Yiddish instead of Hebrew?
Yiddish is Germanic instead of Arab.
So are the Ashkenazi Jews of Arab or Germanic origins?
All Jews are either Arabs or converts, one or the other.
All the original Hebrew tribes were Arab.
The only way to trace hereditary lineage is through language, and the Hebrew language is of Arab origins.
So most Jews are of Arab descent.
The question is what about the Jews who speak Yiddish instead of Hebrew?
Yiddish is Germanic instead of Arab.
So are the Ashkenazi Jews of Arab or Germanic origins?
It doesn't matter much.
A Jewish student starting her first semester at Temple University in Philadelphia was shocked to receive an antisemitic text from her roommate, ABC6 Action News reported.

Sasha Westrick said that in September her new roommate sent her a text of a screenshot from Snapchat showing Westrick studying, which was taken without her knowledge.

The photo was captioned “I hate Jews.”
She explained that after speaking to administrators about the incident, it took weeks for Temple to move her into a new dorm room. The move only took place after her mother insisted it happen, Westrick’s mother said

Westrick noted that while a hearing by the university found the student guilty of sending the antisemitic text, she did not feel the punishment was adequate and could not continue at Temple. She is now attending a different university, as she did not feel safe at Temple.

"I told my coach if we have a zero-tolerance policy against discrimination, then why is she still on the team?" Westrick said.

(full article online)

It is perfectly legal to send a person a text saying they hate something.
One person saying they hate something or someone is not "discrimination".
Discrimination is when one abuses authority to harm the freedom of someone else.
Leftist Jews is why you have most anti Semitism

Just look at Jeff Zucker , Zuckeface, Epstein, Madoff, Adam Schiff, Weinstein, Nadler
Thank you for your blatant Jew hating , antisemitic, Judeophobic post.

Let us have more of them
Good point, because genetic lineage does not determine ownership of anything anyway.
Well, if they are religious then they believe that Jews are half brothers to Abraham's children by Hagar and keturah.
Jews are not Arabs unless an Arab converted to Judaism.

Another one of your dreams which has been 1000% debunked on other threads.

Learn to think
They share DNA markers. Even your Torah says the Jews are half brothers to Abraham's other sons.
The UN is a joke


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