Stone-Manning’s confirmation as BLM director advances to Senate floor

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This woman is a complete and utter nut job. The fact that Biden would nominate her to any position in government shows just how extreme this administration is. If Trump had nominated somebody this radical the media would be falling over themselves screeching like banshees 24/7 about what a lunatic she is. Someone like this should not be given any power whatsoever. The American people need to demand better.

This woman is a complete and utter nut job.
So she probably has the full support of the democrat party.

The fact that Biden would nominate her to any position in government shows just how extreme this administration is. If Trump had nominated somebody this radical the media would be falling over themselves screeching like banshees
They typically already did that with Kavanaugh, and Barrett. Besides, Joe ain't running the show, he is just a hand puppet for the Harriden Administration.

This woman is a complete and utter nut job. The fact that Biden would nominate her to any position in government shows just how extreme this administration is. If Trump had nominated somebody this radical the media would be falling over themselves screeching like banshees 24/7 about what a lunatic she is. Someone like this should not be given any power whatsoever. The American people need to demand better.

Thanks for keeping us all informed about this sort of thing. Now those who want to get involved on issues like this can. If nothing else a e- mail to our congressmen.
One can clearly see the political maneuvering yet it is not a surprise. What was interrupted in 2017 has been reinstated in 2021...I wonder when the Muslim Brotherhood will show up at the White House for dinner?
Gotta love the "two Independents" thing. Yeah, who vote 99% of the time with the Democrats and caucus with the Democrats.

Voters really are stupid.

But this does show how radically left the Democrats have become to support this cretin.
The difference in media coverage is rather telling. We got weeks of complaining from the MSM if anyone Trump nominated had any ties to business. Ties to violent groups that endanger lives, crickets.
The Senate has confirmed Biden pick Eco-Terrorist Black Lives Matter Director Tracy Stone-Manning as the new director of the Bureau of Land Management.

She betrayed and testified against her eco-terrorist friends. She could be a wild card in an administration as corrupt as Biden's.

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