stone Found Guilty On All 7 Counts

Whee! Only the Best for the Great Douche
Progs control almost everything. And you be so innocent. Little goody two shoes the lot of you are. You only convict your own as to throw a crumb for pseudo justice.

Senate & White House...

Whole Executive Branch...

Majority in Supreme Court....

But you are right in that most of the people voted for Hillary...
It's incredible how the far right radical extremists think that the people of our nation put politics over the law when sitting on a jury.

They don't.

The people on the juries in America are regular people from the population. They listen to the evidence then rule on a verdict. Politics usually has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Yet the far right radical extremists believe that America doesn't have the rule of law and only persecute those of a different view and expect juries to ignore concrete facts to allow criminals to not face justice for their crimes. For the only reason being that the person is a republican.

Our system just doesn't work that way.

Which makes me believe that the person you're replying to and many others are actually russian bots here to try to cause more hate and division here in America. The one you're replying to has been using divide the two sexes against the other.

A very good way to spot them is the ones who signed up recently but have a ton of posts, they post a lot of memes and their posts usually includes words that cause division using sex or race or sexual orientation or political party.

The best reply to those posters is "How's the weather in moscow today comrade?"
And the poster hits many posts within a minute or two of the last. One after another.

Yes that too.

They're russian bots in one of those bot factories doing their job to divide our nation and elect trump.

They are very transparent if you know what to look for.

More people need to call them out for what they are.


The competitor nations is trying to weaken America with promoting what they know that weakens nations Is this wide gap between men and women. They intentionally promote liberalism here in order to weaken this nation

China does not let the lower logic women
vote. But they promote them to vote in all western democracies in order to
Some woman really fucked you over, huh?

Wrong dead wrong

This is history

And comes in every cycle of life

This is Adam and Eve all over again

This is Lott and his foolish wife all over again

After women shows their foolish ways then they totally get controlled by the wise like children

This is simply universal law that is just as real as the law of gravity

In fact

Recently science has come out and said that the invention of writing has occurred at least 4 times without any connection

So this is a pattern just as clear as water turning into ice st tge freezing point

When the unwise gets freedoms to be harm the nation falls back to the dark ages and loses most of their advancements

Learn history to know what’s coming

Ancient Greece tried democracy and then fell back to the dark ages

This happens every life cycle
we ought to lock up the folks sitting with Putin next, my friends!


A Russian honeytrap for Gen Flynn? Not me...
Dems are making Russia great again.
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People with their tails between their legs

Afraid to look at this giant gender gap !!

And afraid to check the polls on age

Both proves foolish unwise voters are going down
Are you on your lunch break? It's 12:24 pm in Moscow right now.

Just a loser poster scared to debate and can’t stay on topic

The topic is "Roger Stone," not your obsession with the mens.

Part of roger stones issue is the unfair democrat areas of New York and DC

Other places will be calling it an illegal judgement

And to know what will happen one must know who is on whose side

Now. Can you follow the bouncing ball that is going straight to stopping the unwise from voting ???
People with their tails between their legs

Afraid to look at this giant gender gap !!

And afraid to check the polls on age

Both proves foolish unwise voters are going down
Are you on your lunch break? It's 12:24 pm in Moscow right now.

Just a loser poster scared to debate and can’t stay on topic

The topic is "Roger Stone," not your obsession with the mens.

Part of roger stones issue is the unfair democrat areas of New York and DC

Other places will be calling it an illegal judgement

And to know what will happen one must know who is on whose side

Now. Can you follow the bouncing ball that is going straight to stopping the unwise from voting ???
Sad that you think you need to prevent people from voting to win the election.
People with their tails between their legs

Afraid to look at this giant gender gap !!

And afraid to check the polls on age

Both proves foolish unwise voters are going down
Are you on your lunch break? It's 12:24 pm in Moscow right now.

Just a loser poster scared to debate and can’t stay on topic

The topic is "Roger Stone," not your obsession with the mens.

Part of roger stones issue is the unfair democrat areas of New York and DC

Other places will be calling it an illegal judgement

And to know what will happen one must know who is on whose side

Now. Can you follow the bouncing ball that is going straight to stopping the unwise from voting ???
Sad that you think you need to prevent people from voting to win the election.

See what you said ??

I’m saying the unwise must be stopped

You are saying I’m trying to prevent people from voting

You LIE by omitting what I said

The unwise people must be stopped from voting because they elect crooks that destroys the nation

Your lying is why the wise are waking up and getting angry to stop this harm
Are you on your lunch break? It's 12:24 pm in Moscow right now.

Just a loser poster scared to debate and can’t stay on topic

The topic is "Roger Stone," not your obsession with the mens.

Part of roger stones issue is the unfair democrat areas of New York and DC

Other places will be calling it an illegal judgement

And to know what will happen one must know who is on whose side

Now. Can you follow the bouncing ball that is going straight to stopping the unwise from voting ???
Sad that you think you need to prevent people from voting to win the election.

See what you said ??

I’m saying the unwise must be stopped

You are saying I’m trying to prevent people from voting

You LIE by omitting what I said

The unwise people must be stopped from voting because they elect crooks that destroys the nation

Your lying is why the wise are waking up and getting angry to stop this harm

I like how you repeat my claim that you want to prevent people from voting -- but then call me a liar even though you're still saying there are people you want to not let vote.

People with their tails between their legs

Afraid to look at this giant gender gap !!

And afraid to check the polls on age

Both proves foolish unwise voters are going down
Are you on your lunch break? It's 12:24 pm in Moscow right now.

Just a loser poster scared to debate and can’t stay on topic

The topic is "Roger Stone," not your obsession with the mens.

Part of roger stones issue is the unfair democrat areas of New York and DC

Other places will be calling it an illegal judgement

And to know what will happen one must know who is on whose side

Now. Can you follow the bouncing ball that is going straight to stopping the unwise from voting ???

Yes, the Southern District of New York has been really, really tough on the Russian oligarchs caught laundering money in the New York real estate market. That is they WERE, until Donald Trump was elected. That Russian lawyer Junior met with was supposedly in the USA to defend a Russian client charged with money laundering.

After Trump was elected, that Russian, he fired the prosecutor just before the trial of this lawyer's client, who was being sued for $240 million dollars by the SDNY. Then Jeff Sessions personally settled the case for a $6000 fine and no admission of guilt by her client. Even Velnetskaya was shocked by the deal that was offered.

Of course you Russians hate the SDNY and DC courts. They're the courts throwing corrupt Russians out of the country, and fighting back against the corruption and attacks on America being carried out by Putin and his criminal government. The world has now declared the entire government of Russia as a criminal operaiton, so all of Trump's efforts to blame the Ukraine are for naught.
the truth has had a good week last week.

the constitution had a good week.

patriotism had a good week.

America had a good week.

Trump and his criminal cronies? not so much!
Fake News, you sack of shit


A few people are made to be seen as the majority by the fake news


The military agrees with trump and has also judged the deep state as the enemy of America and they are ready to act !!

They will stop the New York and Dc crooked judges and jury systems
A year ago, support faded.
especially since children of troops born overseas arent citizens.

Veterans who remember oath support impeachment.

Vast majority of Trump ballwashers have no idea what the oath means.

Wrong dead wrong

The military has judged that the deep state is the enemy of America

They agree with trump

So they are now ready to act !!
Got a military fact other than knees news and daily caller


The military times polls

And check how the military women which are the recent run Obama liberal people how they are totally opposite the men with their big disapproval of trump

But the men will stop the women and make them stand down while the men military rounds up the democrat criminal congress
Might help if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective.
And as they say
"If you are too dumb to get a real job, join the military. Great indoctrination and socialist benefits"

Funny, they said and did the same things to Flynn and Manafort and aren't both of those now being appealed and overturned?
No, they are not being overturned......

They will be. Democrats only win through lies, corruption and cheating.

Flynn's Lawyer Demands Charges Be Dropped, Says FBI Tampered With Notes

Hannity: Manafort, Flynn charges 'need to be dropped'

Sooner or later, if Trump has to do it himself.
What they have done to Roger Stone is so wrong.....

the same goes to the Planned Parenthood journalist who has been found "guilty" and has to pay almost a million dollars...what the heck is this?

and now they want to get Rudy Giuliani too?

They can't get the President so they ( the scum Left) are going after all those who are on the President's side?

This is very wrong, it must be stopped NOW, because this is a disgrace.
On the contrary..THIS is what draining the swamp REALLY looks like.


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