Still More Evidence That Democrats Are Mentally Short

CNS? ARRRRGGGHHH! Is there any indication when the Justices will make a decision on this issue? This semantic badminton is interesting, but this is an important issue to several million people whose children are Americans even though they are not. We've been ducking this issue for generations, so I for one appreciate that Obama has brought this portion of the immigration dilemma to a head. He manned up, billy. Whether I like the decision or not, it will be settled at last. Even Reagan avoided it, using the stop-gap amnesty band-aid.

Ignore the messenger. Concentrate on the issue.

Is there any indication when the Justices will make a decision on this issue?

Late June, I would think.

This semantic badminton is interesting

The meaning of words is pre-eminent in legal matters.

but this is an important issue to several million people whose children are Americans even though they are not.

So what? There are many issues important to me, but I don't support any branch of government illegally usurping the power of another branch in order to work magic.

He manned up, billy.

Nope. Tried to "king up", maybe.

Whether I like the decision or not, it will be settled at last.

Settled illegally is not settled well.

Even Reagan avoided it, using the stop-gap amnesty band-aid.

It was a bad idea then as well. However if you recall, that was to be the end of it.

Seems not. The Democrats learned an important lesson on voter importation.

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