Still don't think deepfakes will be a problem?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Still don't think deepfakes will be a problem?

The tech is getting so good it's scary. Can you tell the difference in these videos between the fake and the real thing? A horrible version of Trump went viral in Belgium and caused mass outrage. So what happens when the tech is spot on?

Nope. The voice technology is undetectable to the human ear. The quality of lies will be astounding over the next 20 years.
Actually Zuck really said that. He is trying to make it look like it’s a deepfake to clear his ass.
Still don't think deepfakes will be a problem?

The tech is getting so good it's scary. Can you tell the difference in these videos between the fake and the real thing? A horrible version of Trump went viral in Belgium and caused mass outrage. So what happens when the tech is spot on?

I'll say this as someone with a lot of time and experience in both analog and digital audio and image technology:
  • Even the best fakes are still obvious to the trained expert, but this will be the tool of the Left to incite political upheaval and change. As Belgium showed, these idiots neither know nor CARE if it is real or fake, they will believe it and act on it, look at how they are NOW about Trump and fake news? They don't know or care where the truth ends and the fake news begins.
  • It makes sense that the audio sampling and simulation would be harder than the pictures. The computer HAS real pictures to work off from but the voice must be synthesized from scratch or it would be horribly obvious at simple cut and pastes.
  • I expect plans are ALREADY in the works to use deep fakes against Trump in the 2020 election.
  • In a short time, both the image and voice will be close enough that only an expert could tell it isn't real.

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