Stem cell research

Originally posted by Modu$OperanDi
Killing of an aware being and 'killing' a couple of cells in a petrie dish is a very different thing.

I can't even imagine how to START to adress this.

I have never started at this low of a level before.

----PROVE your point.

Where does "life" begin?
Originally posted by NewGuy
And all totally unnecessary. Again, Stem cell research cannot do anything we cannot already do with electrochemical stimulation.

The problem here is that this issue is now a political football that generates money and government power everytime someone takes a stand, or creates a law. It now will never go away, and will continue to misinform and dumb down citizens.

There are a lot of things that are "unnecessary" yet we have them and condone them. What is the "it" that will never go away? Everything is a politcal football---big deal.
Originally posted by NewGuy
I can't even imagine how to START to adress this.

I have never started at this low of a level before.

----PROVE your point.

Where does "life" begin?

ok I got it------people are afraid that science will do what only god is supposed to be able to do---thanks for the info. This is like refusing medical treatment for a child for religious reasons. Stupid
Originally posted by dilloduck
Your religious fear is keeping people in a state of suffering. Shame on you!

Whatever.....take another hit.
I don't do drugs. How can you call yourself a Christian and be so callous to the plights of others? You just love to watch people suffer if they don't believe as you do. Pitiful.
Originally posted by dilloduck
I don't do drugs. How can you call yourself a Christian and be so callous to the plights of others? You just love to watch people suffer if they don't believe as you do. Pitiful.

Don't continue down this path. You will not only look stupid, you will shame yourself.
Originally posted by NewGuy
Don't continue down this path. You will not only look stupid, you will shame yourself.

I'll take my chances----I thought Jesus healed people--you are against it because it challenges your beliefs. Who is selfish now?
Originally posted by dilloduck
I'll take my chances----I thought Jesus healed people--you are against it because it challenges your beliefs. Who is selfish now?

As I said, there are other options.

Jesus never justified killing one person in order to let another live, did HE?

Did you read the above posts I put up?

I think not.

Fear has nothing to do with it.

Not only did you not argue with the political or scientific point I made, you could not even argue the moral one.

You therefore try insults.

You are an idiot of the first degree who will blaspheme God every chance you get.
Stem cells can be obtained without killing people !! You need to accept this and then try to make your point.
Originally posted by dilloduck
Stem cells can be obtained without killing people !! You need to accept this and then try to make your point.

Since you accept it, where is your proof of that?
Originally posted by dilloduck
Stem cells can be obtained without killing people !! You need to accept this and then try to make your point.

Actually dilloduck does have a point. One can get stem cells from embryonic tissues such as in the embylical (sp?) cord or embryonic fluid. Another technique that is very recent is extracting them from naturally born babies as they are developping, which does not kill (or harm for the matter) the fetus.

As for stem-cell research from harvested fetuses. That's an ethical question that has less to do with the research and more to do the question of when does the soul enter the body or when does life begin.

I believe the reseach itself is fine and shouldn't have to much contreversy. The bone of contention should only lie with source of the stem cells.

EDIT: Changed for clarity
Isaac Brock,

Could you restate that?

I am a little confused as to what you are saying and to whom.
Originally posted by Isaac Brock
Actually he does have a point. One can get stem cells from embryonic tissues such as in the embylical (sp?) cord or embryonic fluid. Another technique that is very recent is extracting them from naturally born babies as they are developping, which does not kill the fetus.

As for stem-cell research from harvested fetuses. That's an ethical question that has less to do with the research and more to do the question of when does the soul enter the body or when does life begin.

The research itself is fine, I think New Guy's beef true beef should be where it's coming from.

I agree--the only reason new guy is against it is the pro-life issue.
Fine---limit it to stem cells obtained in other ways--got a problem with that new guy?
Originally posted by NewGuy
Isaac Brock,

Could you restate that?

I am a little confused as to what you are saying and to whom.

You're right. Done and done.
Originally posted by Isaac Brock
Actually dilloduck does have a point. One can get stem cells from embryonic tissues such as in the embylical (sp?) cord or embryonic fluid. Another technique that is very recent is extracting them from naturally born babies as they are developping, which does not kill (or harm for the matter) the fetus.

If this is true, where is this listed in scientific claims?

As for stem-cell research from harvested fetuses. That's an ethical question that has less to do with the research and more to do the question of when does the soul enter the body or when does life begin.

Depending on conclusive evidence to harm of the individual, as well, I would agree.

I believe the reseach itself is fine and shouldn't have to much contreversy. The bone of contention should only lie with source of the stem cells.

Again, I would like to see the evidence for your claim.

EDIT: Changed for clarity

Originally posted by dilloduck
I agree--the only reason new guy is against it is the pro-life issue.
Fine---limit it to stem cells obtained in other ways--got a problem with that new guy?

Did you even read my posts (for the second time)?

You are really showing yourself to be quite stupid.

Pop quiz:

1. What did I say about was to heal?

2. What is the political ramification of stem cell research?

3. Will you ever get a clue?