Stay classy London


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
This woman and her girlfriend were attacked after refusing to kiss on a London bus


My daughter has an option to go to London for a week for school. I said, NFW. And actually she agreed.
This woman and her girlfriend were attacked after refusing to kiss on a London bus
View attachment 264306
View attachment 264307

My daughter has an option to go to London for a week for school. I said, NFW. And actually she agreed.

I was just in London in April for a week and I had no issues whatsoever.

Is there a point to that?

The fact that you were in extremely limited portions of a huge city, male, heterosexual, and not on a bus on that line seems to indicate a fellow who has no more cred on the issue than somebody who has never been there at all.
For decades I spent several weeks a year in England (specifically England, not general UK). Most recently about a year ago. Even when events caused me to walk the width of the city between midnight and 2am. Never felt unsafe; never felt threatened.

But I don't go there anymore. Not because of any fear of violence. Simply because Labour is ascendant and if the Tube isn't on strike it's broken. If the buses aren't on strike they're blocked by stuff like trash piled in the streets. When the trains aren't shut down by strikes they're delayed or cancelled because of signal system failures. England is broken. To go there now is as to wear a broken watch to be sure you don't miss a critical appointment.

It could be worse.

And it will be worse when Red Jeremy becomes PM in a few weeks.

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