State officials to Trump: Revoke Obama's Federal take over of elections


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
State election officials from across the country have called on President Trump to revoke an order, signed by former President Obama, declaring election systems “critical infrastructure.”

The National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), which includes election officials from every state and territory, passed a resolution calling on President Donald Trump to overturn the designation at the organization’s winter meeting held over the weekend.

The resolution, passed by voice vote along party lines, stated the organization “opposes the designation of elections as critical infrastructure.”

Most states grant authority over elections to their respective Secretaries of ......................

States oppose Obama's federal takeover of elections
State Officials to Trump: Revoke Obama’s Federal Takeover of Elections

Oh the Obama lovers will have a fit, their little Communist leader's plan is being torn apart.

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