State officials sound alarm on Obamacare premium hikes , market collapse


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
State officials sound alarm on ObamaCare premium hikes, market 'collapse'

State officials sounded the alarm Wednesday on Capitol Hill about skyrocketing ObamaCare premiums as insurers across the country propose double-digit rate hikes – renewing pressure on Congress to act.

All we can say is those of you who think Obamacare was so great your asinine bubble was getting busted the entire time. The spoon fed bs you were fed and lead to believe was a bs lie all you sheep fell for it. lmao

It really takes a total rube to vote to force everyone to buy something and think that one of the biggest businesses in the country would lower the prices on a market they now have total control of from purchasing to sales. Idiots!



It really takes a total rube to vote to force everyone to buy something and think that one of the biggest businesses in the country would lower the prices on a market they now have total control of from purchasing to sales. Idiots!



So what happened to Repeal and Replace? It's all you RWNJs have talked about for years, and when you got your chance, you crapped your pants.

It really takes a total rube to vote to force everyone to buy something and think that one of the biggest businesses in the country would lower the prices on a market they now have total control of from purchasing to sales. Idiots!



So what happened to Repeal and Replace? It's all you RWNJs have talked about for years, and when you got your chance, you crapped your pants.


You progressives are the ones who demanded this. What did you think all those Congressmen with portfolios loaded with stock in the health industry would do once you rubes demanded that it be put it in place? Then you bitch about how the Republicans are all for big business? The Democrats are just as bad and people like you fell for it.

The only way this is going to be fixed is to elect enough Wild Cards into Congress who have a conscious and are willing to do what is best for the country and not their pocket book.

Go Kid Rock!!!!!


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It really takes a total rube to vote to force everyone to buy something and think that one of the biggest businesses in the country would lower the prices on a market they now have total control of from purchasing to sales. Idiots!



So what happened to Repeal and Replace? It's all you RWNJs have talked about for years, and when you got your chance, you crapped your pants.

The neocons are just as pathetic and the fabian socialist left and they never had any intention of replacing barrypuppetcare even as disastrous as it is because they are on the same team. Trump knows that you can't keep stealing from Fannie and Freddie. Trump knows that it is not sustainable and he also knows that there are too many like myself that will NEVER sign on to it which would be required to help it limp along for another few years. I didn't sign up nor did I pay the fine. I gave it the middle finger salute and millions just like me did the same. Take your socialist bullshit and shove back up your ass.


It really takes a total rube to vote to force everyone to buy something and think that one of the biggest businesses in the country would lower the prices on a market they now have total control of from purchasing to sales. Idiots!



So what happened to Repeal and Replace? It's all you RWNJs have talked about for years, and when you got your chance, you crapped your pants.


You progressives are the ones who demanded this. What did you think all those Congressmen with portfolios loaded with stock in the health industry would do once you rubes put it in place? Then you bitch about how the Republicans are all for big business? The Democrats are just as bad and people like you fell for it.

The only way this is going to be fixed is to elect enough Wild Cards into Congress who have a conscious and are willing to do what is best for the country and not their pocket book.

Go Kid Rock!!!!!



Got it. You're impotent, and your promises of repeal and replace were just bullshit. I get it. You're red faced with embarrassment

It really takes a total rube to vote to force everyone to buy something and think that one of the biggest businesses in the country would lower the prices on a market they now have total control of from purchasing to sales. Idiots!



So what happened to Repeal and Replace? It's all you RWNJs have talked about for years, and when you got your chance, you crapped your pants.

The neocons are just as pathetic and the fabian socialist left and they never had any intention of replacing barrypuppetcare even as disastrous as it is because they are on the same team. Trump knows that you can't keep stealing from Fannie and Freddie. Trump knows that it is not sustainable and he also knows that there are too many like myself that will NEVER sign on to it which would be required to help it limp along for another few years. I didn't sign up nor did I pay the fine. I gave it the middle finger salute and millions just like me did the same. Take your socialist bullshit and shove back up your ass.


Shup Dale, or post something RED

It really takes a total rube to vote to force everyone to buy something and think that one of the biggest businesses in the country would lower the prices on a market they now have total control of from purchasing to sales. Idiots!



So what happened to Repeal and Replace? It's all you RWNJs have talked about for years, and when you got your chance, you crapped your pants.

The neocons are just as pathetic and the fabian socialist left and they never had any intention of replacing barrypuppetcare even as disastrous as it is because they are on the same team. Trump knows that you can't keep stealing from Fannie and Freddie. Trump knows that it is not sustainable and he also knows that there are too many like myself that will NEVER sign on to it which would be required to help it limp along for another few years. I didn't sign up nor did I pay the fine. I gave it the middle finger salute and millions just like me did the same. Take your socialist bullshit and shove back up your ass.


Shup Dale, or post something RED

Yeah, it's best if you avoid getting your ass kicked by me always sucks for you when you lamely attempt to refute what I post here.
Democrats and a few RINOs didn't want Obamacare overhauled so they get to wear the gigantic premium cost increases. Happy (primary) elections, girlies!

2010 Give us the house, and we will repeal Obamacare
2014 Give us the Senate, and we will repeal Obamacare
2016 Give us the White House, and we will repeal Obamacare

A few minutes ago in another thread, I saw
Give us Kid Rock,and we will repeal Obamacare

What happened? Are you really that impotent, or just nuts??

It really takes a total rube to vote to force everyone to buy something and think that one of the biggest businesses in the country would lower the prices on a market they now have total control of from purchasing to sales. Idiots!



So what happened to Repeal and Replace? It's all you RWNJs have talked about for years, and when you got your chance, you crapped your pants.

The neocons are just as pathetic and the fabian socialist left and they never had any intention of replacing barrypuppetcare even as disastrous as it is because they are on the same team. Trump knows that you can't keep stealing from Fannie and Freddie. Trump knows that it is not sustainable and he also knows that there are too many like myself that will NEVER sign on to it which would be required to help it limp along for another few years. I didn't sign up nor did I pay the fine. I gave it the middle finger salute and millions just like me did the same. Take your socialist bullshit and shove back up your ass.


Shup Dale, or post something RED

Yeah, it's best if you avoid getting your ass kicked by me always sucks for you when you lamely attempt to refute what I post here.

Come on Dale. You know better than that. I never tried to refute you. Your concept of reality makes a discussion with you impossible. At most I will laugh at you, or point out your really funny delusions, but I'm not qualified to deal with your mental peculiarities, and I don't intend to start trying to do that now.
The problem in the insurance market is regulation more so than the profit of the insurance companies.

I've read a breakdown of the Cassidy-Graham proposal and I like it, although my home state (NY) would likely keep the regulations pretty tight, but if I move to another state with lower regulations, the freedom of moving to a place with a lower regulations on health insurance is still an option for me. Let each individual state ruin healthcare system, not the federal government. I particularly like the removal of individual and employer mandates.

The Democrats just don't understand that the more you regulate businesses, the more the middle and upper class gets screwed because of higher prices and taxes. Those who don't work shouldn't have better benefits than someone who works their ass off five or six days a week.
Obamacare just part and parcel of the destruction/downfall of "sovereign" USA. Which makes you happy if you are pro Globalist.
The neocons are just as pathetic and the fabian socialist left and they never had any intention of replacing barrypuppetcare even as disastrous as it is because they are on the same team. Trump knows that you can't keep stealing from Fannie and Freddie. Trump knows that it is not sustainable and he also knows that there are too many like myself that will NEVER sign on to it which would be required to help it limp along for another few years. I didn't sign up nor did I pay the fine. I gave it the middle finger salute and millions just like me did the same. Take your socialist bullshit and shove back up your ass.

Yes, Cocksucker Dale, we can all see you didn't avail yourself of the State funded medication you obviously need.
Come on Dale. You know better than that. I never tried to refute you. Your concept of reality makes a discussion with you impossible. At most I will laugh at you, or point out your really funny delusions, but I'm not qualified to deal with your mental peculiarities, and I don't intend to start trying to do that now.

Keep that up, and Dale will claim you are on the payroll of the Jesuit Lizard People who staged Sandy Hook to have mandetory mental screenings.
Yes, Cocksucker Dale, we can all see you didn't avail yourself of the State funded medication you obviously need

Typical, when the left has nothing intelligent to say they start calling names and prancing around proud of themselves saying "look what I did." How pathetic.
Come on Dale. You know better than that. I never tried to refute you. Your concept of reality makes a discussion with you impossible. At most I will laugh at you, or point out your really funny delusions, but I'm not qualified to deal with your mental peculiarities, and I don't intend to start trying to do that now.

Keep that up, and Dale will claim you are on the payroll of the Jesuit Lizard People who staged Sandy Hook to have mandetory mental screenings.

Ewwww the scary leftist way to intimidate like a typical leftist fk, DONT AGREE WITH YOU" omfg your are a RUSSIAN what fkn assholes have to claim someone is a gawd damn Russian, Racist, because one can put you down with FACTS!! lol


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