Senior Member
Don't dismiss this as the rantings of some "blogger". OneFreeKorea is the preeminent website/blog for understanding the dynamics and daily ongoings of North Korea, America and the nation in denial of the danger it is in (and what entails its human rights responsibilities) South Korea.
Our State Dept. (still controlled as an entity by Clinton-era appointees) is breaking federal law, condemning North Korean refugees to die, and actively endangering the national security of America with its subversions.
And CNN (along with other documentaries, such as Seoul Train), have the evidence on video. Noted human rights activists like Tim Peters have testified under oath to Congress about the disgraceful behavior of our embassies in this part of the world.
Our State Dept. (still controlled as an entity by Clinton-era appointees) is breaking federal law, condemning North Korean refugees to die, and actively endangering the national security of America with its subversions.
And CNN (along with other documentaries, such as Seoul Train), have the evidence on video. Noted human rights activists like Tim Peters have testified under oath to Congress about the disgraceful behavior of our embassies in this part of the world.
Why, some of us want to know, has the North Korean Human Rights Act lodged in the State Department's windpipe? Why, over a year after the bill was signed into law, does an executive agency that's nominally answerable to the President of the United States fail to accept North Korean refugees who knock at the embassy gates? I specifically cite Section 303 of the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004, which is now binding law:
The Secretary of State shall undertake to facilitate the submission of applications under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act [meaning, asylum applications] (8 U.S.C. 1157) by citizens of North Korea seeking protection as refugees (as defined in section 101(a)(42) of such Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(42)).
In plain English, that means that our embassies violate federal law if they fail to "facilitate" asylum applications at our embassies abroad. Yet Tim Peters not only informs me that our embassies are refusing to take these refugees, he's said the same to Congress under oath, and he has it on film, thanks to CNN. One overseas ambassador, so another source tells me, went so far as to seek legal advice from Foggy Bottom as to how to interpret the law. He was told in no uncertain terms not to ask again.
Here is a link to the dictionary definition of "facilitate." Any official of the executive branch who knowingly defies the law, including any ambassador or consul, should be held accountable for that defiance. Perhaps it is time for one of our human rights NGO's to sue in the U.S. District Court for the D.C. Circuit to seek an injunction ordering the State Department and its embassies to follow the law. I continue to invite someone in the State Department--or anyone else--to tell me how I'm off-base here.