State breaks early voting record; expert says Trump factor is the reason

If Clinton wins, it will be because the pseudocons selected Donald Trump as the GOP nominee, and because too many sane people stayed home during the primaries instead of voting for any of the other Republican candidates who would have wiped the floor with Clinton.
And likewise if Trump wins. I realize Clinton had the machine ready and oiled, but she was under investigation, and SANDERS gave her a run for her money. There were options other than just Biden ... who is not a horrible human being btw.

The way to beat a guy like Trump is with relentless optimism. A uniter, not a divider. (-:

You really hear that when Biden speaks, don't you? It's completely amazing
If Clinton wins, it will be because the pseudocons selected Donald Trump as the GOP nominee, and because too many sane people stayed home during the primaries instead of voting for any of the other Republican candidates who would have wiped the floor with Clinton.
Record numbers showed up for the GOP primaries and caucuses. Also, Rand Paul got about the same support in Iowa that his father got in 2012, yet came in way behind Orange Jesus.

Call them pseudocons, alt-right, or whatever you want, you cannot deny that Trumpenfurher has struck a nerve and people are coming out for him in droves.
The only attendance which matters is at the voting booth.

.....and since I'm a democrat, I always show up to vote with one or two voting corpses .....
(and some of them are more interesting than most of the right wingers on here.)
If Clinton wins, it will be because the pseudocons selected Donald Trump as the GOP nominee, and because too many sane people stayed home during the primaries instead of voting for any of the other Republican candidates who would have wiped the floor with Clinton.
Record numbers showed up for the GOP primaries and caucuses.
But still less than the numbers which showed up for the Democrats.
Call them pseudocons, alt-right, or whatever you want, you cannot deny that Trumpenfurher has struck a nerve and people are coming out for him in droves.

No denying that there are a lot of conservative, scared, poorly educated, dimwits who still back the orange clown.......(and learn how to spell Fuhrer if you still back Trump after this upcoming loss.)
People are freaked out Trump could win so they are stepping up....

Can't say I blame them....
Hoping the same is going on in Texas...
And people do the right thing and stop the madness..
There is no stopping the madness. Trump or Hillary; pick your poison.
No denying that there are a lot of conservative, scared, poorly educated, dimwits who still back the orange clown.......(and learn how to spell Fuhrer if you still back Trump after this upcoming loss.)
You should probably not be commenting on anyone else being a poorly educated dimwit, sport.
Exactly the response I would expect from a poorly educated dimwit.

Congrats on living down to my expectations.

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