Starving Gazans Snap Up iPhone 5


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Starving Gazans Snap Up iPhone 5

October 17, 2012
By Daniel Greenfield

When the next flotilla heads to aid the beleaguered Hamastanian people of Gaza, they might want to bring a whole bunch of iPhone 5′s with them, instead of expired medicine and aging radicals.

Gazans have plenty of food. What they want are iPhones and not just any iPhones will do. Do not mock the starving people of Gaza with your old outdated iPhone 4s’. They spit on them and on you. Nothing less than an iPhone 5 will satisfy their revolutionary fervor for connectivity through expensive high tech toys.


Starving Gazans Snap Up iPhone 5

You can do wonders with free cell phones...

[ame=]The Original OBAMA PHONE - Remix - G-Code - YouTube[/ame]

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The smart phone and the internet are helping democratize the planet.

I saw a technology expert say that the average African with a smart phone has access to more infomation than the president of the United States did 20 years ago.

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