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Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
All ye genders.Or whomever.No matter how inconsistent your
start or capacity to verballly fart.Including female bullcrapper
named Yellen.Wrong as wrong as a bridge built by a 9 year old
from an erector set.This is Today.Not yesteryear.Bravery now consists
in being a warrior for the side that Lies,Frames and targets their
betters.Just imagine how are Founders must feel.
Who know not a Ferrari from an Aston Martin.Or James Bond.
Let alone a 60's villain like Oddjob.But as sure God allows any
flavor Ice Cream in Heaven them founders have a sense of impending
collapse.I mean,if the forces of Evil or nature can manage an attempt
to burn down the Cathedral of Notre Dame ... then use your noggin.
The teeter totter of life is no longer things kids play on or around.
Grown adults now get their kicks not on Route 66 but in real life.
Everyday life and never ending pursuits of political goal posts.
" Tyranny and depotism can be exercised by many,more
rigorously,more vigorously,and more seriously,than by one.
Permit me in the presence of this brillant assemblage to
enunciate the truth,that courts and cabinets,the President and
his advisers,derive their power and their greatness from the people. "
-- Andrew Johnson { 17th President of the United States }
All ye genders.Or whomever.No matter how inconsistent your
start or capacity to verballly fart.Including female bullcrapper
named Yellen.Wrong as wrong as a bridge built by a 9 year old
from an erector set.This is Today.Not yesteryear.Bravery now consists
in being a warrior for the side that Lies,Frames and targets their
betters.Just imagine how are Founders must feel.
Who know not a Ferrari from an Aston Martin.Or James Bond.
Let alone a 60's villain like Oddjob.But as sure God allows any
flavor Ice Cream in Heaven them founders have a sense of impending
collapse.I mean,if the forces of Evil or nature can manage an attempt
to burn down the Cathedral of Notre Dame ... then use your noggin.
The teeter totter of life is no longer things kids play on or around.
Grown adults now get their kicks not on Route 66 but in real life.
Everyday life and never ending pursuits of political goal posts.
" Tyranny and depotism can be exercised by many,more
rigorously,more vigorously,and more seriously,than by one.
Permit me in the presence of this brillant assemblage to
enunciate the truth,that courts and cabinets,the President and
his advisers,derive their power and their greatness from the people. "
-- Andrew Johnson { 17th President of the United States }
Great quote by Andrew Johnson. He was a profile in courage as president of the U.S.A.
I'm not entirely certain that I get the OP's message, but I'm guessing that the point is that America is in trouble? On that point, I fully agree. Insanity rules the day, and it doesn't appear that there's an end in sight. I'm of the mind that we're just going to have to rely on some sort of divine intervention because I don't believe that we can any longer trust in man's ability to reverse the result of his own folly.
As Potus Joe decides to skip traditional Sunday
Mass in order to watch Monaco { Formula One Racing }
but not before making sure he wears his Aviator shades
and seem General McArthur serious.
Blurpin' out to watch that Ass.Look at it fly.
Apparently meaning the Aston Martin car.But no one appears
the wiser as Potus Joe says he may take a break and put on his
racer car driver dudes.Brand spankin' new of course.
Trying to look the spittin' image of either Paul Newman
or Steve McQueen.Or maybe - Rockford - { James Garner }.
Who did - Grand Prix - { 1966 }.
All ye genders.Or whomever.No matter how inconsistent your
start or capacity to verballly fart.Including female bullcrapper
named Yellen.Wrong as wrong as a bridge built by a 9 year old
from an erector set.This is Today.Not yesteryear.Bravery now consists
in being a warrior for the side that Lies,Frames and targets their
betters.Just imagine how are Founders must feel.
Who know not a Ferrari from an Aston Martin.Or James Bond.
Let alone a 60's villain like Oddjob.But as sure God allows any
flavor Ice Cream in Heaven them founders have a sense of impending
collapse.I mean,if the forces of Evil or nature can manage an attempt
to burn down the Cathedral of Notre Dame ... then use your noggin.
The teeter totter of life is no longer things kids play on or around.
Grown adults now get their kicks not on Route 66 but in real life.
Everyday life and never ending pursuits of political goal posts.
" Tyranny and depotism can be exercised by many,more
rigorously,more vigorously,and more seriously,than by one.
Permit me in the presence of this brillant assemblage to
enunciate the truth,that courts and cabinets,the President and
his advisers,derive their power and their greatness from the people. "
-- Andrew Johnson { 17th President of the United States }
Not to derail, but I'm curious - where did you pick up the habit of omitting spaces after sentences? Is that just how you learned to it? Or is it a stylistic choice?
I'm not entirely certain that I get the OP's message, but I'm guessing that the point is that America is in trouble? On that point, I fully agree. Insanity rules the day, and it doesn't appear that there's an end in sight. I'm of the mind that we're just going to have to rely on some sort of divine intervention because I don't believe that we can any longer trust in man's ability to reverse the result of his own folly.
Ford long we'll hear the traditional ...
Gentleman Start Your Engines -
Updated to include the female sex.
However Tradition is now nearly a thing of the past.
The Left tried their hand at discontinuing Christmas.
Firstly by forbidding the traditional Holiday greeting.
Simply ... Merry Christmas
That was a few years ago.Surprisingly Wal*Mart was fully on
board.But then they changed their corporate mindset.Keep in mind
that before being First Lady Hillary Clinton was on the board of
But thanks to Bill O'Reilly ... " Merry Christmas " returned.
What utter manifest American tradition will be usurped and
slandered.What new tort of oral defamation awaits We the People.
Not to derail, but I'm curious - where did you pick up the habit of omitting spaces after sentences? Is that just how you learned to it? Or is it a stylistic choice?
Very simple.I think reading something { anything } from one side of a
page to the other is not a prudent way of reading.Compress the
sentence somewhat.It makes reading faster and easier on the eyes.
Unless you think reading a nice poem is harder than
reading a lenghty treatise from left to right full page.
Very simple.I think reading something { anything } from one side of a
page to the other is not a prudent way of reading.Compress the
sentence somewhat.It makes reading faster and easier on the eyes.
Unless you think reading a nice poem is harder than
reading a lenghty treatise from left to right full page.

I suppose once you get used to it, it could be more efficient. It's definitely harder for me to read - surprisingly so. Interesting how little things like that can mess with your head. :)

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