Stand Back,‭ ‬And Stand By


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Stand Back,‭ ‬And Stand By

The decision by the USSC not to hear the lawsuit brought by the Texas GOP,‭ ‬bent on overturning several other states voting results,‭ ‬indicates Chief Justice John Roberts has salvaged a small measure of personal integrity since his shameful performance during the impeached president trump’s Senate‭ “‬trial‭”‬.‭

It would appear the attempt by Moscow Mitch and the impeached president trump to install‭ “‬loyal allies‭” ‬to the highest bench might not have had the expected effect.‭ ‬Hopefully,‭ ‬this failure to serve the impeached president trump’s Nazi agenda by his intended stooges,‭ ‬Brett Kavanaugh,‭ ‬Neil Gorsuch,‭ ‬and‭ ‬Amy Coney Barrett is evidence they too have considered the true duties of their positions in‭ ‬our‭ ‬government.

But,‭ ‬with the days of his disastrous presidency quickly coming to an end,‭ ‬and after experiencing loss after loss in a court system he believed he had stacked in his favor,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s order to his Nazi militias to,‭ “‬Stand back,‭ ‬and stand by,‭” ‬is beginning to look like his only remaining alternative to impose his Nazi agenda on the people of the United States.

Since the USSC’s refusal to hear the Texas lawsuit is based in the conservative justices‭’ ‬interpretation of the U.S.‭ ‬Constitution,‭ ‬is that enough to convince the Republican politicians in Washington and across the country Biden is legally President Elect‭?

Right-wing extremists, leading the‭ ‬goose-stepping‭ ‬RWNJs in their militias,‭ ‬have been clear in their intent to defend their right to install the dictator of their choice in the White House.‭ ‬And while the‭ “‬oaths‭” ‬taken by militia members swear their duty is to defend the United States Constitution,‭ ‬history has proven the RWNJs‭’ ‬interpretations of constitutional law‭ ‬is flexible,‭ ‬and can be contorted to‭ ‬justify whatever their needs-of-the-moment require.‭

So,‭ ‬with the interpretations of constitutional law being those of militia leaders,‭ ‬which members of the Biden administration will these heavily armed,‭ ‬RWNJs target first‭?

A direct assault on the White House would be suicide,‭ ‬the impeached president trump had additional barricades constructed surrounding,‭ ‬what he had anticipated would be, his bunker when he became Führer.

Will the heavily armed RWNJs storm Capitol Hill and then attack the Capitol Building‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬the Democrats are the majority in one chamber,‭ ‬so the heavily armed RWNJs could claim their actions were to protect the congressional Republicans from harm.

No,‭ ‬the true intentions of the lunatics in these right-wing militias have always been clear,‭ ‬they want an oppressive,‭ ‬conservative,‭ ‬white supremacist government for the United States,‭ ‬and their best hope was the impeached president trump and his plan to scrap the U.S.‭ ‬Constitution‭ (‬which,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬claim to respect and defend is a lie‭) ‬and establish a fourth reich (‬with little to no difference from the Third Reich).

However,‭ ‬before you heavily armed RWNJs start killing people in defense of your interpretations of the Constitution,‭ ‬THINK.‭ (‬Yes,‭ ‬this is a difficult task for you since FOX Noise and the like have been doing it for you for so long,‭ ‬but try anyway.‭) ‬Your militias‭’ ‬attacks cannot be justified by the legal‭ ‬United States Government,‭ ‬which,‭ ‬since November‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬has been‭ ‬decided,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬by federal judges and USSC justices. Many of these individuals were ‬appointed by other Republicans, and several, by your own,‭ ‬beloved,‭ ‬cheeto-in-chief.‭ ‬This puts all of your militias‭’ ‬long-dreamed-of,‭ ‬violent acts into the realm of‭ ‬treason. This is treason, ‬as defined by the Constitution, which you RWNJs claim to understand... completely.‭ (‬No,‭ ‬not the convoluted reinterpretations the RWNJs post on these message boards.‭)

By constitutional definition:‭ ‬Treason against the United States,‭ ‬shall consist only in levying War against them,‭ ‬or in adhering to their Enemies,‭ ‬giving them Aid and Comfort.‭ ‬No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act,‭ ‬or on Confession in open Court.‭ (‬Interpretation: Treason Clause | The National Constitution Center)

So,‭ ‬go ahead,‭ ‬all of you RWNJ militia members,‭ ‬refuse to recognize Biden as POTUS.‭ ‬Just don’t,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬prove your right-wing stupidity,‭ ‬the same stupidity you people have exhibited‭ ‬during the four years of‭ ‬your blind loyalty to the lying conman who cares nothing about you or your lives. ‬They are lives he views as completely unimportant, but he realizes they belong to the only people he can rely on for the constant adoration he craves.‭ ‬

Open your eyes to these ‬little‭ ‬tidbits-of-truth, if nothing else,‭ ‬and don’t permit your militias‭’ ‬extremist‭ ‬commanders to lead you into committing treason.‭‭

Largest right-wing militia group in US will refuse to recognise Biden as president, leader says

Stand Back,‭ ‬And Stand By

The decision by the USSC not to hear the lawsuit brought by the Texas GOP,‭ ‬bent on overturning several other states voting results,‭ ‬indicates Chief Justice John Roberts has salvaged a small measure of personal integrity since his shameful performance during the impeached president trump’s Senate‭ “‬trial‭”‬.‭

It would appear the attempt by Moscow Mitch and the impeached president trump to install‭ “‬loyal allies‭” ‬to the highest bench might not have had the expected effect.‭ ‬Hopefully,‭ ‬this failure to serve the impeached president trump’s Nazi agenda by his intended stooges,‭ ‬Brett Kavanaugh,‭ ‬Neil Gorsuch,‭ ‬and‭ ‬Amy Coney Barrett is evidence they too have considered the true duties of their positions in‭ ‬our‭ ‬government.

But,‭ ‬with the days of his disastrous presidency quickly coming to an end,‭ ‬and after experiencing loss after loss in a court system he believed he had stacked in his favor,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s order to his Nazi militias to,‭ “‬Stand back,‭ ‬and stand by,‭” ‬is beginning to look like his only remaining alternative to impose his Nazi agenda on the people of the United States.

Since the USSC’s refusal to hear the Texas lawsuit is based in the conservative justices‭’ ‬interpretation of the U.S.‭ ‬Constitution,‭ ‬is that enough to convince the Republican politicians in Washington and across the country Biden is legally President Elect‭?

Right-wing extremists, leading the‭ ‬goose-stepping‭ ‬RWNJs in their militias,‭ ‬have been clear in their intent to defend their right to install the dictator of their choice in the White House.‭ ‬And while the‭ “‬oaths‭” ‬taken by militia members swear their duty is to defend the United States Constitution,‭ ‬history has proven the RWNJs‭’ ‬interpretations of constitutional law‭ ‬is flexible,‭ ‬and can be contorted to‭ ‬justify whatever their needs-of-the-moment require.‭

So,‭ ‬with the interpretations of constitutional law being those of militia leaders,‭ ‬which members of the Biden administration will these heavily armed,‭ ‬RWNJs target first‭?

A direct assault on the White House would be suicide,‭ ‬the impeached president trump had additional barricades constructed surrounding,‭ ‬what he had anticipated would be, his bunker when he became Führer.

Will the heavily armed RWNJs storm Capitol Hill and then attack the Capitol Building‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬the Democrats are the majority in one chamber,‭ ‬so the heavily armed RWNJs could claim their actions were to protect the congressional Republicans from harm.

No,‭ ‬the true intentions of the lunatics in these right-wing militias have always been clear,‭ ‬they want an oppressive,‭ ‬conservative,‭ ‬white supremacist government for the United States,‭ ‬and their best hope was the impeached president trump and his plan to scrap the U.S.‭ ‬Constitution‭ (‬which,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬claim to respect and defend is a lie‭) ‬and establish a fourth reich (‬with little to no difference from the Third Reich).

However,‭ ‬before you heavily armed RWNJs start killing people in defense of your interpretations of the Constitution,‭ ‬THINK.‭ (‬Yes,‭ ‬this is a difficult task for you since FOX Noise and the like have been doing it for you for so long,‭ ‬but try anyway.‭) ‬Your militias‭’ ‬attacks cannot be justified by the legal‭ ‬United States Government,‭ ‬which,‭ ‬since November‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬has been‭ ‬decided,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬by federal judges and USSC justices. Many of these individuals were ‬appointed by other Republicans, and several, by your own,‭ ‬beloved,‭ ‬cheeto-in-chief.‭ ‬This puts all of your militias‭’ ‬long-dreamed-of,‭ ‬violent acts into the realm of‭ ‬treason. This is treason, ‬as defined by the Constitution, which you RWNJs claim to understand... completely.‭ (‬No,‭ ‬not the convoluted reinterpretations the RWNJs post on these message boards.‭)

By constitutional definition:‭ ‬Treason against the United States,‭ ‬shall consist only in levying War against them,‭ ‬or in adhering to their Enemies,‭ ‬giving them Aid and Comfort.‭ ‬No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act,‭ ‬or on Confession in open Court.‭ (‬Interpretation: Treason Clause | The National Constitution Center)

So,‭ ‬go ahead,‭ ‬all of you RWNJ militia members,‭ ‬refuse to recognize Biden as POTUS.‭ ‬Just don’t,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬prove your right-wing stupidity,‭ ‬the same stupidity you people have exhibited‭ ‬during the four years of‭ ‬your blind loyalty to the lying conman who cares nothing about you or your lives. ‬They are lives he views as completely unimportant, but he realizes they belong to the only people he can rely on for the constant adoration he craves.‭ ‬

Open your eyes to these ‬little‭ ‬tidbits-of-truth, if nothing else,‭ ‬and don’t permit your militias‭’ ‬extremist‭ ‬commanders to lead you into committing treason.‭‭

Largest right-wing militia group in US will refuse to recognise Biden as president, leader says


Drinking heavy tonight?
Stand Back,‭ ‬And Stand By

The decision by the USSC not to hear the lawsuit brought by the Texas GOP,‭ ‬bent on overturning several other states voting results,‭ ‬indicates Chief Justice John Roberts has salvaged a small measure of personal integrity since his shameful performance during the impeached president trump’s Senate‭ “‬trial‭”‬.‭

It would appear the attempt by Moscow Mitch and the impeached president trump to install‭ “‬loyal allies‭” ‬to the highest bench might not have had the expected effect.‭ ‬Hopefully,‭ ‬this failure to serve the impeached president trump’s Nazi agenda by his intended stooges,‭ ‬Brett Kavanaugh,‭ ‬Neil Gorsuch,‭ ‬and‭ ‬Amy Coney Barrett is evidence they too have considered the true duties of their positions in‭ ‬our‭ ‬government.

But,‭ ‬with the days of his disastrous presidency quickly coming to an end,‭ ‬and after experiencing loss after loss in a court system he believed he had stacked in his favor,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s order to his Nazi militias to,‭ “‬Stand back,‭ ‬and stand by,‭” ‬is beginning to look like his only remaining alternative to impose his Nazi agenda on the people of the United States.

Since the USSC’s refusal to hear the Texas lawsuit is based in the conservative justices‭’ ‬interpretation of the U.S.‭ ‬Constitution,‭ ‬is that enough to convince the Republican politicians in Washington and across the country Biden is legally President Elect‭?

Right-wing extremists, leading the‭ ‬goose-stepping‭ ‬RWNJs in their militias,‭ ‬have been clear in their intent to defend their right to install the dictator of their choice in the White House.‭ ‬And while the‭ “‬oaths‭” ‬taken by militia members swear their duty is to defend the United States Constitution,‭ ‬history has proven the RWNJs‭’ ‬interpretations of constitutional law‭ ‬is flexible,‭ ‬and can be contorted to‭ ‬justify whatever their needs-of-the-moment require.‭

So,‭ ‬with the interpretations of constitutional law being those of militia leaders,‭ ‬which members of the Biden administration will these heavily armed,‭ ‬RWNJs target first‭?

A direct assault on the White House would be suicide,‭ ‬the impeached president trump had additional barricades constructed surrounding,‭ ‬what he had anticipated would be, his bunker when he became Führer.

Will the heavily armed RWNJs storm Capitol Hill and then attack the Capitol Building‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬the Democrats are the majority in one chamber,‭ ‬so the heavily armed RWNJs could claim their actions were to protect the congressional Republicans from harm.

No,‭ ‬the true intentions of the lunatics in these right-wing militias have always been clear,‭ ‬they want an oppressive,‭ ‬conservative,‭ ‬white supremacist government for the United States,‭ ‬and their best hope was the impeached president trump and his plan to scrap the U.S.‭ ‬Constitution‭ (‬which,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬claim to respect and defend is a lie‭) ‬and establish a fourth reich (‬with little to no difference from the Third Reich).

However,‭ ‬before you heavily armed RWNJs start killing people in defense of your interpretations of the Constitution,‭ ‬THINK.‭ (‬Yes,‭ ‬this is a difficult task for you since FOX Noise and the like have been doing it for you for so long,‭ ‬but try anyway.‭) ‬Your militias‭’ ‬attacks cannot be justified by the legal‭ ‬United States Government,‭ ‬which,‭ ‬since November‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬has been‭ ‬decided,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬by federal judges and USSC justices. Many of these individuals were ‬appointed by other Republicans, and several, by your own,‭ ‬beloved,‭ ‬cheeto-in-chief.‭ ‬This puts all of your militias‭’ ‬long-dreamed-of,‭ ‬violent acts into the realm of‭ ‬treason. This is treason, ‬as defined by the Constitution, which you RWNJs claim to understand... completely.‭ (‬No,‭ ‬not the convoluted reinterpretations the RWNJs post on these message boards.‭)

By constitutional definition:‭ ‬Treason against the United States,‭ ‬shall consist only in levying War against them,‭ ‬or in adhering to their Enemies,‭ ‬giving them Aid and Comfort.‭ ‬No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act,‭ ‬or on Confession in open Court.‭ (‬Interpretation: Treason Clause | The National Constitution Center)

So,‭ ‬go ahead,‭ ‬all of you RWNJ militia members,‭ ‬refuse to recognize Biden as POTUS.‭ ‬Just don’t,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬prove your right-wing stupidity,‭ ‬the same stupidity you people have exhibited‭ ‬during the four years of‭ ‬your blind loyalty to the lying conman who cares nothing about you or your lives. ‬They are lives he views as completely unimportant, but he realizes they belong to the only people he can rely on for the constant adoration he craves.‭ ‬

Open your eyes to these ‬little‭ ‬tidbits-of-truth, if nothing else,‭ ‬and don’t permit your militias‭’ ‬extremist‭ ‬commanders to lead you into committing treason.‭‭

Largest right-wing militia group in US will refuse to recognise Biden as president, leader says


Drinking heavy tonight?
Losing heavy tonight?
Stand Back,‭ ‬And Stand By

The decision by the USSC not to hear the lawsuit brought by the Texas GOP,‭ ‬bent on overturning several other states voting results,‭ ‬indicates Chief Justice John Roberts has salvaged a small measure of personal integrity since his shameful performance during the impeached president trump’s Senate‭ “‬trial‭”‬.‭

It would appear the attempt by Moscow Mitch and the impeached president trump to install‭ “‬loyal allies‭” ‬to the highest bench might not have had the expected effect.‭ ‬Hopefully,‭ ‬this failure to serve the impeached president trump’s Nazi agenda by his intended stooges,‭ ‬Brett Kavanaugh,‭ ‬Neil Gorsuch,‭ ‬and‭ ‬Amy Coney Barrett is evidence they too have considered the true duties of their positions in‭ ‬our‭ ‬government.

But,‭ ‬with the days of his disastrous presidency quickly coming to an end,‭ ‬and after experiencing loss after loss in a court system he believed he had stacked in his favor,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s order to his Nazi militias to,‭ “‬Stand back,‭ ‬and stand by,‭” ‬is beginning to look like his only remaining alternative to impose his Nazi agenda on the people of the United States.

Since the USSC’s refusal to hear the Texas lawsuit is based in the conservative justices‭’ ‬interpretation of the U.S.‭ ‬Constitution,‭ ‬is that enough to convince the Republican politicians in Washington and across the country Biden is legally President Elect‭?

Right-wing extremists, leading the‭ ‬goose-stepping‭ ‬RWNJs in their militias,‭ ‬have been clear in their intent to defend their right to install the dictator of their choice in the White House.‭ ‬And while the‭ “‬oaths‭” ‬taken by militia members swear their duty is to defend the United States Constitution,‭ ‬history has proven the RWNJs‭’ ‬interpretations of constitutional law‭ ‬is flexible,‭ ‬and can be contorted to‭ ‬justify whatever their needs-of-the-moment require.‭

So,‭ ‬with the interpretations of constitutional law being those of militia leaders,‭ ‬which members of the Biden administration will these heavily armed,‭ ‬RWNJs target first‭?

A direct assault on the White House would be suicide,‭ ‬the impeached president trump had additional barricades constructed surrounding,‭ ‬what he had anticipated would be, his bunker when he became Führer.

Will the heavily armed RWNJs storm Capitol Hill and then attack the Capitol Building‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬the Democrats are the majority in one chamber,‭ ‬so the heavily armed RWNJs could claim their actions were to protect the congressional Republicans from harm.

No,‭ ‬the true intentions of the lunatics in these right-wing militias have always been clear,‭ ‬they want an oppressive,‭ ‬conservative,‭ ‬white supremacist government for the United States,‭ ‬and their best hope was the impeached president trump and his plan to scrap the U.S.‭ ‬Constitution‭ (‬which,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬claim to respect and defend is a lie‭) ‬and establish a fourth reich (‬with little to no difference from the Third Reich).

However,‭ ‬before you heavily armed RWNJs start killing people in defense of your interpretations of the Constitution,‭ ‬THINK.‭ (‬Yes,‭ ‬this is a difficult task for you since FOX Noise and the like have been doing it for you for so long,‭ ‬but try anyway.‭) ‬Your militias‭’ ‬attacks cannot be justified by the legal‭ ‬United States Government,‭ ‬which,‭ ‬since November‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬has been‭ ‬decided,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬by federal judges and USSC justices. Many of these individuals were ‬appointed by other Republicans, and several, by your own,‭ ‬beloved,‭ ‬cheeto-in-chief.‭ ‬This puts all of your militias‭’ ‬long-dreamed-of,‭ ‬violent acts into the realm of‭ ‬treason. This is treason, ‬as defined by the Constitution, which you RWNJs claim to understand... completely.‭ (‬No,‭ ‬not the convoluted reinterpretations the RWNJs post on these message boards.‭)

By constitutional definition:‭ ‬Treason against the United States,‭ ‬shall consist only in levying War against them,‭ ‬or in adhering to their Enemies,‭ ‬giving them Aid and Comfort.‭ ‬No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act,‭ ‬or on Confession in open Court.‭ (‬Interpretation: Treason Clause | The National Constitution Center)

So,‭ ‬go ahead,‭ ‬all of you RWNJ militia members,‭ ‬refuse to recognize Biden as POTUS.‭ ‬Just don’t,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬prove your right-wing stupidity,‭ ‬the same stupidity you people have exhibited‭ ‬during the four years of‭ ‬your blind loyalty to the lying conman who cares nothing about you or your lives. ‬They are lives he views as completely unimportant, but he realizes they belong to the only people he can rely on for the constant adoration he craves.‭ ‬

Open your eyes to these ‬little‭ ‬tidbits-of-truth, if nothing else,‭ ‬and don’t permit your militias‭’ ‬extremist‭ ‬commanders to lead you into committing treason.‭‭

Largest right-wing militia group in US will refuse to recognise Biden as president, leader says


Drinking heavy tonight?
Losing heavy tonight?

Haven't lost a thing.

America, on the other hand, as been losing since 1992.
Stand Back,‭ ‬And Stand By

The decision by the USSC not to hear the lawsuit brought by the Texas GOP,‭ ‬bent on overturning several other states voting results,‭ ‬indicates Chief Justice John Roberts has salvaged a small measure of personal integrity since his shameful performance during the impeached president trump’s Senate‭ “‬trial‭”‬.‭

It would appear the attempt by Moscow Mitch and the impeached president trump to install‭ “‬loyal allies‭” ‬to the highest bench might not have had the expected effect.‭ ‬Hopefully,‭ ‬this failure to serve the impeached president trump’s Nazi agenda by his intended stooges,‭ ‬Brett Kavanaugh,‭ ‬Neil Gorsuch,‭ ‬and‭ ‬Amy Coney Barrett is evidence they too have considered the true duties of their positions in‭ ‬our‭ ‬government.

But,‭ ‬with the days of his disastrous presidency quickly coming to an end,‭ ‬and after experiencing loss after loss in a court system he believed he had stacked in his favor,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s order to his Nazi militias to,‭ “‬Stand back,‭ ‬and stand by,‭” ‬is beginning to look like his only remaining alternative to impose his Nazi agenda on the people of the United States.

Since the USSC’s refusal to hear the Texas lawsuit is based in the conservative justices‭’ ‬interpretation of the U.S.‭ ‬Constitution,‭ ‬is that enough to convince the Republican politicians in Washington and across the country Biden is legally President Elect‭?

Right-wing extremists, leading the‭ ‬goose-stepping‭ ‬RWNJs in their militias,‭ ‬have been clear in their intent to defend their right to install the dictator of their choice in the White House.‭ ‬And while the‭ “‬oaths‭” ‬taken by militia members swear their duty is to defend the United States Constitution,‭ ‬history has proven the RWNJs‭’ ‬interpretations of constitutional law‭ ‬is flexible,‭ ‬and can be contorted to‭ ‬justify whatever their needs-of-the-moment require.‭

So,‭ ‬with the interpretations of constitutional law being those of militia leaders,‭ ‬which members of the Biden administration will these heavily armed,‭ ‬RWNJs target first‭?

A direct assault on the White House would be suicide,‭ ‬the impeached president trump had additional barricades constructed surrounding,‭ ‬what he had anticipated would be, his bunker when he became Führer.

Will the heavily armed RWNJs storm Capitol Hill and then attack the Capitol Building‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬the Democrats are the majority in one chamber,‭ ‬so the heavily armed RWNJs could claim their actions were to protect the congressional Republicans from harm.

No,‭ ‬the true intentions of the lunatics in these right-wing militias have always been clear,‭ ‬they want an oppressive,‭ ‬conservative,‭ ‬white supremacist government for the United States,‭ ‬and their best hope was the impeached president trump and his plan to scrap the U.S.‭ ‬Constitution‭ (‬which,‭ ‬the RWNJs‭’ ‬claim to respect and defend is a lie‭) ‬and establish a fourth reich (‬with little to no difference from the Third Reich).

However,‭ ‬before you heavily armed RWNJs start killing people in defense of your interpretations of the Constitution,‭ ‬THINK.‭ (‬Yes,‭ ‬this is a difficult task for you since FOX Noise and the like have been doing it for you for so long,‭ ‬but try anyway.‭) ‬Your militias‭’ ‬attacks cannot be justified by the legal‭ ‬United States Government,‭ ‬which,‭ ‬since November‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬has been‭ ‬decided,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬by federal judges and USSC justices. Many of these individuals were ‬appointed by other Republicans, and several, by your own,‭ ‬beloved,‭ ‬cheeto-in-chief.‭ ‬This puts all of your militias‭’ ‬long-dreamed-of,‭ ‬violent acts into the realm of‭ ‬treason. This is treason, ‬as defined by the Constitution, which you RWNJs claim to understand... completely.‭ (‬No,‭ ‬not the convoluted reinterpretations the RWNJs post on these message boards.‭)

By constitutional definition:‭ ‬Treason against the United States,‭ ‬shall consist only in levying War against them,‭ ‬or in adhering to their Enemies,‭ ‬giving them Aid and Comfort.‭ ‬No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act,‭ ‬or on Confession in open Court.‭ (‬Interpretation: Treason Clause | The National Constitution Center)

So,‭ ‬go ahead,‭ ‬all of you RWNJ militia members,‭ ‬refuse to recognize Biden as POTUS.‭ ‬Just don’t,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬prove your right-wing stupidity,‭ ‬the same stupidity you people have exhibited‭ ‬during the four years of‭ ‬your blind loyalty to the lying conman who cares nothing about you or your lives. ‬They are lives he views as completely unimportant, but he realizes they belong to the only people he can rely on for the constant adoration he craves.‭ ‬

Open your eyes to these ‬little‭ ‬tidbits-of-truth, if nothing else,‭ ‬and don’t permit your militias‭’ ‬extremist‭ ‬commanders to lead you into committing treason.‭‭

Largest right-wing militia group in US will refuse to recognise Biden as president, leader says


I'm not a militia type, but I won't recognize Scumbag Biden, either. There is a Block Biden Movement forming and ads are running in several places to recruit members.

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