Sri Lankan Bombers to be denied Religious Burial


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
I was reading this news story. It began with the persecution of Muslims in retaliation for the Easter Bombings. Then an interesting little piece came to light. Muslims in hiding in Sri Lanka as tensions rise after bombings

Sri Lanka’s Muslim Council said on Thursday night that Islamic community leaders had agreed that bodies of the terrorists would not be buried in an mosque burial ground.

“The Muslim community is so angry about this that they want to disown [the bombers],” said Hilmy Ahmed, a top official at the council, an umbrella organisation of Muslim civil society groups. “Their bodies will eventually be released — whatever is left of their bodies. [We] will not entertain the burial of them in the mosque.”

He said the community’s council of theologians, a body of religious scholars, had initially resisted the idea but relented and given its approval on Thursday.

Now, what got my attention? The idea that they had to convince the Theologians. I was raised in the Catholic Church. So in my mind this would be like going to the Bishop’s, and telling them that a Catholic could not have a Funeral Mass in a Catholic Church because of the Perception that the Church agreed with their horrible actions if they did.

Several thoughts came to mind as I considered this turn of events. First, I remembered that Islam tells the followers to lie as needed to fool the Infidels. The second thing is that the Muslims in Sri Lanka appeared shocked at the horrific nature of the attack, while at the same time nations where Islam is the ruling religion Christians are executed for Apostasy. So why is it fine to execute a Christian for Apostasy in one nation, but horrible that someone would do the same thing in another?

Perhaps I am just suspicious, but I am not buying it. Even Osama bin Laden got a proper Islamic Burial. Yet the Muslims in Sri Lanka are going to be denied it? Details Of Osama Bin Laden's Secret Burial At Sea Revealed In Military Emails

Perhaps you see now why I am suspicious of the statements, and the purported attitudes behind it. Oh we totally do not agree with the Bombers at all. In fact, we are so disgusted, we are denying them a Muslim Burial.

Even the most heinous criminals and horrific people get a Minister in our System. Someone to discuss the hereafter, and they get a funeral with a Priest who talks about the time of judgement and resurrection. Gang Bangers get funerals in local Churches, and buried in the Cemetery. But not the Muslims?

Something stinks, and I suspect it is partly an effort to placate the hostility of the majority of Sri Lankan people who are furious at the attack, and targeting the Muslim Population, especially the Refugees. I think the Theologians took the time to decide this issue because they had to decide if the willingness to lie to the Infidel for the good of the majority was worth the insult to the faithful.
Why waste time on what Criminals "dont get"? Worry about the victims. I dont care if they drop any possible accompliss into a woodchipper too.

The USA needs fast Executions for many on live Fri night TV. Send a strong message. Zero tolerance. No more coddling killers.
Considering Buddhism is practiced by 70% of the population, which is non-theistic...
I was reading this news story. It began with the persecution of Muslims in retaliation for the Easter Bombings. Then an interesting little piece came to light. Muslims in hiding in Sri Lanka as tensions rise after bombings

Sri Lanka’s Muslim Council said on Thursday night that Islamic community leaders had agreed that bodies of the terrorists would not be buried in an mosque burial ground.

“The Muslim community is so angry about this that they want to disown [the bombers],” said Hilmy Ahmed, a top official at the council, an umbrella organisation of Muslim civil society groups. “Their bodies will eventually be released — whatever is left of their bodies. [We] will not entertain the burial of them in the mosque.”

He said the community’s council of theologians, a body of religious scholars, had initially resisted the idea but relented and given its approval on Thursday.

Now, what got my attention? The idea that they had to convince the Theologians. I was raised in the Catholic Church. So in my mind this would be like going to the Bishop’s, and telling them that a Catholic could not have a Funeral Mass in a Catholic Church because of the Perception that the Church agreed with their horrible actions if they did.

Several thoughts came to mind as I considered this turn of events. First, I remembered that Islam tells the followers to lie as needed to fool the Infidels. The second thing is that the Muslims in Sri Lanka appeared shocked at the horrific nature of the attack, while at the same time nations where Islam is the ruling religion Christians are executed for Apostasy. So why is it fine to execute a Christian for Apostasy in one nation, but horrible that someone would do the same thing in another?

Perhaps I am just suspicious, but I am not buying it. Even Osama bin Laden got a proper Islamic Burial. Yet the Muslims in Sri Lanka are going to be denied it? Details Of Osama Bin Laden's Secret Burial At Sea Revealed In Military Emails

Perhaps you see now why I am suspicious of the statements, and the purported attitudes behind it. Oh we totally do not agree with the Bombers at all. In fact, we are so disgusted, we are denying them a Muslim Burial.

Even the most heinous criminals and horrific people get a Minister in our System. Someone to discuss the hereafter, and they get a funeral with a Priest who talks about the time of judgement and resurrection. Gang Bangers get funerals in local Churches, and buried in the Cemetery. But not the Muslims?

Something stinks, and I suspect it is partly an effort to placate the hostility of the majority of Sri Lankan people who are furious at the attack, and targeting the Muslim Population, especially the Refugees. I think the Theologians took the time to decide this issue because they had to decide if the willingness to lie to the Infidel for the good of the majority was worth the insult to the faithful.
Why waste time on what Criminals "dont get"? Worry about the victims. I dont care if they drop any possible accompliss into a woodchipper too.

The USA needs fast Executions for many on live Fri night TV. Send a strong message. Zero tolerance. No more coddling killers.

You know, your words might make some sense, if only it had any appreciable result that is in keeping what you claim it will be. America, with it’s huge Prison Population, has a high recidivism rate. Norway, which focuses on Rehabilitation, instead of punitive, has about one tenth our rate of Recidivism.

Now, if we are to be practical, and even I dare say Conservative, then finding the way that works the best, should be our goal right? I mean, this isn’t fuzzy headed feel good nonsense, this is actual statistical evidence from confirmable sources. The same sort of statistical evidence that clearly shows that Assault Rifles are not the threat the left makes them out to be, and Concealed Carry people are the most law abiding in the nation.

Why Norway's prison system is so successful

So the puritan nonsense doesn’t work. We have a very low success rate of scaring people into obeying the law by making Prison awful. We pack them in like sardines, feed them slop, let them live in constant danger of attack, and when they get out, they commit more crimes and go back.

So the hard core let me punish them and they’ll learn nonsense doesn’t seem to work. We can at least admit that can’t we? I mean, it’s been going on all my life, and pretty much since the dawn of history for this Nation, and we’re still in the same mess concerning Recidivism. So what does work? We have a model that does work, and why aren’t we looking at it and wondering how to make it work in our Nation if our goal is to reduce repeat offenders and the revolving door of the Prisons?
Why waste time on what Criminals "dont get"? Worry about the victims. I dont care if they drop any possible accompliss into a woodchipper too.

The USA needs fast Executions for many on live Fri night TV. Send a strong message. Zero tolerance. No more coddling killers.

You know, your words might make some sense, if only it had any appreciable result that is in keeping what you claim it will be. America, with it’s huge Prison Population, has a high recidivism rate. Norway, which focuses on Rehabilitation, instead of punitive, has about one tenth our rate of Recidivism.

Now, if we are to be practical, and even I dare say Conservative, then finding the way that works the best, should be our goal right? I mean, this isn’t fuzzy headed feel good nonsense, this is actual statistical evidence from confirmable sources. The same sort of statistical evidence that clearly shows that Assault Rifles are not the threat the left makes them out to be, and Concealed Carry people are the most law abiding in the nation.

Why Norway's prison system is so successful

So the puritan nonsense doesn’t work. We have a very low success rate of scaring people into obeying the law by making Prison awful. We pack them in like sardines, feed them slop, let them live in constant danger of attack, and when they get out, they commit more crimes and go back.

So the hard core let me punish them and they’ll learn nonsense doesn’t seem to work. We can at least admit that can’t we? I mean, it’s been going on all my life, and pretty much since the dawn of history for this Nation, and we’re still in the same mess concerning Recidivism. So what does work? We have a model that does work, and why aren’t we looking at it and wondering how to make it work in our Nation if our goal is to reduce repeat offenders and the revolving door of the Prisons?

Our prisons are country clubs compared to most of the world. Worse living is on the streets for many.

We have massive freedoms. The slow learners repeatedly violate existing laws and end up locked up. We can't even "rehabilitate" the ghetto street vermin. Forget about those stupid enough to get locked up.

Kill all of them who committed repeat violent felonies quickly. Let the youth watch on TV. You are right too, it aint working as-is. Hang back up the Ten commandments in Grade school. Clean it up going forward.

No more TV and lifting dead weight. Fire up the woodchipper for the worst first. Cut costs, make room for minor criminals. note: Norway does not have the same problems as USA. Leave it there.
Why waste time on what Criminals "dont get"? Worry about the victims. I dont care if they drop any possible accompliss into a woodchipper too.

The USA needs fast Executions for many on live Fri night TV. Send a strong message. Zero tolerance. No more coddling killers.

You know, your words might make some sense, if only it had any appreciable result that is in keeping what you claim it will be. America, with it’s huge Prison Population, has a high recidivism rate. Norway, which focuses on Rehabilitation, instead of punitive, has about one tenth our rate of Recidivism.

Now, if we are to be practical, and even I dare say Conservative, then finding the way that works the best, should be our goal right? I mean, this isn’t fuzzy headed feel good nonsense, this is actual statistical evidence from confirmable sources. The same sort of statistical evidence that clearly shows that Assault Rifles are not the threat the left makes them out to be, and Concealed Carry people are the most law abiding in the nation.

Why Norway's prison system is so successful

So the puritan nonsense doesn’t work. We have a very low success rate of scaring people into obeying the law by making Prison awful. We pack them in like sardines, feed them slop, let them live in constant danger of attack, and when they get out, they commit more crimes and go back.

So the hard core let me punish them and they’ll learn nonsense doesn’t seem to work. We can at least admit that can’t we? I mean, it’s been going on all my life, and pretty much since the dawn of history for this Nation, and we’re still in the same mess concerning Recidivism. So what does work? We have a model that does work, and why aren’t we looking at it and wondering how to make it work in our Nation if our goal is to reduce repeat offenders and the revolving door of the Prisons?
American prison populations looks far more like that of Brazil than Norway.
Ernest T. Like them Russian prisons where they bend dem' arms up behind when moving keep dem' heads down so as deys' don't look around too much. Seen it on da' TeeVee.

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