SPLCs Long Overdue Comeuppance Has Arrived...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
As more than 60 individuals and groups prepare to file lawsuits against the slanderous, libelous, liberal extortion machine. In the fallout of the recent Nawaz settlement, more, and more victims are coming forward, and speaking out. Its past time karma paid these guys a visit...
'About 60 Organizations' Are Considering a Lawsuit Against the SPLC Following $3M Nawaz Settlement

"Even the shooter last year in D.C. was a Facebook fan of the SPLC and the SPLC ran a false article saying [House Majority Whip] Steve Scaliese was a white supremacist,”

"In 2012, Floyd Lee Corkins III broke into the Family Research Council (FRC), aiming to kill everyone in the building. He admitted to targeting the FRC because the SPLC listed it as an “anti-gay group” on its “hate map.”

The list of transgressions is long, and storied. And has left more than a few bodies in its wake. I hope these fuckers get cleaned out...
Go ahead...let us know how it works out.
It's already working out. Don't forget to donate. They just lost a cool 3 and a half million. With many more suits to come. Donate! Donate! Donate!!!
Go ahead...let us know how it works out.
It's already working out. Don't forget to donate. They just lost a cool 3 and a half million. With many more suits to come. Donate! Donate! Donate!!!
Really? So the lawsuit has been filed? In what court?
Do catch up... SPLC folded. Paid out uncontested. Just under 3.5 mill... That was just one, of many more to come. Don't forget to donate. The SPLCs victims need your money...
As more than 60 individuals and groups prepare to file lawsuits against the slanderous, libelous, liberal extortion machine. In the fallout of the recent Nawaz settlement, more, and more victims are coming forward, and speaking out. Its past time karma paid these guys a visit...
'About 60 Organizations' Are Considering a Lawsuit Against the SPLC Following $3M Nawaz Settlement

"Even the shooter last year in D.C. was a Facebook fan of the SPLC and the SPLC ran a false article saying [House Majority Whip] Steve Scaliese was a white supremacist,”

"In 2012, Floyd Lee Corkins III broke into the Family Research Council (FRC), aiming to kill everyone in the building. He admitted to targeting the FRC because the SPLC listed it as an “anti-gay group” on its “hate map.”

The list of transgressions is long, and storied. And has left more than a few bodies in its wake. I hope these fuckers get cleaned out...

We would hope that the SPLC is bankrupted, keep going with all these lawsuits, if any fail then bring other lawsuits, never give up. The SPLC is a Race Hate Organisation operated by the most virulent pure racists, they HATE White peoples, they ESPECIALLY HATE White Christian Conservatives, there is not ONE Leftist Hate Group on their system, there is not ONE Black Hate Group on their system, MS-13 are NOT on their system, all those who work at the SPLC are Far Leftist Anti-White, Anti-Christian Racist Bigots.
As more than 60 individuals and groups prepare to file lawsuits against the slanderous, libelous, liberal extortion machine. In the fallout of the recent Nawaz settlement, more, and more victims are coming forward, and speaking out. Its past time karma paid these guys a visit...
'About 60 Organizations' Are Considering a Lawsuit Against the SPLC Following $3M Nawaz Settlement

"Even the shooter last year in D.C. was a Facebook fan of the SPLC and the SPLC ran a false article saying [House Majority Whip] Steve Scaliese was a white supremacist,”

"In 2012, Floyd Lee Corkins III broke into the Family Research Council (FRC), aiming to kill everyone in the building. He admitted to targeting the FRC because the SPLC listed it as an “anti-gay group” on its “hate map.”

The list of transgressions is long, and storied. And has left more than a few bodies in its wake. I hope these fuckers get cleaned out...

We would hope that the SPLC is bankrupted, keep going with all these lawsuits, if any fail then bring other lawsuits, never give up. The SPLC is a Race Hate Organisation operated by the most virulent pure racists, they HATE White peoples, they ESPECIALLY HATE White Christian Conservatives, there is not ONE Leftist Hate Group on their system, there is not ONE Black Hate Group on their system, MS-13 are NOT on their system, all those who work at the SPLC are Far Leftist Anti-White, Anti-Christian Racist Bigots.

we all know Christian white Evangelicals groups are full of hatred.
Go ahead...let us know how it works out.
It's already working out. Don't forget to donate. They just lost a cool 3 and a half million. With many more suits to come. Donate! Donate! Donate!!!
Really? So the lawsuit has been filed? In what court?

Google is easy to use, but Troll Boi's like you have nothing to add just exist to Troll threads.

Here are two reports Newsweek and the SPLC own website has it, both state they had to give Nawaz 3.3 million Dollars for their vicious Hate Campaign against him and his organisation that was totally inaccurate, hopefully this is the first nail in the SPLC coffin.

Southern Poverty Law Center settles lawsuit after falsely labeling “extremist” organization

SPLC statement regarding Maajid Nawaz and the Quilliam Foundation
As more than 60 individuals and groups prepare to file lawsuits against the slanderous, libelous, liberal extortion machine. In the fallout of the recent Nawaz settlement, more, and more victims are coming forward, and speaking out. Its past time karma paid these guys a visit...
'About 60 Organizations' Are Considering a Lawsuit Against the SPLC Following $3M Nawaz Settlement

"Even the shooter last year in D.C. was a Facebook fan of the SPLC and the SPLC ran a false article saying [House Majority Whip] Steve Scaliese was a white supremacist,”

"In 2012, Floyd Lee Corkins III broke into the Family Research Council (FRC), aiming to kill everyone in the building. He admitted to targeting the FRC because the SPLC listed it as an “anti-gay group” on its “hate map.”

The list of transgressions is long, and storied. And has left more than a few bodies in its wake. I hope these fuckers get cleaned out...

We would hope that the SPLC is bankrupted, keep going with all these lawsuits, if any fail then bring other lawsuits, never give up. The SPLC is a Race Hate Organisation operated by the most virulent pure racists, they HATE White peoples, they ESPECIALLY HATE White Christian Conservatives, there is not ONE Leftist Hate Group on their system, there is not ONE Black Hate Group on their system, MS-13 are NOT on their system, all those who work at the SPLC are Far Leftist Anti-White, Anti-Christian Racist Bigots.

we all know Christian white Evangelicals groups are full of hatred.

We all know that Black Muslim groups are full of hatred, that BLM are full of hatred also.
Good to see the SPLC finally get some comeuppance.

In b4 they're bankrupted by multiple lawsuits. They've been libeling people for years and getting away with it.

Southern Poverty Law Center settles lawsuit after falsely labeling “extremist” organization

That's 3.3 milion. I just read they're worth $500 million. A long ways to go.

The SPLC need to be forced to hand in the books to be audited, there are many who comment the SPLC have been money laundering and also that they receive dirty money, time to force their books to be audited. They should be monitored, hopefully they are monitored listening devices in offices, phones bugged etc that is what you do with Subversive Organisations.
Good to see the SPLC finally get some comeuppance.

In b4 they're bankrupted by multiple lawsuits. They've been libeling people for years and getting away with it.

Southern Poverty Law Center settles lawsuit after falsely labeling “extremist” organization

That's 3.3 milion. I just read they're worth $500 million. A long ways to go.

The SPLC need to be forced to hand in the books to be audited, there are many who comment the SPLC have been money laundering and also that they receive dirty money, time to force their books to be audited. They should be monitored, hopefully they are monitored listening devices in offices, phones bugged etc that is what you do with Subversive Organisations.

SPLC and ACLU are subversive communist organizations.

There was this pastor in Miami that fought and exposed them for years. They probably killed him.

His name was Kennedy.
Good to see the SPLC finally get some comeuppance.

In b4 they're bankrupted by multiple lawsuits. They've been libeling people for years and getting away with it.

Southern Poverty Law Center settles lawsuit after falsely labeling “extremist” organization

That's 3.3 milion. I just read they're worth $500 million. A long ways to go.

The SPLC need to be forced to hand in the books to be audited, there are many who comment the SPLC have been money laundering and also that they receive dirty money, time to force their books to be audited. They should be monitored, hopefully they are monitored listening devices in offices, phones bugged etc that is what you do with Subversive Organisations.

SPLC and ACLU are subversive communist organizations.

There was this pastor in Miami that fought and exposed them for years. They probably killed him.

His name was Kennedy.

The majority of those organisations and the ones that were before them have Communist connections that pre-date the 1950s, Senator Joseph McCarthy was correct about all these groups being infested with Commie filth. What America needs is a new Joseph McCarthy, your Institutions are infested with Subversive Far Left Traitors who HATE America and want America to fail, this is why all that crowd fanatically support importing unlimited amounts from Third World Shit Holes it is to weaken America and bankrupt your resources so that America becomes a Third World Shit Hole, Leftists consider that Progress and Justice as punishment for The Slave Trade and Colonialism.
Lol, they made a mistake, they admitted it, and they paid some restitution to the guy's foundation.

It's not their death knell kids. If you do a little reading you will find that the consensus is they would have won had it gone to court as libel is a really high bar in the US. They were just trying to do the right thing. Rare in this day and age I know, but there it is.
Go ahead...let us know how it works out.
It's already working out. Don't forget to donate. They just lost a cool 3 and a half million. With many more suits to come. Donate! Donate! Donate!!!
Really? So the lawsuit has been filed? In what court?
Do catch up... SPLC folded. Paid out uncontested. Just under 3.5 mill... That was just one, of many more to come. Don't forget to donate. The SPLCs victims need your money...

Get the IRS on them, get all Criminal Investigation organisations on them, follow the dirty money of the SPLC, investigate why they are funnelling MILLIONS into Off Shore Accounts in the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands and Bermuda, investigate where are they getting ALL of their money from it's A LOT of money considering they are a non-profit. The American Government have powerful tools that are there to be used, they should take the gloves off, follow the dirty money leading to a potential shut down of the SPLC using the RICO Law.



IRS investigate SPLC Cayman




Millions In International Accounts Linked To Far-Left Lobbying Group
Go ahead...let us know how it works out.
It's already working out. Don't forget to donate. They just lost a cool 3 and a half million. With many more suits to come. Donate! Donate! Donate!!!
Really? So the lawsuit has been filed? In what court?
Do catch up... SPLC folded. Paid out uncontested. Just under 3.5 mill... That was just one, of many more to come. Don't forget to donate. The SPLCs victims need your money...

Get the IRS on them, get all Criminal Investigation organisations on them, follow the dirty money of the SPLC, investigate why they are funnelling MILLIONS into Off Shore Accounts in the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands and Bermuda, investigate where are they getting ALL of their money from it's A LOT of money considering they are a non-profit. The American Government have powerful tools that are there to be used, they should take the gloves off, follow the dirty money leading to a potential shut down of the SPLC using the RICO Law.

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IRS investigate SPLC Cayman

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Millions In International Accounts Linked To Far-Left Lobbying Group
Wed have to clean out the IRS, and DOJ first. We see what results when we let leftist investigate themselves...
Good to see the SPLC finally get some comeuppance.

In b4 they're bankrupted by multiple lawsuits. They've been libeling people for years and getting away with it.

Southern Poverty Law Center settles lawsuit after falsely labeling “extremist” organization

That's 3.3 milion. I just read they're worth $500 million. A long ways to go.

The SPLC need to be forced to hand in the books to be audited, there are many who comment the SPLC have been money laundering and also that they receive dirty money, time to force their books to be audited. They should be monitored, hopefully they are monitored listening devices in offices, phones bugged etc that is what you do with Subversive Organisations.

You’re an idiot. As a charity, SPLC is REQUIRED to provide audited financial statement to the IRS annually.
Go ahead...let us know how it works out.
It's already working out. Don't forget to donate. They just lost a cool 3 and a half million. With many more suits to come. Donate! Donate! Donate!!!
Really? So the lawsuit has been filed? In what court?
Do catch up... SPLC folded. Paid out uncontested. Just under 3.5 mill... That was just one, of many more to come. Don't forget to donate. The SPLCs victims need your money...

Get the IRS on them, get all Criminal Investigation organisations on them, follow the dirty money of the SPLC, investigate why they are funnelling MILLIONS into Off Shore Accounts in the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands and Bermuda, investigate where are they getting ALL of their money from it's A LOT of money considering they are a non-profit. The American Government have powerful tools that are there to be used, they should take the gloves off, follow the dirty money leading to a potential shut down of the SPLC using the RICO Law.

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IRS investigate SPLC Cayman

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Millions In International Accounts Linked To Far-Left Lobbying Group
Wed have to clean out the IRS, and DOJ first. We see what results when we let leftist investigate themselves...

Well yes of course, but if I were running the ship I would have the SPLC HQ raided in a dawn raid, EVERYTHING would be seized and ALL their bank accounts would be frozen all of this pending a FULL investigation into their operation and their finances, they are very probably running a Criminal Enterprise as Amy Sterling Casil of the Pacific Human Capital states it is almost unheard of for ANY organisation of this nature to be funnelling MILLIONS into Off Shore Accounts, this is probably how the dirty money is being laundered because that's the usual way you launder MILLIONS is via Off Shore Accounts in areas like the Cayman Islands for example, that the SPLC are also doing this via the British Virgin Islands is a big Red Flag, I am not 100% in the knowledge about money laundering operations in Bermuda so I'll have to ask a friend of mine who is 100% in the knowledge about money laundering operations as it's his job to assist in shutting them down and prosecuting the perpetrators.
Good to see the SPLC finally get some comeuppance.

In b4 they're bankrupted by multiple lawsuits. They've been libeling people for years and getting away with it.

Southern Poverty Law Center settles lawsuit after falsely labeling “extremist” organization

That's 3.3 milion. I just read they're worth $500 million. A long ways to go.

The SPLC need to be forced to hand in the books to be audited, there are many who comment the SPLC have been money laundering and also that they receive dirty money, time to force their books to be audited. They should be monitored, hopefully they are monitored listening devices in offices, phones bugged etc that is what you do with Subversive Organisations.

You’re an idiot. As a charity, SPLC is REQUIRED to provide audited financial statement to the IRS annually.

You are the idiot, they have been funnelling MILLIONS into Off Shore Accounts in the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands and Bermuda, whatever books they have given to the IRS very probably are cooked.

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