SPLC sues neo-Nazi leader who targeted Jewish woman in anti-Semitic harassment campaign


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
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The Southern Poverty Law Center, along with its Montana co-counsel, filed suit in federal court today against the founder of a major neo-Nazi website who orchestrated a harassment campaign that has relentlessly terrorized a Jewish woman and her family with anti-Semitic threats and messages.

The lawsuit describes how Andrew Anglin used his web forum, the Daily Stormer – the leading extremist website in the country – to publish 30 articles urging his followers to launch a “troll storm” against Tanya Gersh, a real estate agent in Whitefish, Montana. Gersh, her husband and 12-year-old son have received more than 700 harassing messages since December.

The intimidation began after Anglin accused Gersh of attempting to extort money from the mother of Richard Spencer. The younger Spencer heads the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist organization.

Anglin and Spencer are both prominent leaders of the “alt-right” movement that rallied white nationalists behind President Donald Trump’s campaign.

“Andrew Anglin knew he had an online army primed to attack with the click of a mouse,” said SPLC President Richard Cohen. “We intend to hold him accountable for the suffering he has caused Ms. Gersh and to send a strong message to those who use their online platforms as weapons of intimidation.”

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Montana, Missoula Division, seeks compensatory and punitive damages. It accuses Anglin of invading Gersh’s privacy and intentionally inflicting emotional distress. It also outlines how his campaign violated the Montana Anti-Intimidation Act.

“There’s no place in Montana for the hate Andrew Anglin unleashed from the darkest corners of the internet,” said co-counsel John Morrison, a partner with Morrison, Sherwood, Wilson, & Deola. “The attack on Tanya Gersh was an attack on all of us.”

Anglin, whose website attracts hundreds of thousands of readers each month, is a key figure in the alt-right movement, which was energized by Trump’s campaign. The day after the election, he wrote, “Our Glorious Leader has ascended to God Emperor. Make no mistake about it: we did this. If it were not for us, it wouldn’t have been possible.”

Anglin also encouraged his followers after the election to harass Muslims and “any foreigners you see.” He wrote, “We want these people to feel unwanted. We want them to feel that everything around them is against them. And we want them to be afraid.”

Within the first 10 days after the election, the SPLC documented nearly 900 bias-related incidents across the country, many of them done in Trump’s name.

Rest here: SPLC sues neo-Nazi leader who targeted Jewish woman in anti-Semitic harassment campaign


I hope the SPLC and their legal team crush Anglin like the miserable cockroach that he is in court.

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