Specualtive fear mongering runs amok.

quit clinging to the idea that the most likely outcome is 1979.

This is not 1979 and Egypt is not Iran.
I was watching MSNBC before going to work. They were interviewing people in the square and someone from Parliment. All they kept talking about was Freedom, Modernizing and a love for America. I heard nothing about religion. They weren't even "mad" at Mubarak. And they were happy about the military.

So far so good.
Just saying that it looked good in Iran for a while too, but we all see what happened there. It may be good that the military has taken power. The officers are likely more capable of guiding a rational transition than Muslim clerics.
Mubaric would have influenced the transition rater than guided it.
Iranian Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The revolution was populist, nationalist and later Shi'a Islamic. It was in part a conservative backlash against the Westernizing and secularizing efforts of the Western-backed Shah,[17] and a liberal backlash to social injustice and other shortcomings of the ancien régime.[18] The Shah was perceived by many as beholden to — if not a puppet of — a non-Muslim Western power (the United States)[19][20] whose culture was impacting that of Iran.

The Shah's regime was seen as oppressive, brutal,[21][22] corrupt, and extravagant;[21][23] it also suffered from basic functional failures — an over-ambitious economic program that brought economic bottlenecks, shortages and inflation.[24] Security forces were unable to deal with protest and demonstrations;[25] Iran was an overly centralized royal power structure.[26] The extraordinarily large size of the anti-shah movement meant that there "were literally too many protesters to arrest", and that the security forces were overwhelmed.[27]
quit clinging to the idea that the most likely outcome is 1979.

This is not 1979 and Egypt is not Iran.

No one is 'clinging' to that idea. We are just intelligent to learn the lessons of history. Perhaps you should stop clinging to the idea that everything in Egypt is fine. It isn't. This is a dangerous time for the Egyptian people, and for the region. We do not need more Irans, we need more real democracies. Do you think Iran is a democracy?
Iran 1979 was for less western trappings.

This was an obvious cry for modern movement into democracy.

keep pretending the history is the same.

your still wrong
The people of Iran wanted religious rule.

Much like some christains here in the US
The people of Iran wanted religious rule.

Much like some christains here in the US

No, they didn't. They wanted a democracy. Their revolution was multi-party, with representation of secular, Islamic and other groups. Look how that ended up. If you could stop 'learning on the fly' by reading wiki and pretending that teaches you everything you need to know about a given topic, that would help you to understand what you don't know.

I'm not even gonna bother addressing your moronic shit about Christians in the US. Too stupid for comment.
They got what they wanted.

You will see the same crap if the christian right ever get full power
truthmatters is doing what liberals ALWAYS do: running "feelings" instead of reality.

the truth is WE DONT KNOW what will happen.

the truth is, it COULD end up like Iran, which would be BAD

prudence and common sense REQUIRE that we consider the possibility
Iranian Revolution

6 June 1963, martial law ordered as riots follow the arrest of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
16 January 1979, shah left the country after turmoil.
1 February 1979, revolutionary forces under Khomeini seize power after his return to the country (He had gone into exile after arrest in 1963.).
31 March 1979, referendum approved the establishment of an Islamic republic with Khomeini in de facto control.
7 April 1979, prominent Iranians executed.
4 November 1979, Iranian militants seized the U.S. embassy in Teheran and held sixty-six occupants hostage, demanding the return of the shah from the U.S. After the shah's death in 1980 in Egypt, an agreement was negotiated that freed the hostages on 20 January 1981.
2 December 1979, Khomeini became absolute ruler for life.
27 July 1980, shah died.
November 1980, the First Gulf War broke out between Iran and Iraq.
truthmatters is doing what liberals ALWAYS do: running "feelings" instead of reality.

the truth is WE DONT KNOW what will happen.

the truth is, it COULD end up like Iran, which would be BAD

prudence and common sense REQUIRE that we consider the possibility

I thanked you for this post, but I would still correct you by saying TM is doing what TM always does. Not all liberals are clueless assclowns.
truthmatters is doing what liberals ALWAYS do: running "feelings" instead of reality.

the truth is WE DONT KNOW what will happen.

the truth is, it COULD end up like Iran, which would be BAD

prudence and common sense REQUIRE that we consider the possibility

I thanked you for this post, but I would still correct you by saying TM is doing what TM always does. Not all liberals are clueless assclowns.

TM isn't a liberal, she's a lefty. The liberals are the intelligent ones. The lefties are just a bunch of morons who get their opinions from the HuffPuff and MediaMatters. :lol:
Note the REAL history.

The whole thing started in Iran because they arrested Khomeini.

Iranians wanted religious rule and a less western society.
truthmatters is doing what liberals ALWAYS do: running "feelings" instead of reality.

the truth is WE DONT KNOW what will happen.

the truth is, it COULD end up like Iran, which would be BAD

prudence and common sense REQUIRE that we consider the possibility

I thanked you for this post, but I would still correct you by saying TM is doing what TM always does. Not all liberals are clueless assclowns.

TM isn't a liberal, she's a lefty. The liberals are the intelligent ones. The lefties are just a bunch of morons who get their opinions from the HuffPuff and MediaMatters. :lol:

point taken :thup:
truthmatters is doing what liberals ALWAYS do: running "feelings" instead of reality.

the truth is WE DONT KNOW what will happen.

the truth is, it COULD end up like Iran, which would be BAD

prudence and common sense REQUIRE that we consider the possibility

I thanked you for this post, but I would still correct you by saying TM is doing what TM always does. Not all liberals are clueless assclowns.

ah, that explains it.....thanks for the heads up

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