Specualtive fear mongering runs amok.

I think that, regardless of political persuasion, intelligent people look back to 1979 in Iran - where they had a similar revolution - and the revolution was a multi-party one - with a plan for secular, democratic, government. If anyone thinks that Iran is now a beacon of democracy in the ME, can you please educate yourself.

This is nothing to do with US politics. It is about intelligent analysis and critical thinking.

And, just so we're factually accurate - it was not a bloodless revolution in Egypt. People died - on both sides. The anti-Mubarak protestors lynched their opponents, the pro-government side shot some, and there are still some people 'missing'.
I'm not convinced that Egypt will go the way of Iran, but it would be foolish to dismiss the possibility as 'speculative fear mongering run amok.' I mean, it's just as speculative to say they'll successfully transition to a secular democracy. But as far as that goes, for sure a home grown, mostly non-violent revolution is a better start than say, having your dictator overthrown by a foreign, invading force.
Arab people walked peacefully and took their country back.

Its not 1979 anymore.
Arab people walked peacefully and took their country back.

Its not 1979 anymore.

Nature abhors a vacuum.

And if you don't think Islamic religious leaders in Egypt are mobilizing right now to do all they can to institute a Muslim theocracy you're delusional. They may well fail, and I sure hope they do, but you can be sure they're gonna try.
I'm not convinced that Egypt will go the way of Iran, but it would be foolish to dismiss the possibility as 'speculative fear mongering run amok.' I mean, it's just as speculative to say they'll successfully transition to a secular democracy. But as far as that goes, for sure a home grown, mostly non-violent revolution is a better start than say, having your dictator overthrown by a foreign, invading force.

That's the point. No one is saying that IS what WILL happen. Some of us are just smart enough not to celebrate BEFORE we see the results of the revolution. It's wonderful that the Egyptian people have overthrown a tyrannical regime.... but we really need to help to ensure that they get the democracy they want and make sure that Egypt does not get overrun by another tyrannical regime like the poor Iranians did.
Arab people walked peacefully and took their country back.

Its not 1979 anymore.

Nature abhors a vacuum.

And if you don't think Islamic religious leaders in Egypt are mobilizing right now to do all they can to institute a Muslim theocracy you're delusional. They may well fail, and I sure hope they do, but you can be sure they're gonna try.

Only the very naive think this thing is over now, those of us with an intellect know it has only just started.
You fear the results of democracy.

I dont.

Democracy is messy but its the best thing going.

This young population of Egypt are tech savy and plugged into the rest of the world.

For one time in your life BELIEVE in the greatness of democracy and the goodness of people who have already proven they are non violent and in power.
Egypt will shatter the neocon meme that Arab people are nothing but violent terrorist who perpitrate violence.
You fear the results of democracy.

I dont.

Democracy is messy but its the best thing going.

This young population of Egypt are tech savy and plugged into the rest of the world.

For one time in your life BELIEVE in the greatness of democracy and the goodness of people who have already proven they are non violent and in power.

Stop being so fucking naive. Life is not a Disney movie and bad things happen to good people. That is not fear, truthdon'tmatter, it is logic.

You seem to think that the revolution is done and everything is fine now. That is naive. Now is a dangerous time... for the Egyptian people, for the people of Israel, and for every country that has an interest in the region.... including other tyrannical regimes.

I believe in the greatness of democracy.... but I also know the evils of men. You pretend everyone is a good guy if that helps you sleep at night.... some of us prefer to face the world as it really is.
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OMG! Egypt will be a Mulsim Sahria law nation and will spread in the middle east and doom Israel!

Pathetic media.

And it is well reflected on here.

"Specualtive fear mongering runs amok. "

There is nothing wrong with a little fear mongering, as long as the speculators get mongered.

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